To everyone saying DH is so easy to counter...

Monlyth Member Posts: 982

...Here's two tournament-winning Oni performances where the Oni swung into it. Four times total. Twice with his power, and twice with M1. Yes, in a setting where only one player is allowed to have it. Yes, even after seeing which Survivor has it.

This guy got first place in the DbD community cup. Twice.

So, are you really going to lecture me about how this was clearly a skill issue?



  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251

    why has everyone a ping above 150?!

  • Gamall
    Gamall Member Posts: 487

    In fact, he countered it perfectly.

    Take note and learn

  • Rudjohns
    Rudjohns Member Posts: 2,412

    Ok, but are the survivors tournament winners too?

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    Or it could be you're missing the point instead. I watched the second video and he didn't even try to bait out DH; he just ate it and still downed the survivors a few seconds later. DH had barely any effect. If anything, DH looks weak in these videos (which it's not; it's just the Oni was really good at picking when and where to chase but if you're trying to make a point about avoiding DH you kind of need a video where they actually try to avoid DH first).

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    It's more like a decision made... to just swing for it leave it up to the Survivor to hit the button that causes DW to be applied then have them deal with it

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    I get what ppl are saying. Yeah that one person with DH didn't cause the killer to lose the game but think about a normal game you can have 4 survivors all having DH against an inexperienced/decent killer and the outcome could be completely different. I would love to see some of y'alls the gameplay against a group of decent survivors who are all using DH and see what your outcome. If anything I think this video shows imo we need limits on what survivors can bring into a lobby. I know Im tired of going against 4 medkits+a CoH, 4DHs, and a map offerings. Like you to know I played around 10 games last night and little over 1/2 of them was like that. 4DHs, 4Medkits with a CoH, and few map offerings to either the newest map or Graden of Joy...It was pain v.v I won some of them but damn is was stressful and wasnt fun...

  • Volcz
    Volcz Member Posts: 1,188

    This doesn't prove what you think it does.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    Agree, maybe he used not the best example, but:

    1) This is an incorrect logical chain that they are trying to build here, that dh is a bad perk or that it is a good perk for game's health bc he won anyway. It doesn't work that way.

    I've seen several tournament matches where a Nurse lost to survivors. This does not mean that the Nurse is a balanced killer.

    2) I am Oni main and I can say with confidence that there are very few killers like him in the game who can turn the game around at any moment. He has the biggest comeback potential in the game.

    Again, if the survivors allowed this to happen, this does not mean that the perk is "easy to counter", nor that it is a good perk for the game.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    I mean, I showed a video on here where I ate like 8 DHs in Oni's power against 4 DH users and got 4 outed and everyone just said SkiLl IsSuE so I'm not surprised by the responses here

  • PigMainBigBrain
    PigMainBigBrain Member Posts: 1,893

    I dunno why you guys keep bringing up tournaments as critique. The game isn't balanced enough to host a tournament without cutting parts of the game out.

    That alone spells out all you need to know. So there isn't really a point in bringing it up considering just how many things get yeeted and deleted during tournaments to put them into even a modicum of balanced play. If the game was fully ready for a tournament you'd be able to run 4 DH and it wouldn't be a problem. There wouldn't be any perk bans or needs to adjust anything.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    Yes, being unable to bait Dead Hard effectively at pallets while in Oni's power for a console player is lol

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    Not really my point is ppl are tired of seeing the same stuff over and over. I would love a lobby with just one DH most of the night but thats not what I get. I get lobbies with 3 DH at least and its mentally draining having to "bait" or wait it out in every chase I have. Agian one DH isnt OP or even a problem. Its when more than 1/2 the survivors have it...

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    I don't find it personally to be an issue when 3 or 4 survivors have it. You do and that's something you should express. If it is very stressful for a lot of people to deal with then that's a separate issue from DH being uncounterable or not easy to bait out which is what the original OP was saying. I don't know if that will have much sway with BHVR as the flipside is it's a lot of fun for survivors and they have to be considered as well but definitely put that argument out there. My response was in the context of the thread which is 'DH is uncounterable and a third state!' which is just hyperbole. I don't get an opinion on how other people than myself feel about things so, if it's too stressful, put it out there. It's just if it's posted in a thread that's based on DH hyperbole it'll get confused with that issue so it might be better to have a separate thread for it.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Dh needs a full rework, it's honestly just an unfun perk

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    Then please explain your argument on why dh isn't ok.

    For our 2 cents, dh is annoying but in a good spot for now, baring the amount of times it's seen and the occasional script users. Either eat through or bait, it requires both sides doing something for it to work (or fail)

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    I've already did this in multiple treads. Its redundant to go in every DH thread and post the same thing on why I find the perk to be a problem in my experience. I've even pushed back on players that say DH is fine because it was nerfed and they just don't counter my comments because you really can't.

    In general the perk is problematic vs certain killer powers that are telegraphed. Vs these killers the perk becomes low risk/high reward.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    When we visit those threads most logical arguments are buried under alota whining.

    The argument that it works well against certain killers kinda falls as certain perks counter killers anyway. Spine chill for stealth ones, calm spirit for doc (and lesser extent anything causing screaming like infectious fright oni).

    In addition powers that are telegraphed are usually easy to dodge unless funneled. We're perfectly capable of dodging 5-7 non point blank hatchets.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    DH was the best perk in the game, and for killers where you used it to dodge the hit instead of using it for distance we see new DH being buffed. This is to an extent saying old COH was fine. All you had to do was play a strong chase killer and you didn't really care about what COH did. That doesn't make old COH fine.

