Dead Hard and Circle of Healing

Honestly, with the reverted healing changes i’d say im pleased with it. However, I still have an issue with the dh an coh changes. JUST LEAVE THEM ALONE!!! The self-care aspect should’ve never been removed, and dead hard shouldn’t have to have an unhook to activate. It still promotes tunneling and camping. Just change it back to how it was, it got nerfed 10 times already JUST LEAVE IT ALONE!! Y’all always changing ######### that don’t need to be changed. Circle of Healing still freaking useless, the self-care aspect was the greatest thing about it. Having to find a teammate while the boon is on the opposite side of the map is going to be quite tedious and it still makes it easier for killer to find and kill u AND snuff totem cuz you’re just waiting for someone to come heal you or you’re WASTING TIME RUNNING AROUND THE MAP trying to LOOK for someone to heal you! Revert the Dead Hard and Circle of Healing changes!!!!!!!! otherwise i’m still quitting this game! >:(


  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Unfortunately, I don't see them reverting the Dead Hard and/or COH changes.

    COH should've kept its self healing aspect, but only for the boon owner and not the rest of the team. Dead Hard needs a better activation method because both proposed activation methods are kinda bad.

  • Jinxed
    Jinxed Member Posts: 248

    Idc about circle of healing, it was too powerful for one perk to give a whole team free heals. They should buff the perk self care now, I think, as some compensation for solo queuers.

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Please devs leave alone the two most busted survivor perks

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 3,010