The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Only time they respond

it’s funny that the only time you guys have responded to me is when I criticize how bad your matchmaking is, and the response was a threat to ban me for speaking my opinion on a subject. Great I really feel like I’m in 1940 Germany!


  • Sperminator
    Sperminator Member Posts: 13
    Billhilly said:
    Dude, you have nick "sperminator". What kind of "opinion" can you tell us ?
    Oh ######### your degrading me MODS give him the same treatment you gave meeeee :((. But in all seriousness I said swf is bad for new killers as a rank 1 can go into a group with a rank 20 and just be toxic. Me idea consisted of ranks 5 through 1 couldn’t go into a swf party and swf in other ranks has to be around the same level. For instance let’s say your rank 15 you can only queue with rank 13 to 17 and so on where it is around the same skill. And also your name is “Billhilly” you have no right to trash talk names. People argued “But me survivor me want to play with low rank friends” my idea to counter that was make a casual mode and separate rank from the casuals which in return would actually make getting a rank a achievement as your playing against people that are trying and deranking would go down tremendously especially if they added rewards for staying at rank one for so many months. At this point i feel like the devs don’t care much about new players which their goal should to be obtaining new players, because after all they are a business trying to make money and you make money by you guessed it getting people to own their product. 
  • Sperminator
    Sperminator Member Posts: 13
    Orion said:

    I'm sure that's exactly what happened and that you didn't just yell and insult everyone.

    I might’ve called the dev team a name, but that isn’t the argument. I stated my opinions on the game and it’s current state and when I said one offensive thing in a roughly 3 paragraph post just seems like they are trying to mute me. It’s like discord all over again banning people because they weren’t in the same adult viewings as the staff was.
  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    What a surprise, you insulted them and expected them to just take that #########.

    Pro tip: People aren't going to listen to your opinions if you're just insulting them. Many people - myself included - have disagreed with the devs over the years, but we've done so constructively, rather than derisively, and no one has ever been banned for that.

  • Delfador
    Delfador Member Posts: 2,552

    @Sperminator said:
    Orion said:

    I'm sure that's exactly what happened and that you didn't just yell and insult everyone.

    I might’ve called the dev team a name, but that isn’t the argument. I stated my opinions on the game and it’s current state and when I said one offensive thing in a roughly 3 paragraph post just seems like they are trying to mute me. It’s like discord all over again banning people because they weren’t in the same adult viewings as the staff was.

    That is a bad argument.

    Try creating another thread and we'll see if it gets closed, and try to not call them a name.

    They have every right to ban you or close your threads if you call people names, sorry about that.

  • Lonefox64
    Lonefox64 Member Posts: 132
    Billhilly said:
    Dude, you have nick "sperminator". What kind of "opinion" can you tell us ?
    Oh ######### your degrading me MODS give him the same treatment you gave meeeee :((. But in all seriousness I said swf is bad for new killers as a rank 1 can go into a group with a rank 20 and just be toxic. Me idea consisted of ranks 5 through 1 couldn’t go into a swf party and swf in other ranks has to be around the same level. For instance let’s say your rank 15 you can only queue with rank 13 to 17 and so on where it is around the same skill. And also your name is “Billhilly” you have no right to trash talk names. People argued “But me survivor me want to play with low rank friends” my idea to counter that was make a casual mode and separate rank from the casuals which in return would actually make getting a rank a achievement as your playing against people that are trying and deranking would go down tremendously especially if they added rewards for staying at rank one for so many months. At this point i feel like the devs don’t care much about new players which their goal should to be obtaining new players, because after all they are a business trying to make money and you make money by you guessed it getting people to 

    Okie doki spermy you can calm down and stop posting now  im sure the mods are going to check your suggestion and buthurt post and get right on that.
  • Sperminator
    Sperminator Member Posts: 13
    Orion said:

    What a surprise, you insulted them and expected them to just take that #########.

    Pro tip: People aren't going to listen to your opinions if you're just insulting them. Many people - myself included - have disagreed with the devs over the years, but we've done so constructively, rather than derisively, and no one has ever been banned for that.

    Part of my opinion is what I called the devs, I feel as they don’t care about their community, Just a couple months ago they released legion, and they expect people to address them like they are god sends? Yes I was heated at the moment because of my game crashing 3 times in a row with a computer with a 1070ti or maybe the fact that I was tbagged for a whole game straight, or maybe just maybe they don’t have dedicated servers. And they have the audacity to release new characters when their almost 3 year old game doesn’t have dedicated servers. I’ve been playing this game since release it’s my favorite game but the devs are making it hard for me to love it, they would rather release some sucky killer then to fix their bug filled game.
  • Sperminator
    Sperminator Member Posts: 13
    TreemanXD said:

    You called the dev team “#########” honestly why they didn’t ban you is beyond me.

