How Often do you dodge games?
Every game I get paired with a better than average and worse than average teammates. Do you dodge lobbies often when you see your teammates?
I'm tired of doing two gens doing the majority of the saves and every game being left to die on first hook.
Welcome to solo queue
I could count on one hand the amount of games I lobby dodged (funny enough the one time I specifically remembered was someone messaged me to bring BPS as they planned to farm and I had no desire to farm).
I just play the hand I'm dealt
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Never. I usually make initial judgements on the people I'm matched with, and alot of the time they surprise me by being nothing like I thought they would be. So I don't dodge ever.
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It completely screws with the matchmaking. I don't even look at the lobby.
Just alt tab after readying up and i"ll hear when the match starts.
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nah. i solo queue and never dodge lobbies. i work and don't have time to deal with hunting for a specific lobby. plus it seems cheap.
i run my build regardless if it's a swf sweat team of p100's, a bunch of mid tier smurfs, or a literal dumpster fire newb set.
then i do what i can and move on regardless of the outcome of the match. while i'm alive as a survivor i'm farming blood points and pips.
as a killer i'm a bit more relaxed since my existence is inconsequential. i spend the match doing whatever i can to run through the health states to get my hooks and farm challenges.
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If they dont have many hrs in the game, I'm gone
If I see them being toxic before the match, I'm gone
If someone asks to hurry up, I wait and leave. Yes, it's petty
If no prestige on popular characters, I'm gone
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Very rarely sometimes the high prestige survivors you though will be good end up being potatoes and sometimes the low prestige survivors are amazing loopers. So I don't judge and give every lobby a chance.
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i sometimes dodge high prestige survivors, but only because they tend to bring boring map offerings (like rpd)
otherwise i usually never dodge
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I don't.
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I'm not gonna lie, I dodge lobbies often. I work from 6 am to 2:30 pm and drive 45 minutes both ways. I don't want to get home from a long day of work just to put up with complete bs. If I have the slightest position a match is going to have some whack stuff, I dodge.
I know dbd isn't exactly a game to de-stress with, but I like to play the games I like after work y'know?
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Are you skilled enough to be doing all that? Lol
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The only time I bail as survivor is if I've got three p0 Clauds/Megs/Dwights/Davids/etc. They might not be complete newbies, but I'm not risking it.
As killer, I'll dodge lobbies if the survivors have more than one item that directly counters my killer - mainly flashlights on Hag and maps on Trapper. Imo, that's just outdated game design.
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Sometimes if I'm playing killer and there's multiple high prestige survivors in lobby. Otherwise never.
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Never lobby dodged.
The only circumstance I could imagine I would is if in the lobby as survivor someone indicated toxic behavior or that they weren't intending to play the game 'normally'.
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I only dodge if there's legacy (most likely a hacker), anonymous person (most likely a hacker) or something obnoxious like 3 P100s or multiple TTVs that indicate a game where their fun is going to consist of trying to be as annoying and toxic as possible
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I never dodge. As killer, if I dodge I may screw another player due to the backfilling system. As survivor, I may screw my teammates always due to backfill system. I just let the matchmaking do its job and give me my teammates and opponents.
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Generally, I'll only dodge if I've obviously been backfilled. If I load into a lobby and there's already four survivors who are already Readied up. AND if they seem like they might be way out of my league, like multiple 30+ Prestiges, or multiple TTVs.
This might happen once every session, on average, so like, once every 5-10 lobbies. Backfilling seems to happen a lot these days...
For some very niche scenarios, I might dodge if I'm playing Hag or Wraith, and I see 2+ flashlights. but I haven't played Hag in months, and I usually only tend to see one flashlight at a time unless I've been backfilled anyway, so that's kinda moot.
But generally, a high prestige, or a flashlight, or a lobby already full of survivors that aren't already Readied, individually aren't enough reason to dodge.
As a survivor, I might have dodged the odd lobby with a survivor that has a wack name like... "Will DC if Nurse" or something like that. Otherwise I don't really see any reason to dodge as a survivor.
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I have enough experience to know when to avoid certain teammates. I don't want crouching, hiding teammates. I want proactive teammates that are productive.
Higher prestige players generally play better. Yes, there are those that can't or don't, but most of the time they know how to hold a chase for longer than 2 seconds, know when to save from hook, etc. Same with players with more hours.
At the end of the day, I want to have fun, not frustration towards teammates
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every time i see someone has -rep for bad manners
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Never on killer. Sometimes on survivor if I'm solo and see P0 default teammates. Or if my teammate is a ttv with a juicer outfit and a flashlight, because 99.99999% of the time they're just going to throw the game within the first minute or 2. And either way they won't touch a gen.
