Welcome to the Genrush meta

Just finished reading the new patch notes for the next mid-chapter.
Apparently the devs want nothing more than for the survivors to sit there at the generators. Healing has become a luxury, DH obliterated and gen regression perks even more destroyed.
Hold on to your index fingers guys, it's time for m1 more than ever.
Yeah, the medkit nerfs made sense, and they could've taken a different route with CoH...
But CoH now legitimately no longer has a reason to exist, and ALL healing got sledgehammered with a 50% nerf. This is going to have a knock-on effect on perks, too, as I can't imagine things like BK, DM, EC and the like to feel satisfying to use going forward.
More toolboxes and BNPs I guess.
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I can already smell the 4 adrenalines
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Yep, pretty much
Prove Thyself, Resilience and Adrenaline
Some build variations including Inner Healing and Overzealous
Honestly, as a survivor main, I like this.
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That's what I also realized. People are excited about the healing and gen regression nerfs thinking it will lead to a chase oriented meta but they left gen progression perks unchanged.
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Med kit nerfs make sense, it's been a long time coming really.
The general healing nerf seems overkill, especially since sloppy is already prevalent and means a 30 second heal that gets obliterated if it gets interrupted.
Overall, I'm concerned this decimates solo q. Circle of healing might not have been tuned perfectly, but it was one of the few perks that actually helped bridge the solo/swf gap.
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I thought they just nerfed medkits to 24 seconds healing and that's it. All healing taking 24 seconds might be a bit crazy.
But to be fair, at least this will be a meta shake up. Stealth killers in particular might flourish now. I just won't ever want to play against a Legion again.
But maybe it would have been wiser to only nerf medkits first, and then see how things go. With the 3 strongest gen regression perks now nerfed really hard, it seems BHVR really wants killers themselves to slow down the game, rather than perks doing that for them. But this really might cause the problem that survivors just won't heal at all anymore.
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Nerf to healing and repairing at the same time would be overkill
Unless they make chases last longer with survivor sided maps
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"Apparently the devs want nothing more than for the survivors to sit there at the generators."
Boy, wait till you learn what the survivors objective is!
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I'll be happy to oblige them then, my bnp is glittering like a wonder longing to be used
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Add SB and watch how nobody bothers healing anymore.
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I’m not sure why they felt normal healing was an issue. Medkit heals being 24 seconds is totally fine, they desperately needed to be nerfed. But base healing taking that long and even longer with Sloppy just makes healing very unappealing and not really worth it anymore.
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The Overzealous changes are a bit overzealous. Not only did they increase the speed bonus but removed the limit of usage. You can bless infinitely but only break five. Maybe with the CoH changes the Devs think players won't run boons?
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They didn't have to buff Overzelous TWICE since it is gen speed perk... ehh...
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Resilience toolbox brand new part games incoming
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Every game is already 2 Proves at the minimum with 2 toolboxes and BNPs 😅 I had hoped that they would at the very least remove the ability to combine toolboxes/add-ons with Prove :/
Combine Sloppy with Coulrophobia, and Blood Echo and it will be a true menace to healing, enter the gen-jockeys. I wonder how Blood Echo will work against the new DH...
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'Toggle interaction' users watching their stock go up as their finger joints are spared from the holdening.
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Sloppy Butcher heals will be 30 seconds now; combining with Coulro would extend that to 60 (or Coulro would be 48 by itself).
I’m also expecting Gift of Pain to be a bit more popular now if these changes go through, especially since PR has been nerfed. It’ll be a 30 second heal after unhook and then the 16% heal penalty will be more impactful now too, AND it reduces repair speed.
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Fun fact: if you face camp with sloppy and manage to hit one survivor early before they're ready to try for an actual unhook...
By the time they heal that survivor to try again, reassurance has expired if they even brought it.
It's Forever Freddy levels of healing, base kit, for everyone. Solo q is going to be unplayable.
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I agree. The base heal changes are overboard. Medkits and CoH needed nerfs, they nerfed them, but then went too far with it as usual by nerfing all healing. I’d be completely fine with putting a heal speed penalty on medkits to make them 24 seconds, but normal healing did not need to be nerfed this much, if at all.
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it’s to balance the gen regression nerfs. Now instead of losing time to gens regressing you have to juggle healing time. It’s a shake up but the goal is just to move the killers slowdown from gens to survivors , which honestly puts more power in survivors hands they just have to do things intelligently
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Waiting for the day of No Mither becoming meta lol
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It legitimately might, at least on the lower end of "meta." Changes could induce slug tactics, so DH with No Mither may become strangely viable for once in SWFs.
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Fully agree with medkits. CoH, IMO, might have warranted a numbers tweak, but, like it or hate it, CoH was one of the few perks that helped bridge the soloq/swf gap. Or used to. It's a waste of a perk slot with this change.
My copium on the healing speed is that they'll run the PTB and then revert some or all of the nerf. It'll land on either 16s or 20s so they can say they "listened to feedback" and responded. But the "realist" in me is trying to accept that this is going to go live as-written at 24s base.
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oh no, not constant resilience
all the baffling near-miss vaults that have me questioning my sanity
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because even with prove thyself im 85% of the time doing gens alone since im a solo q gamer. gens already take too damn long now as is, they need to leave prove thyself alone.
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I'm fine with the genrush meta if everyone survivor is going to be way easier to down thanks to the loss of Forever Dead Hard.
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Toggle is your friend. Gens will not fly, Gens will teleport!
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This is already the meta, usually combined with DH. At least the latter won't be around for very long.
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Kindred, Prove Thyself, Resilience, and Iron Will/Urban
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The Genrush meta is nothing new, it has been in the game for years.
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I don't think the medkit nerfs make any sense. How often do you bring a medkit to heal other people? Now every single medkit has the same speed healing yourself and the same number of charges. The brown one is just as useful, and cheaper, than the purple or green. They might as well just remove the ability to heal from the game entirely if they want to make the state of the game better. All this is going to do is make people selfcare in the corner now for 48 seconds... assuming you aren't also running sloppy, which is just overkill.
At least if they aren't able to waste that time there's a small chance they might get on a gen again.
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Yep, where is no point now to bring medkits for that one heal.
Commodious, streetwise, build to last build, here I come!
Who I'm kidding, I hate doing gens, might as well stop playing dbd.
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Idd like to see you do generators now that we dont have to waste 300hours chasing survivors who hit impossible DHs all the time or undid 5000 hours chase in 10 seconds of healing.
Bring it.
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On the other hand, the killer will be able to snowball a lot harder without the safety blanked DH or rapid heals gave survivors
Gen rush might become more common but i think killers will be able to deal with it more.
Game will be more fast paced for both sides, and i don't see that as a bad thing
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There will be two extremes.
Some players will spend 68.5 seconds using self care in the corner and die every game they don't get hatch.
Others will power through gens injured as fast as humanly possible with resilience, adrenaline, and BNP.
We'll be seeing posts about 'gen rushing' flood the forums clamoring for gen speed nerfs with redoubled effort.
Edit: spelling
Post edited by AmpersandUnderscore on0 -
Which of course, BHVR will respond to by nerfing BNP, resilience, and adrenaline, and then give a 1% nerf to NOED's haste buff to make things appear unbiased.
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Im definitely gonna rush gens and sprint burst away every time the killer comes 😁
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Then the killer kicks the gen, leaves, and comes back 20 seconds later to hit you.
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Yeah but I know where the next pallet is lol