How's everyone enjoying the 3 genning Skull Merchant nerf (buff)?

Drones being unhackable if a survivor has a claw trap in their radius means that no one with a claw trap can enter a drone's radius without screwing over their team and endangering themselves. Still has no cooldown on replacing them + 4 drones means she can she can have a drone on each gen virtually the entire time, same as before. On top of that she can now rocket between the gens at potentially 127% speed. And of course, they didn't address either of the perks that enable her (and every other killer) to do this in the first place.
Everyone enjoying this?
I called this being a potential issue with the changes 5 min after they announced them.
But honestly most people thought they were nerfs to her 3 gens.
There is no fixing her. She needs a rework and this unlimited regression perks need to be dealt with.
Buff POP pls.
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Call of Brine nerf could be coming in the midchapter. I’d say it’s a 50/50. I doubt they’ll touch Overcharge though.
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It's better than before. However, her chase is still bad, she has no chase power other than someone exposing themselfs.
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it's a problem of current meta overall, she was made to be better in chase, but people camp 3-gen anyway because it's the most effecient way to play every killer right now, except for nurse, blight, wesker, rin whose abilities purely designed for fast chases(but know what? you can also 3-gen as those killers without a problem).
We're in need for another 6.1.0.
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Are you forgetting she loses the drone as long as the survivor has a claw trap?
If you faced a SM who had all 4 drones up and 127% speed you faced a hacker.
2 survivors interacting with her power already means she isn't keeping tabs on 3 gens.
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That doesn't happen and doesn't really matter.
She only needs 1 or 2 active drones to 3 gen.
She herself can monitor 1 or 2 gens depending on the map and all drones have 10 second delay before being able to be removed by the correct survivors, so trapped survivors need ro go away.
Besides she basically has no cooldowns, since you can just recall and place drones with no cooldown. The only cooldown you have is if you activate a drone from long distance, which you dont do because 3 gens and the traps.
But since the traps buff her chase. She is just stronger at 3 genning. Because that is the only way her power works. Doing any other strategy with her power, basically means you have no power.
What an amazing killer design.
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Skull Merchant sucks.
I still got ran for 4 gens while chasing 1 survivor. I would drop a drone at gens being worked on as I chased so I had 3% haste pretty often throughout the chase, even getting 5% haste for 30s.
I feel like I've been robbed of my power and got nothing for it.
NO chase power. Back to 3-gen...
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Her playstyle has more viarety than "unga bunga 3-gen go!". That's a good thing.
The issue is that she's still underpowered all around. The haste effects has made a difference but not as much as I thought they would. Some loop downs were because of said haste yet the hitboxes *barely* connected.
After nearly 20 games as her, if tracking lasted on the radar for a second or so after leaving an active zone, that would be great. Additionally claw trap recharging should come back. It will give survivors the dilemma of removing trap but giving back Adriana's drone or letting her keep the haste. The pallet-breaking add-on being gone is also a nerf believe it or not. It would break pallets and the trap still stays *when it was charged*. New Skully doesn't have that. A strat you could use was being in a loop and setting off a drone to recharge the survivors trap and get them to destroy a pallet. This doesn't work anymore.
It's like Skully strangely feels more freeing in some areas and more constricted in others. This may sound crazy but a full-blown rework may not even be necessary. If there were a few more new small features to her power and bigger numbers she could be decent.
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I like the buffs but her most effective playstyle is still 3 genning due to the strength of COB and Overcharge.
She has more chase potential now though which is nice
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It does feel better to play against her than before, but her 3 gen issue is still not resolved. In fact, they made it worse this update. She just needs a while rework because her current power isn't it and there's no way to nerf the 3 gen strat without ruining her power.
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Suicide on hook is your friend.
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Dont worry. Call of Brine will get "Hex:Ruined", you know.
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I don’t mind since I don’t use it. I just want pop buffed again tbh
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We need to stop referring to the whole 'camp '3 gen from game start' thing 'efficient'. Efficiency has a component of time, and implies that this is a quick path to winning a game, which this absolutely isn't.
Call it what it is: this is an 'easy' way to play the game for any killer who doesn't value their time. It just dilutes a pvp asymm game into a pve gen kick simulator.
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Why would you encourage this?
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Post edited by Chomperka on0
3 gen games can go on for as long as 1 hour. Some people don’t want to spen that much time in 1 game especially if they an already limited time to play
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Bhvr won't backtrack their horrible mistakes, take a look at billy, its all you need.
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They also brought back the PR + DMS combo so i would say it is not impossible for them to revert it either
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i do not agree with you, as i'm sure comparing 3genning killrate with not 3genning killrate, ESPECIALLY at high mmr, would easily fix that time measurement error.
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"But since the traps buff her chase. She is just stronger at 3 genning."
This is objectivily false, every claw trap removes one of her drones that makes her 3 gen possible. The speed boost while significant in chase is practically nothing when it comes to map traversel.
If every survivor hacks her drones her 3 gen capability is barely better then a trapless trapper, she has to commit to chases to benifit from the chase boost.
If 2 people have claw traps and SM sticks to the one gen she doesn't have droned then the other survivors have free reign to disable them
I'm not going to argue that she's a well designed killer cause she's not really. But it's pretty clear your problems with her is a skill issue, not a design one
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I tried her 3 gen strat myself and it was actually stressful so I won't try it again it's not worth to win that way. I played agains't pretty decent survivors and the 3 gen area was not best though. It was close match if I didn't get one survivor out when I did I would lost.
