Tier list of mid-tier and below killers that can play without gen-regression perks

And there you go guys! Heavily crafted and straightforward tier list of mid-tier and below killers that can win without anti-gen cheese.
Hope this helps!!
Pig is a little too low.
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Demo, Oni, Artist, Plague, Wesker, Huntress, Pinhead??
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I’ll have you know as a 10 thousand hour trapper main I win every match with no perks or add-ons
I’m currently on a 200 win streak too :)
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Those characters are NOT mid-tier.
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Please VOD, how can I find you?
I really enjoy trapper and love big brain trapper moves and would love to learn more.
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Demo, oni, plague, huntress, and pinhead are. The others mentioned are like high mid tier
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Billy, Bubba, Knight, Deathslinger, Executioner, Nemesis, Clown, Freddy, Trickster
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These killers are ranked waaay too high.
We have to go deeper.
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If you watch any DbD content creators they can tell you that these are all-around solid characters. For a few you may rely on one gen-regress perk but anything it's a necessity.
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any killer can be played well and grant you a good result without regression perks, its how the game is balanced
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Depends on how you run them and how you plan to play.
Pig can get away with just Corrupt Intervention which is not a regression perk per se.
Pinhead has his own slowdown and can use it to play without any regression perk should he chose to.
If you play dirty, Trickster and Cannibal can just camp (unless a person had a heart and bought Reassurance) and play without it.
However you missed the very serious question: Which Killer is mid tier for you?
Otherwise you get comments like this (and rightfully so) who say that Killer xyz is not "mid-tier". And I have to agree: Oni and Huntress are not mid-tier. Cenobite and Plague are up for debate. However I can not see you running Demogorgon without any slowdown successfully unless you are a very, very good Demo-player.
I would also like to add: Killers who have a slowdown by themself like Cenobite and Wesker are not mid-tier because of this very thing. Cenobites chase power is medium at best for the skill it requires, however his box even if solved every time gives him a sweet pillow of passive slowdown that makes his gameplay much more manageable.
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huntress oni plague pinhead are NOT mid tier what are you on
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they are, dbd league has them as tier 3 killers which is mid tier, and they take their balance and killer ranking v seriously
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id like to explain my reasoning. huntress is B tier, but I can see arguments for her being A. Oni is good, but because he is so reliant on that first hit you can go a whole game and only get 1-2 power procs if survivors play well.
anyway, literally any killer can get away with no gen regression perks. obviously you cant 4k every game but thats because the game isnt balanced around being able to 4k every game
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and i dont wanna be that guy and be like "i have more experience than you yada yada yada" but ive played all these killers at the highest level (tourneys and scrims) i kinda know what im talking about, i dont just go on here and spout complete crap, as there is merit behind what i say and think (usually xD)
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Now you can substitute gen regression perks for tunneling, but yeah using neither option? Outside of a few top tiers none are viable unless the survivors are just bad.
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Kek of truth.
"Billy, Bubba, Knight, Deathslinger, Executioner, Nemesis, Clown, Freddy, Trickster"
Billy is trash and the 5 people who play him made a thread begging for the doom engravings to not get nerfed. So after this patch - Billy is out for sure for the top 10 billy mains. Everyone else was already not good enough to play Billy in high MMR.
How do I know?
Knight? You do realize he works right now because he can : regress generators. Without that he will be trash.
Deathslinger? Low tier killer that works vs bad players. Extremely poor movement with low lethality and "ok" antiloop. You can't afford to run STBFL because the punish for it is absolutely insane.
Pyramid Head is an A tier killer - check your list.
Nemesis is a functional B+ killer who has 4v1, antiloop and really only suffers from : no movement.
Clown is only viable with pinky finger which is getting nerfed this patch.
Freddy? Old Fred is about as retired as Robert Englund. Freddy was heavily reliant on old Tinkerer which is dead. He is nothing without loads of gen regression as he loses the power to teleport when the gens get done. His anti loop got gutted several patches ago.
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Deer god
This must have taken ages to make
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I would say Demo can win most game with CI. I would say he is a B tier killer.
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I agree with the wraith placement.
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Thanks for the in depth explanation. This surely took a few hours of work.
Keep it up buttercup.
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Nurse should be F tier.
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Freddy’s whole play style literally revolves around kicking gens. He’s garbage without regression.
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Thanks. I may have to disagree on Oni but that does not change the overall argument made here.
For me the issue with gen-regression is less a single perk but the ability to stack them on top of each other. Call of Brine and Overcharge on their own are no problem even on stronger Killer but a welcome clutch for most mid and low tier Killers. Stacking them however is quit bad and amplifies each perk beyond what should be possible in the first place.
I think you can run most Killers with just one regression perk an be fine. Ghostface just with Jolt is able to yield good results as is Wraith as an example.
Maybe we should suggest to the devs that stacking regression is an issue...
Yeah, good old "pop goes the Freddy"...maybe his playstyle was bit boring but he was such a fine Killer to get a bit of M1 with a bit of map mobility and get used to applying pressure to generators. You could just take BBQ, Pop and two other random perks and where ready to go on a boring but educating journey.
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what are you?! Otzdarva?!
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isn't mid tier like something worse than half of the killers or? because those killers are easily in top 10 esp oni plague and huntress
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So you see there's a very simple fact you're missing. If the killer can play without slowdown they're obviously not midtier, and if they're midtier or lower they have to use slowdown of course. Reguardless of what killer you suggest this list won't change because op obviously wanted to make a 200iq take about how they define midtier.
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Do you stream or have vids of your gameplay?
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Gen regression perks aren't even good on most mid to lower tier killers since most of them depend on getting downs or having high mobility, which low-mid tiers killers don't have.
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just looking at the d tier killers most of them do need regression.
Most Billy players don't run gen regression. To be fair he's pretty bad and becoming even more terrible next update
Freddy can hop gen to gen which is the only slightly decent thing about him. without gen regression he's terrible.
trickster definitely need gen regression as he's way to slow to pressure areas.
The pig terrible but she don't actually need gen regression at all. (The traps give her all the slowdown she need)
Trapper better off going for basement or end game than regression.
Sadako definitely need regression.