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- More than 1 flashlight in the lobby. 9 out of 10 games it's just a couple of wannabe juicers that tail the killer and go down when the killer actually looks around before picking up.
- Salty names like OnlyNoobsTunnel. These people had some very rough matches in the past couple of hours and will probably DC/Give up on hook even when it is absolutely uncalled for.
- 2 or more people leave the lobby. Matchmaking is going to be complete whack and I'm not interested in watching a 10k hour killer tunnel my 10 hour teammate.
- No levels on core characters. At 2.5k hours I don't see the reason why my teammates shouldn't have at least one level on Meg, Dwight etc.
- P100(s). They are either hackers or SWF a lot. Not interested in either.
- 4 TTVs with flashlights. Too toxic, not interested, they can have the cracked Blight/Nurse mains that don't care about Garden of Pain.
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I dodge any lobby that ends in TV.
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I don't really pay attention to lobbies much as killer. Might dodge TTVers, depends on my mood. As survivor, the more pips I have to lose, the more likely I am to dodge lobbies with TTVers, multiple Claudettes, P0 original characters, or multiple flashlights. If I have no pips to lose, I don't care how the match goes so the lobby doesn't matter.
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All the time, i see a Meg below level 10 i leave and even 10 is not enough most times, claudettes, a couple of 2 man swf with flashlights (usually trying to copy their favourite streamer and fails misserably costing everyone the game cause the killer results to not be a baby), prestigie 0? im leaving unless i can see your profile and hours. 2 flashlights in general? also leaving, tahts a free win for the killer because its 3 v 2, i blocked u before? may leave especially if i recognize your name.. i dodge till i see what it seems a decent lobby and even then u will sweat your ass of in order to win the game because is solo q or 2 man swf.
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Oh you meant as survivor? Lol i assumed this was for killers.
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I do when their names are just numbers or random characters, and their profile is set to private. From experience I've learned that those are often cheaters.
People who have been banned from other games.
I also dodge lobbies with multiple ttv-ers.
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Oh yeah, that's a good point. I don't usually check people's profiles in the lobby, but if I do and I see a VAC ban, I'm outta there.
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If they have blatantly sexist or racist names, or talk crap pre-game, it's sorry-but-next from me.
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in the lobby? basically never unless i think one of them are for some reason is a hacker. I'll dodge the match if i see a map offering i don't like
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Since they changed the matchmaking where it'll identify a match that has been found but not join it for a good 20 seconds or more on killer, never. Well, there is one instance where I will dodge, and that's when the lobby fills with less than four people, then I will bow out if someone doesn't join within a reasonable amount of time.
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I only dodge profiles that are private, or ones with vac bans, or epic games anonymous users. But that's assuming I'm even looking at the lobby, which is sorta rare because I ready up and do other things
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As a survivor, i'll dodge if someone says something like: "If killer is spirit i DC" or if they have a name like "Knight = DC"
As killer i end processes on loading screen if the team suddenly 4 swaps right at the end to a bunch of p100 characters or having like all flashlights or toolboxes because they are obviously about to troll rather than actually play the game.
As both i will dodge if i see someone with legacy. The amount of times i have seen a player who has legacy who isn't cheating is far less than the ones that are just crazy cheaters that troll the game.
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With all this dodging going on how can we not expect the matchmaking to be borked half the time.
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I don't. I don't care enough to dodge.
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We don't dodge lobbies though depending on if the others look like an obvious 3 swf may bring a "selfish" build (been farmed 1 to many times)
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Good responses, thank you all. I've never dodged a lobby.
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Red pings. For me it's suprisingly shocking so many players still don't look for it and hit ready anyway, only to DC and/or complain later about bad connection.
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Barely, if ever. Unless someone has bad ping.
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No, I never dodge lobbies. For me, if I see a lobby of 4 flashlight survivors I'd still want to play as that's how I learn. In many cases, it's no where near as bad as it was first thought. It's how I get better.
As survivor, I'd never dodge because a survivor doesn't have a high prestige. It's elitist and dumb, especially since the prestige is per survivor, not player. A player can be starting as Jonah, but has prestiged every other survivor to that point.
Honestly, I'd be happy is they got rid of the ranking being viewable at the start. It does nothing other than make players react with prejudice.
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Never dodge them. I'll equip a green or pink Mori if I see flashlights and play with purple oni addons if I see a load of medkits.
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I dodge ttvs generally. Never actually had a bad experience with them, but they give me performance anxiety and I'd rather not stress during the game from worrying if I'm doing enough to not have a grumpy teammate badmouthing me.
I've also dodged 3 flashlight teams before as well, since I'm firmly on the "non confrontational" side and don't want to be caught in a crossfire between BMing survivors and a tilted killer who might think I'm with them or approving their behaviour.