Boons Vs Hexes

Fiesty_Fennec Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 4

Boons are:

  1. Circle of Healing
  2. Shadow Step
  3. Exponential
  4. Dark Theory

Hexes are:

  1. Blood Favor
  2. Crowd Control
  3. Devour Hope
  4. Haunted Ground
  5. Huntress Lullaby
  6. NOED
  7. Pentimento
  8. Plaything
  9. Retribution
  10. Ruin
  11. Third Seal
  12. Thrill of the Hunt
  13. Undying

Seems a bit one sided there huh?

Yeah I know, you killers are going to come on here and pick apart why each and every hex y'all have is soooo important. Think about this though, your hexes are map wide where as our boon is just a small part of the map. Unless you get all 4 of us running boons which is highly unlikely.

BVHR, where is the get up y'all were talking about in the PTB a while back? You know that base ability that would allow us to get up from the dying state when slugged down for more than 45 seconds? What happened to that idea? Was that voted down because the killers didn't like it?

As for making things better. Why not give the killers a penalty for camping or make it so there is NO progress on the hook for the hooked survivor when the killer is within say 12 meter radius around said hook? Or a penalty for tunneling? Let me guess, that wouldn't be fair to the killers right?

Each update makes it harder for us survivors to enjoy the game. You want to change our boons then just remove them and the hexes. Don't take away from the survivors to make the killers stronger when it takes no talent what so ever to camp or tunnel.


  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,703

    There are more hex perks because they have existed for several years. Boons have only been around since October 2021. There were already 12 hex perks prior to boons, so of course there will be more of them.

    There have only been 2 new hex perks added after boons, which are Pentimento and Face the Darkness (which you missed on your list, which is why you only have 13 instead of 14).

  • Fiesty_Fennec
    Fiesty_Fennec Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 4

    Hrm Face the Darkness didn't come up when I searched for hexes. I don't play killer so don't know fully. I understand that there were hexes before we got out boons but to have one of the main ones we use just messed up like this is annoying. With that boon we are able to run repair kits to sabotage hooks to help our team when they are being carried. It's one of the few things we can do that we get to smile about.

    The amount of games I've played recently and escaped from is dwindling. Survivors are used to no one helping them so immediately kill themselves or rage quit when they are hooked. I've had survivors rage quit in the middle of a game because they kept running into the killer so they thought they were being tunneled.

    Things need to change before the survivors just say screw it and stop playing.