    A child insult from the second grade really got them into the “fweeings” these guys are grown men if they can’t handle one name then I feel bad about their wife’s because they ain’t men Chief 

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Sperminator said:
    TreemanXD said:

    You called the dev team “#########” honestly why they didn’t ban you is beyond me.

    A child insult from the second grade really got them into the “fweeings” these guys are grown men if they can’t handle one name then I feel bad about their wife’s because they ain’t men Chief 

    Acts like a jerk then gets upset when gets warned about acting like a jerk.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Sperminator not all of them are men and it still is a offensive term.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110
    edited February 2019

    @powerbats he deleted the game from his steam library completely idk even know why he’s still here. :lol:

  • Sperminator
    Sperminator Member Posts: 13
    Also this whole thread and last thread I was called names and yet the people that called me names has yet to be punished. The rule specifically says to the “users and devs” so why haven’t all of you been punished? They are biased about my opinion because they know I’m right and that my words come straight from god you incel children.
  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Sperminator I never once name called you.

  • Sperminator
    Sperminator Member Posts: 13
    TreemanXD said:

    @powerbats he deleted the game from his steam library completely idk even know why he’s still here. :lol:

    Making assumptions like a “r-word” 
  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Sperminator you said you did though

  • Sperminator
    Sperminator Member Posts: 13
    TreemanXD said:

    @Sperminator you said you did though

    Never once said that. Stop making assumptions or show proof. A good argument never starts off with “you said it thooo haha loser I got you because I made a false accusation”
  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Sperminator I can’t get the proof cause your thread was deleted and I could be wrong I meet a lot of people on this forum.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Sperminator said:
    TreemanXD said:

    @powerbats he deleted the game from his steam library completely idk even know why he’s still here. :lol:

    Making assumptions like a “r-word” 

    Oh the troll thinks they're cute with the wordplay and now tries and fails with the subtle insult attempt that fell flatter than a railroaded penny.

    In this case it's not an assumption but a highly accurate guess otherwise you'd not have responded so immaturely.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @powerbats he is getting defensive over this isn’t he?

  • Sperminator
    Sperminator Member Posts: 13
    powerbats said:

    @Sperminator said:
    TreemanXD said:

    @powerbats he deleted the game from his steam library completely idk even know why he’s still here. :lol:

    Making assumptions like a “r-word” 

    Oh the troll thinks they're cute with the wordplay and now tries and fails with the subtle insult attempt that fell flatter than a railroaded penny.

    In this case it's not an assumption but a highly accurate guess otherwise you'd not have responded so immaturely.

    I can send proof it’s still downloaded on my computer. You guys on the other hand have no proof and are making false claims. 
  • Sperminator
    Sperminator Member Posts: 13
    TreemanXD said:

    @powerbats he is getting defensive over this isn’t he?

    I am because I care about this game, it’s the only game I play and to see the devs straight up piss on it is upsetting. 
  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Sperminator I admitted I could be wrong, you’re being real defensive over nothing though.

  • The_Crusader
    The_Crusader Member Posts: 3,688
    The current matchmaking isn't hat big a deal as the matchmaking was also trash before. There was no way to tell who was a legit rank 15 and who was a deranking pro or longtime veteran who didn't play enough anymore to rank up.

    I was going against many people with 1500+ hours on record when I first started and it was awful. I still don't have that mnay hours on the game.
  • Sperminator
    Sperminator Member Posts: 13
    TreemanXD said:

    @Sperminator I admitted I could be wrong, you’re being real defensive over nothing though.

    Also accusing someone is calling them a liar and defrauding their name, any normal person would defend themselves in that situation. Yea I might be trolling now to be the top post on this ######### forum that the devs obviously don’t listen too where I can have a chuckle and realize oh yea the devs don’t care :)
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Sperminator said:

    Also accusing someone is calling them a liar and defrauding their name, any normal person would defend themselves in that situation. Yea I might be trolling now to be the top post on this ######### forum that the devs obviously don’t listen too where I can have a chuckle and realize oh yea the devs don’t care :)

    If the devs don't care then why have they responded to so many posts the last several years helping people out with issues, listening to feedback aka spirit changes, pallet changes, healing changes etc?

    Just because they don't respond to your specific post or in the way you want doesn't mean they don't care,it just means they can't always respond or when they do it's to valid and not flame posts.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Sperminator the devs listen they give both sides things they want in some cases, helps players struggling, and they do their job.

  • Sperminator
    Sperminator Member Posts: 13
    powerbats said:

    @Sperminator said:

    Also accusing someone is calling them a liar and defrauding their name, any normal person would defend themselves in that situation. Yea I might be trolling now to be the top post on this ######### forum that the devs obviously don’t listen too where I can have a chuckle and realize oh yea the devs don’t care :)

    If the devs don't care then why have they responded to so many posts the last several years helping people out with issues, listening to feedback aka spirit changes, pallet changes, healing changes etc?

