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Nerf Windows of Opportunity Please

HellyeaNonoobspls Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

Having started playing as a killer recently and now being around iridescent 2 I am starting to play people of the correct level, and forcing myself to see that a perk spoils all my pleasure.

This perks is called Windows of Opportunity, I just looked, it's the most used perks on the game.

Although it is not a winrate, there is an undeniable link between efficiency and use, and it is obvious that this perk is one if not the most impactful in the game.

Before continuing, I know that it is not necessarily essential for very very experienced players, but the players who spend the day on the game are only a small part of the player base and it is not a valid argument to judge the effectiveness of a perks, indeed it is not because a perks is not the best on an excellent player that it is not OP, moreover it is enough to look league of legend to confirm this fact.

I remind you that we measure the impact of a perks by comparing the effectiveness of players who use it and those who do not use it and my experience although it is only about fifty games, the difference is incredible, in some cases it really allows average players to spin you 1 minute or more when without it you would have stuck them between 20 seconds. In other words, it allows any noob to be able to try to loop you and it's already huge, because DBD is not a skill game, and it is not complicated to run on pallets lit in yellow on a screen so it has a huge impact on gameplay and we really make the difference between average players who play it and others who don't. It is therefore obvious that its impact is super important and that if we had access to win rate statistics, it is pretty much that her winrate would be indecent, it is clear and clear that she is overpowered at low and medium level which represents 90% of the players if we consider that 10% of the players are really above the lot but that's difficult to discuss without figures.

But for me playing killer M1 it's really tiring to eat 125 pallets in a row by a guy who sees the pallets in yellow on his screen, there's no particular outplay if it's not a perk. It should be modified or even deleted, to reduce its impact because everything is going in the direction that it is too strong.


  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 815

    I kind of agree and atbthe same time i kind of disagree.

    Its hard to tell.

    I played most od my games as killer, last moth or two i played really poorely, and rarely but i had never na issue with this.

    Just because survivors can see where next pallete or window is, does not elevate their ability of looping, just increase their awareness which i see as a good thing. Especially that one cannot know the difference between same surv with and without this perk because 1. Its hard to get same surv two times in a row where only one od those matches was with this perk for comparison and 2. There is much more variables than only perks.

    But on the other hand, if one perk is used by the most of players this means something has to be done with it. Either nerf or make it a basekit.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    When I play killer, I just love windows users. They are very distinct and very easy to identify. I love going behind those and very quickly (because they usually throw the pallet without looping it) throw it down creating a dead zone for next survivor.

    What I suggest you do is follow the guy in one part of the map (it must contain at least 1 unfinished generator, preferably more, or alternatively it must be one of the high-traffic areas - otherwise leave the chase). Let him drop 3-5 pallets and break them. Now you have created a spot where even best loopers will stand no chance to loop you.

    Once this is over you have 2 choices - try to play around pallets not breaking them and downing said survivor (if you are good enough), or alternatively leave said windows user for later. But the important thing is, that you have created a spot on the map, where every chase makes a lot of sense and even said windows user will go down if he ever returns there. Just don't follow said WoO user until he clears whole map with you. That is recipe for disaster

  • HellyeaNonoobspls
    HellyeaNonoobspls Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3

    Thank you for your feedback, several things: what you consider a slight awareness advantage, is a gigantic looping advantage, besides the statistics speak for themselves, if the perks are the most used, it is not chance, it's because people find it brings more than a slight benefit. And I don't agree, we don't have to come across a survivor with and without to see the effect of the perks, I'm just contrasting the average level of the dozens of survivors I see with or without and the difference in average level is striking. And this advantage also makes it possible to increase the capacity of looping, it is enough simply to retain the most visible elements on the screen before using a first palette in order to be able to easily create a route, it is within reach of all. dont you think so?

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 815

    Not really.

    I am poor survivor and just because i know there is a window, there is palette etc does not enhance my looping ability. More on that. Its kind of like brown Nurse addons than let her see blink location - seeing something does not teach You anything, it makes You dependent on it. Besides, it takes one perk slot, which can make a difference.

    And no. I can't believe in an argument that windows users are generalny better than non windows users, citation needed.

    Just because something is used extremally often does not means it is op. There is much more factors than this one.

    Yet sheer fact that something is used so often is enought to make a closer look and finds a way to reduce usage of this thing.

  • MikeStev
    MikeStev Member Posts: 384

    revert to the previous version. Give it 20s. dev delete the cooldown that makes this perk really popular right now.

