Please for the Love of God.
Y'all literally kill your own game by listening to them who just whine about survivor perks. Dead hard will basically just be called "Dead" now and CoH will now basically be just a boon which will be useless. The game already feels unfair due to Killers literally having the advantage, Dead Hard not even activating even while spamming the button and teammates being useless and not even healing you because they are too busy crouching around in bushes.
If y'all release this god awful patch I will want my money back. In no way shape or form will I continue to play the game if y'all release this patch. Keep the bloodweb thing but everything else? Please no. A little tip: Instead of nerfing the ######### out of survivor touch killers hex totems instead. NOED, Devour Hope and so on. ######### give them such an advantage you can't counter because they partol their ######### totems. On God I hope this is a joke.
You act like killers aren’t getting equally screwed over too. They’re ######### both sides of the player base.
16 -
How are they doing that to the killers side? Skull Merchant got a whole buff. Survivors will literally be bots now who are just kill dolls. Come on bro. Y'all have NOED, devour and so many other perks like lethal persuer to have an advantage. We have nothing to counter that ######### since everything got nerfed to the ground because of killers whining.
7 -
Its funny the entitlement thats coming from survivor mains. Yes survivors got hit hard with the latest dev update with the dead hard nerf and healing nerf but did you not notice that killers got hit with yet ANOTHER gen regression nerf.3 Gen regression perks got nerfed again yet gen progression now got an increase with the change to overzeleous.
Now although i don't agree with the healing related nerfs i kinda do agree with the deadhard nerfs as its an overused perk and gives players the illusion of being better than they are.
Now survivors will have to actually learn how to spin, loop and outplay the killer not just hit E to outplay.
20 -
bro i already run a killer for so long how much more do we have to do? you call us entitled yet the devs literally nerf us to the ground for no ######### reason at all.
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"little change" did you even read the patch notes??? CoH will literally just be a speed buff which is not what the boon is for. Dead hard? Is just another Borrowed Time now. Please.
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Cool more us vs them, always love it when people blame one side entirely instead of recognizing everyone is to blame.
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I mean us survivors complained about NOED for so long because it's just bollocks and it hasn't even been reworked. One Killer can complain about Dead Hard, DS and Iron Will BOOM. instant nerf. I've been playing DBD for 5 whole years and the way the game has been handled is just sad. DBD was so much better back in the day.
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Yes let's make survivors gen rush and punish them for winning chases👏🏻 please what is this😭💀
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Do you really think this game revolves around Dead Hard?
10 -
NOED and Devour are countered by doing bones and Lethal is countered by Distortion.
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It has been reworked. It now glows light a nightlight out to 32m. I just broke a NOED not ten minutes ago.
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"Clearly" you were playing for 5 years =D
/s besides, we're having billy basically hit with the nerfbat again for no reason, so it's still less killers to see in this day and age...
all i'm also hearing from you is afk wraith while i rush 5 gens,
2 -
“One killer can complain about DH, DS, and IW. BOOM. Instant nerf”.
now you know that is factually and categorically incorrect, right? DH was released way back in 2018 and didn’t get “nerfed” until four years later in 2022. DS was released back in 2017 and only received game-health changes (to stop survivors abusing it) until it was finally nerfed in 2022.
even after the DH nerf back in July last year, many, many players said that the “nerf” was arguably a “buff” and it’s only now receiving a balance change what? Like 9 months later?
look back at the patch notes for all mid-chapter updates since DBD was released and I guarantee you that killer perks get nerfed way before survivor perks do.
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If you've been playing for 5 years, then you'd know the game existed before CoH and survivors managed just fine.
It also means you're an adult and shouldn't be throwing tantrums.
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If you 'already run the killer for so long' you shouldn't have any issues then. Actually you should do even better than before considering that gen regression got nerfed, which forces the killer to go for chases above all else.
This should be one of the best updates ever made for you. So, why are you complaining? If you're so good in chase the killer will have a very hard time to defend their gens and get hooks.
7 -
You could run Devour Hope in ten games and most likely in nine of them it will get cleansed before it gives you any value.
NOED I actually agree with you is still to this day a bit of a BS perk. However that’s only in certain scenarios- if it coincidentally spawns near a hooked survivor then the killer can just camp an easy kill and the other survivors can’t do anything but leave. That’s boring. But generally, I would say most people in my games now will look for the totem and cleanse it before attempting the save.
