I Hate Hatch Challenges

I just really need to vent, because I've been trying for this time's hatch challenge for well over a week now. I actually accomplished it last night, but the game chose to bug out and did not reward me, and the matches tonight have been making me pull my hair out. If I'm not being targeted and tunneled nearly every game because it's more rampant than ever, I'm being targeted and tunneled for having the gall to bring a key and hatch offering.
I just had a match where I was set up perfectly in position and ready to go, but then the last survivor just didn't leave. They stayed until the absolute last possible second of EGC and I died, and I had to force close the game because I mentally can't take anymore tries tonight. The thing that really gets me is that whenever I don't have it selected, bam, I get hatch too damn easily, and it absolutely kills me.
I really wish that all challenges of a tome would be active at once so that they can just be completed very naturally and not have to have situations be forced just to complete them.
Is anyone else hating this challenge or is it just me? Because I really feel like it's just my luck.
Hehe "vent" i see what you did there.
In all seriousness though hatch challenges do really suck. It's a nice backup mechanic but explicitly needing to escape via hatch requires you to either throw the game or risk it all during the EGC. Which given most survs habit of sitting in the exit gates to teabag the killer makes that risk all the worse.
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Its a stupid challenge, but you make a mistake. Dont bring a key and a map offering. Use left behind or better clairvoyance.
With a key and map offering you tell everyone what you want to do. And they will want to stop you.
Just play normally with one of this perks and if a match goes south (one dead and 4 gens left), play for hatch.
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I got lucky with it this time but yeah those challenges can really suck. All you can do is bring a key and hatch offering and hope for the best.
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They can be incredibly annoying. I'd suggest bringing Left Behind.
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Yeah end game collapse challenges can be annoying bc people are dc'ing or the players are so bad that you don't make it there.
Ehh that's DBD for ya!
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I hate almost all survivors challenges, because except few "repair a gen" it require you to throw the game or be complete selfish scumbag.
Hatch challenges is just a part of the whole trash pile.
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Oof, sorry it was so rough for you. For what it's worth, Clairvoyance is definitely the way to go; I was able to do it on my first try thanks to that perk.
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Remember the 'escape from hatch while holding a map' challenge from last year?
Still have this clip. Talking about people not leaving...
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The whole survivors not leaving thing has been what has draaaaaaggged out every hatch challenge I've ever had. Doesn't matter how good or bad the trial went, most survivors will hang out at the exit until forced to leave by the killer or the timer is about to expire.
The solution is pretty simple, though I've no idea why it's never been implemented. Any survivor loitering at or within 12m of an open exit gate for longer than 8 seconds without leaving the trial or going further into the map (such as to try to rescue someone) begins accumulating an exit debuff timer equal to 2 seconds for every 1 second in the area. Hang out for 15 seconds without leaving? The entity blocks both of the final exit gates for you personally for 30 seconds. You lose this debuff on a 1 second to 1 second ratio by being out of that area for the full debuff timer. The accumulation timer is paused if you're actively being chased or are downed. Performing any other action does not pause it. If you're downed you begin losing the debuff timer at a rate of 1.5 seconds to 1 second on timer.
The results are either survivors leave or give the killer a good opportunity to kill them. The issue is solved, for both killers and other survivors.
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Yeah, the rift challenges are better than they used to be, but I still hate hitting bottlenecks like this where you have a situational challenge and you're blocked from making progress on anything else while it's equipped. You have little to no control over whether the situation happens and it gets frustrating and boring.
I have much more fun with Battlepasses where all of the challenges are active at once and you feel like you can accomplish something every match, plus keep an eye out for the specific situations you need to capitalize on.
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Left Behind + Open Handed gives you such a big radius, that you are basically guaranteed to see the hatch.
But by far the easiest way to get this achievement is to prostate before the killer and surrender. Then you got a good chance to be given hatch.
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Ever since the hatch rework, yeah. I never liked hatch challenges, but it goes beyond the pale now. I wish they'd stop making them.
It's not even the killer that's the enemy in this scenario, it's your teammates. Whether they're waiting for you and don't want to leave before they know you're safe, or they just want to butt dance the killer to the wire and then Dead Hard out, nobody will fricking leave. And because you can only start to look for the hatch once they're gone, this is a major issue. Like you said, I've been in situations where I knew where the hatch was going to spawn, but couldn't jump through it because my teammates waited to the literal last second to leave. So if you don't have a SWF, the only reliable way to get a shot at hatch is to be a coward or an outright sandbagger and let your team die.
I wouldn't use hatch offerings, though, unless you're specifically doing a key challenge. Those just tell the killer where it'll be. Better to take your chances with hatch roulette and bring Clairvoyance or Left Behind.
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Bro I feel you. The only reason I got the challenge done was because I spawned in on Garden of Joy against a Wesker who wasn't good. I did have a key in case he found hatch and luckily we somehow escaped because he took my bait at the end. They really gotta stop with hatch challenges
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Weird flex maybe bring plunderer's instinct. I find purple/red keys fairly frequently using that perk. Then you can stash it somewhere the killer won't check (basement) and go grab it during end game if killer shuts hatch.
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I finally got it after many too many close and stressful matches (had to take a break for my own sanity). Still had the same problem of team mates just chilling in the exit gates or killer finding it first, but as some pointed out Clairvoyance really helped, along with Open Handed. I really do hope that this is the last Hatch challenge they make, because it really isn't worth the frustration of trying to achieve it when so much is left up to what could amount to extreme chance. I remember one match where I even told my mates prelobby that I wanted hatch and they purposefully waited till the last second.
Edit: Typo