Skull Merchant + Overcharge = Least Engaging Gameplay Of All Time

I stopped playing DBD in October, then reinstalled this week...
I never want to play another Skull Merchant again (or Knight, for that matter). Each time I've played against them they've run Overcharge and locked down a 3-gen.
There were no chases--just constant waiting...
I'm surprised, because I heard the Knight was rather weak, and I saw that the Skull Merchant's gen-control was nerfed slightly. ...yet I didn't feel like there was anything I could do without perks like Fast Track and Potential Energy.
Do others enjoy this slower game? It feels more like hostage-taking. I've seen gens with 75% progress sent back to zero, even with all 4 survivors alive and healthy, because survivors are better safe than sorry.
There's been a lot of complaints about 3-gen camping, so Skull Merchant is getting readjusted next week so her power has enough counter to it to weaken her ability to camp.
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Good to hear, I'll keep an eye on those changes!
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Overcharge is literally the least of those problems lmao. If you can’t get back to the gen within 25 seconds or hit the skill check, that’s on you.
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^^ huh?
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The skill check is pretty tough to hit if she's building for it specifically.
Which goes to show, is OC really fine with no cooldown on its skillcheck?
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It isn't, imo.
It unfairly punishes newer players and punishes based off of bad RNG.
I'd like to see that effect scrapped and a new one take its place. Maybe have it give a status effect like obliviousness on a 45 second cooldown.
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How does a basic skill check punish new players? As soon as you see it, you just react. And if you miss it, then you just remember and hit it next time.
By this logic, Pain Res, Jolt, etc, unfairly punishes newer players too.
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The Overcharge skill check is smaller than Decisive Strike, unexpected AND can spawn at anywhere from 4'oclock to 11'oclock on the wheel.
It is not a normal skill check, I'm afraid. It's quite like old Ruin, if you can't hit it, you simply won't do gens. Ever.
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new killer is op... had a four man team trying to do the last 2 way to strategize playing solo, for almost 30 minutes it was back and forth and couldnt get a single gen more than half way up.
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Overcharge is "quite like old Ruin"... you've blatantly forgotten old Ruin if you deadass tried to make that comparison.
I'd like to see something on that Overcharge being smaller than DS, it's absolutely NOT unexpected (it always happens whenever you tap a broken gen) and it spawning anywhere is normal for skill checks.
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Mhmmm, don't think I have.
Old Ruin punished new players by forcing regression by not being able to hit a skill check. This did not have a cooldown and the only way to get rid of it was to break a totem.
Overcharge punishes new players by forcing regression by not being able to hit a skill check. This does not have a cooldown and the only way to get rid of it is to eat the skill check.
Quite similar. Check the wiki for skill check info, I'm tired and can't be bothered right now.
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The skillcheck isn't even the real issue. The increasing gen regression puts pressure on survivors to tap the gen as fast as possible.
Meanwhile, the drones discourage healthy survivors from stopping the regression, and her Undetectable gives injured survivors equal reason not to jump back on the gen.
Survivors end up with 2 bad decisions to choose from, and no meaningful way to leverage their situation--short of coordinating pressure as a 4-man SWF.
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Yes. Why are we trying to strip away the perk’s main identity? It’s a Doctor perk, so it makes sense it should be a part of the difficult skill check family.
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I'd prefer making Overcharge a normal-sized skillcheck if it's not going to have a cooldown. I think it'd be less oppressive that way for new players.
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If it's a near guaranteed 15% regression every time a survivor taps a gen (because of her addons), and an exponentially fast gen regression if the gen doesn't get touched, you're forcing a lose lose scenario for survivors, which is objectively poor design. If OC is problematic (which it is), then it needs adjustment.
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Well we’re gonna have to agree to disagree then, because good survivors should be able to hit the skill check 80% of the time, even when running. Perk’s original intention was to punish tapping, it just did it poorly cause there was no real reason to risk a -15% with default regression. Now there is reason to consider the risk since there’s potential for it to really eat away at the gen. In other words, it’s supposed to force a “lose-lose”. I haven’t even mentioned that (unless you fail the skill check) it takes 25 seconds of the gen being left alone for Overcharge to get value when you consider it starts the regression lower than default.