    Just because they don't respond to your specific post or in the way you want doesn't mean they don't care,it just means they can't always respond or when they do it's to valid and not flame posts.

    Most people that play this game as killer knows that they are weak. Not having dedicated servers for 3 years really shows you are trying huh? Not listening to the majority of killers that say swf is a dumb concept that needs to be reworked? Making ######### killers and saying they will rework them a year prior and have nothing to show for it but riping off the people that bought that dlc and shoving 3 more dlc in their wind pipes before its “expected release date”. They really do care buddy can you tell me more about how they care. Their other game died because they didn’t care and tried to fix it with shoving dlc in their merely 13 players a month playerbase. Anything to show for it but the game dying completely? They haven’t learned from their dead game so how will they fix it this time? Please explain to me in detail.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @Sperminator said:
    powerbats said:

    @Sperminator said:

    Also accusing someone is calling them a liar and defrauding their name, any normal person would defend themselves in that situation. Yea I might be trolling now to be the top post on this ######### forum that the devs obviously don’t listen too where I can have a chuckle and realize oh yea the devs don’t care :)

    If the devs don't care then why have they responded to so many posts the last several years helping people out with issues, listening to feedback aka spirit changes, pallet changes, healing changes etc?

    Just because they don't respond to your specific post or in the way you want doesn't mean they don't care,it just means they can't always respond or when they do it's to valid and not flame posts.

    Most people that play this game as killer knows that they are weak. Not having dedicated servers for 3 years really shows you are trying huh? Not listening to the majority of killers that say swf is a dumb concept that needs to be reworked? Making ######### killers and saying they will rework them a year prior and have nothing to show for it but riping off the people that bought that dlc and shoving 3 more dlc in their wind pipes before its “expected release date”. They really do care buddy can you tell me more about how they care. Their other game died because they didn’t care and tried to fix it with shoving dlc in their merely 13 players a month playerbase. Anything to show for it but the game dying completely? They haven’t learned from their dead game so how will they fix it this time? Please explain to me in detail.

    1. I main killer and while they're definitely not as strong as they need to be if you play efficiently you'll still 2-4k every game even against swf. Most swf groups are absolute potatoes and teh saw teams are rare and yet the moment you play poorly killers blame 4 man swat teams.

    2. Well gee I didn't realize that dedicated servers on every continent were so cheap these last 3 years and that the devs have been rolling in dough before Auric cells and cosmetics really took off within the last year. As a former network person I also didn't know that you didn't have to plan ahead or budget the money for such major expenditures.

    3. Oh good grief just stop, now you're just throwing absolute bs out there trying to make it look like a valid argument. You say killers are op then turn around and say they're ######### and people got ripped off for buying op killers that're bad.

    4. Lets see there's expected dates when things will get released an oh by the way everything has been released within the timeframe they estimated. It might not have launched on the exact day they planned but it still launched within the estimated time frame.

    5.Rofl Death Garden didn't die and has been reworked and is improving if you want to talk about dead game F13 would like to have a word with you about shoving stuff down buyers throats.

    1. You're not even worth the time you're trolling is so bad it's not even worth the time to play along, I like a challenge when someone is at least trying.

    If I wanted something so easy I'd go over to the Hello Kitty Forums but even that might be too hard for you so you're probably better off with the below.

    Hopefully the rest of the forum doesn't waste their time and this goes to the scrap heap of troll posts that weren't even worth the time.

  • mario_deadman
    mario_deadman Member Posts: 8

    Killer is not as weak as you say it is. In the right hands any killer is viable just because you suck at them doesn't mean they are weak. Also this is a 4 vs 1 game, there will never be balance because if you buff one side then the other will cry until they get buffed and then the other side will cry and the loop will just go on. SWF is not a dumb concept and SWF groups are the most fun to play against if you are a good killer because they are altruistically suicidal! solo players tend to just do gens and get out so it becomes a game of time instead of a game of chasing people and making unhooks and having fun! They just recently announced devoted servers in the summer didn't they? Finally, if you don't like how the devs are treating THEIR game then you are most welcome to just leave this game and go play Civ (Pun intended). But to come to forums and nag about issues that you want to be fix like it is your game and they must tailor it to fix your needs is beyond me and it buffles me. You don't like how this game is going? then leave and play another game. You want to keep playing this game? then sit down be humble and await for the changes the devs think will improve THEIR game.

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146
    edited February 2019

    Me reading this thread being like

    @Orion said:
    Pro tip: People aren't going to listen to your opinions if you're just insulting them. Many people - myself included - have disagreed with the devs over the years, but we've done so constructively, rather than derisively, and no one has ever been banned for that.

    Orion, I know that we don't often see eye to eye, but that was very well said, and I agree 100%

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,908

    @Sperminator constructive criticism is always welcome, rudeness & insults are not however!

This discussion has been closed.