  • HellyeaNonoobspls
    HellyeaNonoobspls Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2023

    You do not bring any valid argument, that you are bad and that you do not find interest in the perks it is one thing. "Just because something is used extremely often doesn't mean it's op. There are many more factors than that." Well if something is used, it's because the player finds an advantage in it and there is undeniably a link between use and power, if you don't see it I invite you to go back to the tier list, you'll see that the best perks are the most used. So it's not as simple as that, but it remains much more coherent with my point of view than yours.

    Second, that you're bad and you don't have the ability to improve your looping ability with that perk is one thing, but for the majority of players who use it that's the case, and that's is besides all its interest, (At one time, everyone plays it but to listen to you it is useless, must be serious two minutes..."I'm a bad survivor and just because I know there's a window, there's a palette, etc. doesn't improve my looping ability" this sentence is bad Faith such that you can't be taken seriously or else you have the Qi of a mussel no offense, I don't know what else to coherent and honest in your speech) It serves to know for a average player or leave at the beginning of his hunt, and identify a few elements to have a sustainable minimum hunt, it is on paper "giga op" and once again consistent with the usage stats. To say that it does not increase the ability to miss is stupidity, I have seen friends who have never lasted 2 minutes in a chase, run killers on 4 people, the perks is known for that, and you gonna make me not increase magnifying power for an average player, please see, be honest.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    I don't advocate for/against the perk. I stopped using it after first 100 hrs in game.

    But the guy is right - just knowing about pallet/window does not mean you are safe. Take into account say new thrash tile from autoheaven. There's both window and pallet. But the chance killer gets hit in there is like 90%. Because there are no reasonable structures around it. But if the killer mindlessly follows and swings very predictably - never doing any mindgame or prediction, even this tile can under this specific conditions favor survivor more.

    Meaning a lot of things can be played around. Just knowledge of window is not enough. And if it's not god pallet/thrash pallet, then it's about skill of both sides who will actually win (and windows does not really make that much difference).

    Anyway, the best usage from WoO is IMO in playing soloQ or no comms SWF. With this perk you know which part of map is already exhausted, so you as a survivor can try to go in a different part of map. That is in my opinion also the reason why the perk is so popular.

    But as I said - I don't care about the perk much. As a survivor I never use it. And as a killer - I usually abuse it against survivors (see my previous post). So if anything, I would consider it a mild nerf against me as a killer when I play killer (but I play survivor more, so I don't care that much).

  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    I strongly disagree that just because a perk is used by most players means it should be nerfed or basekit. It could just mean the devs made a good perk that people enjoy using. I don't know where this mentality of just because everyone uses it must mean it is overpowered or necessary.

  • Vhillain
    Vhillain Member Posts: 127

    Instead of looking at the perk, the way to change it would be to reduce the RNG generation of maps. Personally, this is the only reason I run this perk, there's way too many times where I go to a loop and I'm like "I swear there was a pallet there last time" but now there isn't and I chalk it up to bad RNG. Windows simply provides information, where there is and isn't loops. The perk itself doesn't actually make someone a better looper, that's still on them. There's many people who run WoO and just drop pallets immediately instead of juicing the tile, or they take an unsafe window just because it's a "shiny" on their screen.

    The perk doesn't need a change, if we have changes to the maps many people will only need the perk to learn where loops are when learning the game, as opposed to needing it to tell them that the 80% spawn rate pallet at that rock isn't actually there this time.

    The perk itself solely relies on the strength of the player and the map generation in tandem, as opposed to being a strong perk by itself.

  • bunnyfengenthusiast
    bunnyfengenthusiast Member Posts: 471

    A lot to unpack here. First off, iri 2 = grade =/= rank =/= mmr.

    Second, you're attributing a negative connotation to WoO, likely because you got slapped by a survivor, and they had WoO equipped. A survivor without can achieve the exact same effect. Pallets spawn in certain spots, whether you have windows or not. The main issue isn't the perk, it's the map design.

  • Buggez
    Buggez Member Posts: 3

    You being iri 2 has nothing to do with anything. Grades have nothing to do with mmr and each killer has their own mmr so if you have recently started playing killer it's insanely easy to get to iri grades, but even then it doesn't mean anything at all.

    I'm gonna be honest I don't quite follow how you find this perk to be such an issue? Feels like you are trying to find a reason you are failing. I'm a killer main and not once have I thought I've lost a game or a game has been harder because they had windows of opporunity. Now if you said dead hard? That I would understand. Dead hard is infuriating to try to counter play and survivor making a mistake but then pressing dh at the right time can save them the entire game.