But personally now would hope to play agains't one to get +2 pips. Losing slowly is best way to pip.
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They brought it back due to the mercyless storm bug, the way I see it the only way they found to fix the interaction between mercyless and pain res was to add the scream, which made it work with deadmans again. Their approach was not to fix a bad change they did before, they were just doing a quick change to fix a current issue that coincidentally fixed a bad change they did before.
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They did on eruption just recently and have on spinechill as well. It’s possible
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Look, idk how you play and you dont know how i play.
I expressed my opinion and reasons for what i think. You are free to disagree and refute my opinion with yours. The changes are still very recent and things could change as people adapt.
I just ask for you to not bring up skill issue as a point, she is new, survivors and killers are adapting to her. And i dont want to say that people that are performing worst at 3 gens with her as skill issue, especially when i dont know, i havent seen you play.
So you know my opinion, i know yours, its fine. We will see how people adapt. Maybe i will end up agreeing with you or you with me
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Core mechanics of whole game need changing. everyone calling to nerf regression perks really can’t think two steps ahead
1) they need the gen regression perks
2) kill rates will absolutely plummet
3)killers will get over buffed to compensate
there needs to be additional objectives added, point blank, rather than continuously needing and buffing stuff
As for skull merchant she just needs a full rework period
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Efficient doesn't necessarily mean that it's time-efficient.
It could be described as effort efficient. The output for the input needed is a very good conversion rate.
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That's fair
That was rather harsh seeing how the changes aren't even a week old. My apologies
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127%? She's 118% (120 at best), most of the time.
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Should Claw Trap time be increased and the Haste buff increased?
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127% with an addon (Prototype Rotor)
Base: 115%
Max Buff: +7%
Addon: +5%
Unlikely to happen but possible. It's like saying PWYF is OP.
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Imagine kicking gens.
Sponsored by Pain Res Club.
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While we are happy with how he is performing..... here are all of these nerfs that destroy his identity and just make him worse even though the only thing that really needed to change was a couple of addons.
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this is what im really worried about. im pretty confident that CoB and overcharge are going to get hit and theres not really much gen defense left to buff unless they revert changes and BHVR doesn't like to do that. when they reverted the DMS PR combo they p nerfed dms pretty hard. am convicted the only reason they readjusted Eruption was because even survors were like wow that might have been over killer. BHVR has a tendency to Iron will alot of killer perks.
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I can't see any reason why they'd nerf those perks. On most killers they're fine. I'm sure they've learned from Nurse that bottlenecking perks because of *one* killer (in this case, a 3 genning SM) is not the way to go. IF they really want to address these issues, they need to go to the source (killer) and not the perks.
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With so many complaints about the CoB and OC meta and they are definitely the most used perks I'm expecting them to get nerfed. Even if they aren't destroyed I still makes the current regression even weaker and only makes it more 3 gen reliant for non mobile killers.
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Yea I agree....let's look at the first perk shake up and how they did Gen Defense and Regression....made it so you need at least 2 regressions to have a chance if not a mobile killer....them they thought the fiasco with a certain perk was needed but quickly changed it back.....
I expect to see more Regression Perks nerfed but nothing done to Gen Speed perks making more of a reason to Target a 3-Gen from the start
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Do note that Eruption’s rework had nothing to do with gen kick/3 gen meta, but rather the realization that the Incapacitation status effect is unhealthy to have on a perk. So I doubt they’ll nerf the other two members of gen kick.
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Why not? Can you think of any other way for people to avoid playing awful, borderline unwinnable, hour long matches?
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No? The killer is an unsalvageable disaster, and I'm not interested in trying to "fix" her. What needs to happen is a CoB OC nerf, while buffing regression perks that are contingent on actually chasing and downing people.
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while buffing regression perks that are contingent on actually chasing and downing people.
Laughs at eruption nerf.
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And this is where we have the current problem. Regression is in a way worse place for non mobile but gen speed altering stuff is untouched and even added in the last 4 chapters.
I'm assuming it will be something of a gen blocking meta with something like CI,DMS,DL, and making sure your 3 Gen doesn't get lost.
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Yes the complaint was incapacitated and then they completely destroyed its Regression as well. Like I said before even survivors we saying it was overkill.
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Don't forget pop and ruin.
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It really isn't only Skull Merchant though. Killers like Nurse, Blight or Spirit can arguably 3 gen with Overcharge and Call Of Brine just as well, only they feel less forced to do so. Knight is another killer that can hold 3 gens for an eternity with those 2 perks.
I hope we'll see buffs to healthier slowdown perks, and nerfs to Call of Brine and Overcharge. At the very least, those two perks should not stack.
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I just did a 40m game against a 3gen camping skull merchant - we lost so it rewards the playstyle and cue the toxic killer chat post game. Don't know how that is fun for anyone but hey these moderators and devs probably get paid well so they don't gaf.
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Eruption has the same regression that it had before the nerf.
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Not originally it was 10% if current progress.
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And now with the new changes coming the Gens will go that much faster....that's why I stopped playing....I want to play my way with off Meta perks and only got nasty toxic survivors constantly or which happened more times I could count lost many Gems because I didn't run any Regression perks.
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Now they need to do the same to PoP and get rid of that USELESS measure of Regression