    Players use DH when turning corners vs Demo. You basically just have to eat the perk. Good survivors understand where there is zero counterplay and try to put themselves in this position as much as possible. Even when I counter DH as Demo it can just result in what old DH did. Perk is gross when me outplaying it results in the survivor getting the old version of it.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280
    edited March 2023

    The first paragraph may need dumbed down for us as we're not sure the point is other than "just because we're technically correct doesn't mean dh is fine".

    To us that sounds more like smart use of tools being able to put you in that position time and time again. Regardless you could use old dh to block a hit (which has been done at pallets even) but has changed so now instead of having a veriety of used for every situation it now has a more focused use.

    We're not sure how your both countering dh while giving it the same use as old dh so we're going to need an explanation on that.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,382

    All this video proves is that a sufficiently skilled killer can defeat dead hard against COMP SURVIVORS. Now apply that to ordinary survivors who are much less skilled. gg ez.

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959

    All it takes to be a comp survivor is to stick on gens like glue, hold w + pre drop every pallet, and memorize a clock system. I'm sure random bully SWFs with multi thousand hours can effectively use DH better than comp teams

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    It’s completely out of control and the only ones who don’t agree with this are survivor mains who never play killer and will also never play a match without DH because they would lose way more matches without it. At high levels, killers regularly have to deal with 5-10 extra health states on top of the advantage that survivors already get from communication in SWF teams.

    how is this fair?

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    The first paragraph may need dumbed down for us as we're not sure the point is other than "just because we're technically correct doesn't mean dh is fine".

    You are comparing DH to calm spirit. I'm saying that an exhaustion perk which all survivors run 1 of is not only the most used but overtuned vs certain killers. This is the same thing for old COH. For some killers it was way more broken of a perk compared to others. This is exactly how I see current DH.

    To us that sounds more like smart use of tools being able to put you in that position time and time again.

    Irrelevant on whether it is smart or not. The point is that good survivors will try to put themselves in these positions and the perk has no counterplay while giving absurd value when in this position.

    We're not sure how your both countering dh while giving it the same use as old dh so we're going to need an explanation on that.

    I bait DH by holding m2 and pair the HISS from Demo with flicking my camera up. If a Survivor is at a corner/pallet they DH which I don't attack into which is me countering them and yet their DH covers my attack window resulting in old DH. I outplay you and yet you get rewarded. That is the complete opposite of a high risk/high reward perk. If you failing it results in still being rewarded there was no risk involved.

    The pallet play vs Demo with a failed DH is just eat the pallet. If you are able to bait the DH there typically is too small of a timing window which makes the correct play just getting the pallet instead of risking it. This is basically the same thing that old DH did.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,697

    What do you mean 'nerfed from top 4 perks to top 16'? That sounds like they got to use a wider array of perks.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602
    edited March 2023

    But this is what I fail to understand. You view the DH proc as you outplaying the survivor, with no regard for the survivor timing up the DH proc. And there's nowhere near the same energy dedicated by killer players to a Sprint Burst at 15-20 meters, a Lithe before chase even starts, or a Balanced Landing that puts the survivor halfway across the map. I'm not trying to use whataboutism. Those are just as impactful as DH, if not more, and they carry a fraction of the risk and counterplay potential. But killers absolutely lose their minds if they lose a 50/50 to DH. I don't understand where this perception comes from that DH is somehow more impactful, problematic, and less counterable than other exhaustions when they're used optimally.

    Are we saying players shouldn't get value out of exhaustion perks at this point?

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    Thank you for clarification

    Yes we were as the argument was "In general the perk is problematic vs certain killer powers that are telegraphed. Vs these killers the perk becomes low risk/high reward" . Is dh a problem because its so used, is it a problem because of certain killers? Then we come back to this "For some killers it was way more broken of a perk compared to others. This is exactly how I see current DH." . To go back to the calm spirit deal, as doc it negates almost all his tracking ability (he still gets a score event and add ons can still track), it negates any sort of screaming build, and currently can invalidate a whole rift challenge (darkness revealed one where they need to scream due to the perk).

    Id argue against it being irrelevant. When a huntress holds her hatchet to simply zone someone out thats effectively putting survivors in a similar deal. Survivors can't do anything but get hit or use dh then either fail dh or get hit a few seconds later due to being herded into wherever she wants.

    This is our opinion but that doesn't sound like an outplay or counter. That is to us overly respecting both the pallet and perk, but again thats our opinion as we tend to just aggressively attack.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013


    He won.

    And was also against, presumably, some of the best survivors in the game.

    I fail to see why perks should be balanced around the top 0.01% of players.

    Sure the best survivors in the game can nail DH on the regular. And still get 4kd.

    But 99% of survs can't hit DH that consistently.

    I mean come on. This is tournament level play. If only one play uses DH you know that they will give it to the player who is insanely good with it.

    When people complain about DH they make it sound like it ruins every game.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    Forced to use the top 16 perks instead of all 4 survivors getting the best 4 is nerfing the survivors. This means being forced to use the top 16 perks instead of the top 4 is a large nerf to the survivors

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 691

    DH isn't balanced around it procing all the time. The perk is a high risk/reward which is not the case if you're getting baited into using your perk but not able to be punished for the mistake.

    I think the pre-leave and pop exhaustion is not healthy for the game. Now if we taking in the vacuum of Demo I am able to burn your exhaustion and place portals in ways where I can tp back and zone you from areas where I don't want you to go. There is actual skill that I can do there to counter your perks. Now this isn't the case for other killers which is why it will be a problem if DH was deleted because it shifts the problem into a different area. The main problem I see with exhaustion in general is where the killer has no way to counter the perk/reduce its effectiveness in a fair manner.

    I think you equipping a perk doesn't mean you should be carried when you fail to use it in a skilled way. I would even say that it would be called a crutch.