New Alice in Wonderland Artist Model - New Killer?

Something I found quite curious and I'm not sure if anyone else noticed was the model. It's a completely different stance than all the rest of her skins unless someone can correct me and I missed one (doesn't match any other killer from what I could see either). This seems like an entirely new model. Now as we know they tend to reuse models substantially as it just makes sense financially and time wise.
So where am I going with this?
Well, if the model didn't already exist I highly doubt they would make an entirely new one just for a skin as they even try to avoid having to do that on new survivors and killers.
IE my tinfoil hat: This is a model reused from the anniversary chapter where they tend to take the time to make an entirely new model as the anniversary is such a big deal every year where extra work goes into the chapter. What model does this look like? That's right, Alien.
Take a look at the model in the store for yourself and tell me what you think. I can very easily see an Alien model from it.
I don't think it's Alien model, but how hyped I would be for Alien Chapter tho. That's the like number 1 best lincese they could get for me, second place being Stranger Things 2 (Vecna?) with Demo comeback.
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Did you forget about Birkin?
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Isn’t it pretty much normal for legendary characters though - i would say this is more in line with Krampus or Minotaur.
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That actually is a fair point. That's the first new model for a skin we saw.
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Both of those skins do not have new models.
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yes they do, theyre entirely new. same with sadako's ultra rare, birkin, the crypt tv skins, etc etc, all are entirely new models.
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No, that's wrong, they do not. Birkin is the only one of those that has a new model. All those others you are mentioning are the same model with a different skin.
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Tbf i just assumed Minotaur and Krampus were at least to some degree (heads and legs/feet for example must be completely different right?)
i know it’s not true for all of the legendary skins
i will look into the actual models/meshes later on this weekend anyways..
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are you aware what a "model" is? a model in a game is the look of the character. some use the same models (like the default recolors every killer/survivor has and prestige) , but most use new models for skins that are very rare or hire. they all have unique models. artists jabberwock skin looks nothing like a xenomorph
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I highly doubt that, they just look different on the outside is all it's just a new skin. The underlying model and animation rig is still the same as their base model.
The only killer skin I know of that might be different(?) from the base rig is HUNK Legion and it's a small difference. Looked bad on released and needed changing.
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minotaur and krampus are 100% original models (minus power items like the bat thing and traps respectively, which are always identical no matter what skin you use)
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thats animations, thats not the model. the model is the physical appearance (like you said, making legion look like HUNK), maybe the artist skin has unique animations, and thats cool, but any skin that isnt a recolor uses a different model (hell, even some prestige weapons do in order to get the veiny blood look)
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I'm aware and that's wrong. Different props put on the original model does not make it a new model. All of those you mentioned are the exact same model and animation rig with simply different cosmetics placed on them. The model itself is the same.
You can literally go to the killer right now and click back and forth between the base skin and those cosmetics, the model is the same. Cosmetics on them are the only thing changing. I think you're misunderstanding what a model is.
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Proportionally, everything looks the same to me. They just crouched the model, because it'd look awkward af if left upright.
A shame they couldn't be bothered to leave the tail loose and give it physics or an animation cycle.
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Well on top of crouching her down the arms and legs are shifted differently as well as the head movements have changed. Even the finger movements are different.
Including the tail animation might have given too much away towards the Alien teasing.
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Now looked at it in-game..
no way that is a Xenomorph model or rig or animation.
and yeah you were not strictly talking about the model being different but the rig/animations. But even then, it’s not entirely new, you can definitely see close similarities between base artist and this new one.