Healing your teammates should be faster than healing yourself. Everything else they’ve done in regards to healing should at least be given the benefit of the doubt until the PTB. The main issue I have with it is getting a teammate to heal you is clearly much easier in a SWF, so the issue of closing the gap between solo and SWF comes to the front again.
As for the perk changes, again people need to actually just wait and see. On paper the Pain Res change is much worse than the DH change. The COH change clearly being the most dramatic, but self healing quickly is an issue so it’s not surprising this has happened. You basically couldn’t drop chase at any point if a boon was up, and that’s not healthy for the game. But I circle back to what I just said- this change will affect solo players way more and that isn’t good so I’m mixed on this.
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They clearly want theyre game to die just so they can please killer mains. I hope the survivor side leave and they can play with bots.
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Some of the changes are quite healthy, and some really aren't and they will further push the game in a direction that no one wants. But killers should have some advantage over survivors because it is a 1v4 after all, and they have previously stated that they want the kill rates overall to go up. But they always overdo their nerfs, and then go back on it afterwards. Billy somehow still got nerfed and Nurse buffed, as if she needed the buff 😅
The group that's going to get hit the most is SoloQ-players, and how is that anything new?
Also, I haven't seen killers use totems since Thana got nerfed... it sounds like you're a bit stuck in MMR hell :( Let's hope things get cleared up after the PTB.
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Lmao that last part 👌
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Survivors and killers both need to stop being entitled babies this game started out more survivor sided and they have been working to balance the game the best they can
the survivor side has been getting constant nerfs since year 3 while killers have been getting constant buff since year 4 now that both sides have gotten to a point of near equal they are trying to buff and nerf both sides respectfully granted sometimes in the worst way possible
A lot of you have probably only been playing since like year 5 or 6 of this games lifespan and probably don't know the Bs this game used to be
Killers and survivors have a right to complain about stuff but getting so entitled that you say you are quiting or wanting refunded is dumb just take a break and come back when you have had enough time to collect your thoughts remember this is just going to be PTB there is no guarantee these changes will make it
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Sooooo your arguement is we have two perks…. 1 that literally GLOWS and shows you how to get rid of it, and another than can be completely rid of in the first 15 seconds of the game?
Get over yourself.
5 -
Never used DH but u think spining can avoid a hit? Unless you're beginner doing a 360 will not save u from a killer hit, that's only fancy clips for youtube which 99% of the time are being recorded on lol mmr, yeah a lot of people need to learn to loop, some people go down in 10s.
But this patch don't make sense the meta will be basicly, stay injured the whole game and rush gen as fast as u can, some perks need u to be health to use so in theory thoose perk got nerfed.
Killers din't get nerfed on this patch, that whole regression by overcharge and thoose other perks were just boosted, literraly, every 30 someone get's down and the gen goes back like 25%, unless you're playing SWF with all pro, in solo surv this means death.
This patch is bad to the game health, lot of people will quit and we need players to play, killers whine to much, never had to tunnel or even camp people to get 4k on high mmr and i'm huntress one of the killers that every patch get fc in some way.
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Its cute seeing survivor mains or killer mains who think BHVR only screws over their preferred role.
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Devour hope gives more value than that at least every 1 out of 2 games if you use undying as well. But I think it's fine perk it encourages not to tunnel.
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I literally saw someone cleanse a Noed totem near hook and I got unhooked cause bodyblocking went wrong. No real danger happened
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Only one killer complained about dead hard....omg that's insane. Who was it who complained that player needs a god damn medal haha
Are you serious. It's stupid that you or anyone thinks it's just because of a complaint. Devs look at perk usage and need/buff based on this. Dead hard remained one of the most used survivor perks and this would be why it's been nerfed. When BBQ lost its blood points it was because it was over used and Devs wanted players to explore other options so survivors who rely on dead hard only to win chases need to learn other methods instead
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... because posts like this are far more reasonable.
OP can want their money back all they want, they ain't gonna get it.
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Me being a 50/50 survivor/killer player, it is just so funny seeing all the crying from survivor mains and killer mains while I and the other 50/50 players are over here excited for the new things coming lol.
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Yeah sry my friend, it was me. After playing this game for THIRTEEN years I played a game as killer, missed one swing because of DH and then lost the match because of it.
I then instantly wrote a message to McCote himself, threatening to kidnap his goldfish and BAM, dead hard gets nerfed.
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Surv entitlement in a nutshell.
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No they should stop listening to low mmr survivors that cry how killers are OP
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Or they should take everyone's feedback into account.