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Bright Light Interactions Removal

I don't understand why all these interactions was removed. These actions are fair, they add fun, you can do them while your flashlight discharge. These little tricks add fun and content to the game.

For the hag traps, it's a good change ok, but for the rest I find it sad.


  • Remedicist
    Remedicist Member Posts: 1,096

    Items and perks should not negate killer powers. Now all that has to be addressed is Adrenaline waking up survivors.

  • solidhex
    solidhex Member Posts: 889

    Playing Wraith against your typical bully-wannabe surv with Flashlight was annoying, especially on maps like Midwich with tight corridors. So much time wasted alone by avoiding getting flashlight burned lol. It wasn't that much of an issue on wide maps if you just kept on moving around them and let them burn their flashlight, but it was stupid and annoying anyways.

    I don't think burning birds and traps was that common in pub games but it was very common in tournaments were coordinated would do this and i think those killers got buffed heavily by this.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,428

    You forget this game doesn't like unique interaction.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    "It was fun..." Yea for who? For Survivors. Not for Killers trying to play that Killer.

    Finaly Its gone.

  • DH3206
    DH3206 Member Posts: 272

    This is a change I completely agree on that they did it. Being burned out of stealth as wraith was just stupid.

  • ranzoo_tr
    ranzoo_tr Member Posts: 10

    tbh only wraith and hag suffered of flashlights, but for wraith it was easy to dodge a survivor who tries to burn you out while you're cloaked, the batteries descharge quickly. But it's a good change for the hag.

  • Laluzi
    Laluzi Member Posts: 6,049

    Yeah, Hag versus flashlights was miserable. More than one and she was basically a 110 without a power.

    I didn't have too much issue with Wraith versus flashlights, and you could get survivors to waste tons of battery fast, but flashbangs were another story. Brutal, and virtually nothing you could do about it.

  • Bluecat_OwO
    Bluecat_OwO Member Posts: 7
    edited March 2023

    People complaining that Wraith can get burned and saying it should have been removed ages ago.

    Bro what do you want me to do against Wraith? Wraiths don't loop, they just zoom over to you and stand in front of you and decloak + hit. Wow such thrilling gameplay.

    One of the most fun things in this stale game is blowing up a Wraith with a flash grenade.

    Is it actually problematic? No. Wraith can just sidestep the explosion/flashlight and nullify the effects. I don't understand why flashlights have to be nerfed. If medkits and flashlights and keys and everything are nerfed to hell what are survivors supposed to use? The only impactful thing remaining is toolboxes and with all the good regression perks neutered I am sure killer mains will have a great time watching the gens fly by.

    I really hope BHVR don't completely remove lightburn. It's one of the more interesting mechanics and I wish every killer was affected by lightburn in some way. Flashlight/flashbangs don't need to be nerfed even further. But I have a really bad feeling that the Devs are going to not give a damn and just remove it all anyway. They don't want ANYTHING that could be even remotely fun if it causes any amount of pain to literally anybody. The only Wraiths that complained about lightburn are the ones that don't know how to dodge a little beam of light. Flashbang was my favorite perk now it's going in the trash like 90% of the other perks.

    "Items shouldn't negate killer powers" They don't. Your power isn't "negated" if you can just side-step the light. But when we start discussing if killers should counter looping or any mechanic that is actually fun suddenly the logic shifts and the killer is allowed to counter everything? Suddenly having to have perfect precision and timing and luck is ok but not with flashlights?

    If flashlights and flashbangs can't lightburn what on earth is the point of them? You can't blind and run at the same time so blinding a killer at a pallet is a waste of distance and flashlight saves require that you aren't working on a generator and instead run across the map just to fail 99.5% of the time because the killer FACED A WALL AND COUNTERED YOUR WORTHLESS ITEM.

    THe thing I hate the most is the hypocrisy over who gets to have fun. If a mechanic is boring for a killer it gets changed and everyone shouts how killers shouldn't have to go against anything strong. But when survivors have fun it's bullying? when survivors have fun it's toxic? So you are fine with mechanics being removed if it's boring for the killer but when it's boring for the survivor MORE GET ADDED (cough cough knight skullmerchant every anti-loop power cough cough)

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,350

    A lot killers when they are blind are unable to use their power. So you still have flashlight interactions.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    The only lightburn changes I agree with is Wraith, Artist, and Hag's. Nurse's should've stayed (as it required actual skill to perform).

  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,703

    You could stop wraith in his tracks at the drop of a hat with a firecracker or a flashbang. I'm not sure I'd call that fair.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,081

    Getting Light Burnt as Wraith was anything but fun

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024

    Yeah its really fun to get burnt as wraith completely nulifying his power

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I’m sad Artist’s interaction is gone but so little people even knew about it that it won’t change much

  • WesCravenFan
    WesCravenFan Member Posts: 2,638

    "Why did you remove our bullying tool?!" - this thread.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    It would be okay if every killer had some kind of flashlight interaction, like shining a light on a trapper trap makes its aura shown, or you could desolve Oni blood orbs etc. Make the light fight the darkness, but draining the battery even faster. With only a couple of killers being hard countered it felt inconsistant and sometimes kinda unfair, if every killer had some sort of flashlight interaction at least you knew that this was an option for the flashlight in every game.

    On the same vain I would wish that every killer had a sort of secondary objective, not just killers like Pig or Pinhead. For some killers this could be somewhat generic, ie bless The Entities shrine to lock their power for a while, for others it could be really specific like break into Bubbas workshop and sabotage his fuel stacks in order to take away one of his charges etc. This would be really complicated, but could also be really interesting. So with killers having two more distinct gameplay elements added besides their power, this would make the game much more interesting. One can only dream, right?

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    It wasn't meaningless, it actually added skillful counterplay to the strongest killer in the game