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You should try a game vs 3 Dead Hard users.
Skull Merchant will be getting assistance soon this week.
But engagement level and fun is a very subjective value to judge, feels a lot like sidelining the actual problem for a subjective opinion.
Post edited by Emeal on1 -
It’s not the skill check that’s the issue. It’s that the drone immediately tells her you are there and then she just puts another drone right back. Hence why the devs are changing this. It’s not a skill issue. It’s that this strategy requires zero skill while being extremely effective.
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Literal definition of whataboutism
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Nope, its what OPs talking about "Least Engaging Gameplay Of All Time"
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Pretty sure they're talking about SM.
Try not to de-rail threads by shifting them to discuss what you have issues with. Make your own post if you feel so strongly
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Nope, its pretty much related. There are loads of unfun strategies and perks in this game. Its a point worth keeping in mind.
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Where do you get 25 seconds from? Regression ramps up by 4.17% every second. After about 6 seconds, your regression matches basekit. After 30, your regression is double of the basekit.
And even comp survivors miss OC skill checks all the time. It's a perk that double dips too much in value.
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In order for the increased regression to make up for the initial lower regression, it takes about 25 seconds for that to occur. Anything past that you will really feel the value from it.
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I have had zero issue with Dead Hard since I started playing DBD in 2019, so no it is not related.
Over-rated perk, that never even needed to be changed--it boggles my mind that a killer cannot wait 1 extra second to counter the perk. All Arguments made in favor of its oppressiveness are gross exaggerations and niche cases.
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That is not my experience at all. Sometimes I try to wait out Dead Hard for 5 seconds and then they still get it off in time.
I don't think that is a niche or exaggerated annoyance.
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I have played since 2016 and never considered the overcharge skillcheck problematic, people just exagerate it, even new overcharge is a very easy to counter perk.
If you wanna reply like this to others people issues take in mind people can do it too.
Btw im not even joking I have never had an issue with OC skillchecks they are not hard in the slightest, maybe if you drop frames but notmally they are as hard as looting a chest.
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How many loops can you actually wait an extra second in without getting a pallet in the face?
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Never had an issue hitting OC skill checks. I've done so while running away at times. I'm not even one of those people that can consistently hit greats skillchecks.
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First time checking the forums in a week, so apologies if it feels like I'm reviving a dead thread...
I too have never struggled with the OC skill check (or the perk, through any of its iterations), until playing against these recent two killers. Unlike Dead Hard, which is "strong" on its own merits, Overcharge's balance issues are related to oppressive synergies that emerged. But I digress...
I wasn't trying to make an argument against DH. I was making an argument against why it does not warrant being discussed in this thread.
If you have a genuine issue with it, I recommend tapping basic attack, rather than holding it for a lunge. The average player is physically incapable of reacting to the basic attack animation speed. I'm not sure how prevalant hackers still are, so idk if people are still exploiting frame-perfect DHs, but that simple change to your gameplay should bring you more success.
...although it looks like DH is going to the shitter after this mid-chapter.
Exactly one.
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Overcharge/Brine is getting nerfed, assuming they don't significantly change anything from the PTB. SM's drones are also getting changed slightly in order to nerf her 3 gen strat
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If you have a genuine issue with it, I recommend tapping basic attack, rather than holding it for a lunge. The average player is physically incapable of reacting to the basic attack animation speed. I'm not sure how prevalant hackers still are, so idk if people are still exploiting frame-perfect DHs, but that simple change to your gameplay should bring you more success.
I was already doing that, people still manage to DH away most of the time. Even after trying to force it out in lunge range for like 5 seconds.
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RIP. Well then, hopefully for your sake the perk is dead after mid-chapter.
I never use it as Survivor, so the change doesn't effect me. I'm still waiting for the community to get on board with Vigil + Sprint Burst, because a lobby where all 4 survivors run those 2 perks is insane. Unbelievably slept on combo that would need to be nerfed if it saw as much use as DH.