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What should be the killers kill rate?

Justinradtke14 Member Posts: 52

What should be the killers kill rate?

What should be the killers kill rate? 46 votes

Shnicel 1 vote
NeaKarlssonScary_Punk_GhostFridayNightPizzaJusta335iNightmarefanYoli1422omgitscawlinHoldThisForMePavel_Ch 9 votes
LaMupfelRaptorrotasIWasLrft2DieGlamourousLeviathantenoresaxEmealCrowmanMapersonsizzlingmario4philward1953Iron_CutlassStroggzMooseEyeJinxedHugTheHagTyGuyCBT137GrunbarWitchOfCrafttuttoinunavolta 25 votes
BlueberryViktor1853MeakoShroudedGhostFaceGensByDaylightsaneesqnyun 7 votes
tyantlmumagjiaonuha 1 vote
MikaelaWantsYourBoonJustinradtke14DudelPuma 3 votes


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671
    edited March 2023

    Realistically it shouldn’t be measured by kill rate at all as it’s flawed for a multitude of reasons. While still having some issues hooks would be significantly more accurate in measuring balance. Hook snapshots would also be way more accurate measured at the time of last gen complete than at end of match. There are so many kills/hooks at end game from cheese and people hook bombing because they don’t want that last guy to die which skews the stats a lot single handedly and is not reflective at all of game balance.

  • Gibberish
    Gibberish Member Posts: 1,063
    edited March 2023

    I think a better, and probably simpler to program/implement, system would just have it be based on number of Generators at the end of the match.

    5 gens? Killer curbstomped the Survivors.

    3-4 Gens left ? Killer did pretty well, Survivors did poorly.

    2-1 Gens left? An about even match.

    0 Gens left with 0-1 escapes? Survivors did pretty well, Killer did poorly.

    0 Gens left with multiple escapes? Survivors curbstomped the Killer.

    Hatch escapes shouldnt matter in either direction, as it's literally just RNG.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,671

    Yeah I'd be okay with that as well. Would also be much more accurate than kills.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I'd say 50% to be completely equal, but remembered that stats would be skewed by some games with early suicides, and somewhat different rates in low and high, so let's say 60% as now for the funsies.

    Anything more would be unfair. Survivors don't need to escape every game, but they need to feel like they at least had a solid chance given they play right.

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,402

    what do you mean by that

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,260

    Well its complex.

    The killer chance to win (>2 kills) should be equal to either

    1. A survivors chance to escape (individual focus like current game)
    2. The survivor team chance to get >2 escapes ("survivors are a team")

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 5,469


  • NeaKarlsson
    NeaKarlsson Member Posts: 40

    50% if we count the serious gameplays and not the troll games or the "i kill myself on first hook"-games

    both sides should be able to enjoy the game. a killer can live with 2 kills in a match and survivors should be fine with surviving every 2nd match

    having anything else than 50% on serious matches would make the game unbalanced or less enjoyable for one side

  • Shnicel
    Shnicel Member Posts: 19


  • sanees
    sanees Member Posts: 685

    as blueberries said, you should not evaluate anything by KR

    if we take an ideal world where KR works perfectly and shows the true state of the game, then I would like KR to be 60% (since the constant esc of two survivors at 50% would be boring, otherwise there is an element of surprise and a real place for the manifestation of skill)

    well, or if we take the real world where KR shows only relative statistics, then 70%

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,689

    60% is slightly less than 2.5 kills per a game. Meaning that most games end with 2-3 kills. Considering the fact a killer should easily be able to pick up a single kill at the end of the game, this would also mean that 0 kills are less common unless severely outskilled.

    To me this puts killers in a spot of being stronger than survivors as a whole, but not oppressively so.

  • GensByDaylight
    GensByDaylight Member Posts: 528

    In my opinion, 70%.

    A massive amount of survivors kill themselves on hook, or just stop tring, which inflates kill rates by absurd amounts.

    If no one suicided, the kill rate would probably be 45-55%, but this wouldn't happen. So aiming for a 70% KR seems good.