What is the punishment for the real exploiters?

The major issue currently is targeting through the acid block. Too many maps with full rooms of blocked vision and flames in nonsocial matches.
Then there is the grey area. Using piston to kill the rover at the start. Rover can be saved with a quick shot, but with melee-only gear, it is not possible to save rover. Sure it is harmless in most maps, but then there are these 20min mazes where it is just cruel to kill it. So does it count as an exploit to kill the rover at the start? I would like to know.
And the final question; are there any consequences for exploiting, or should I join the club?
I also found this scary bug
I believe the Harvester (aka harvey) respawns when its killed.
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I don't think he does, at least I haven't seen it even once. Would be good if it worked that way though
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I don’t believe Harvey respawns. as the the exploit situation. With everything you described it dose not sound like exploits to me. If it’s possible could you explain how some of the things you mentioned are exploits?
as the HRV/Harvey well while it’s cruel to kill him at the beginning I don’t see it as an exploit and in fact think it is a smart move to do so for ONLY maze builds. Like it’s the only way to really make an effective maze build is to not have Harvey. You can get more creative. And not feel forced to build traps on the path only since there is the chance raiders will go out exploring and fall for traps off the path. Or using traps as misdirection making one think they are going the right way but aren’t.
while it will be frustrating for some being lost it can also be seen and taken as a fun challenge and something different compare to having to deal with just constant dying or kill rooms and such and more of a mind games situation.
Post edited by magic1236 on0 -
>>With everything you described it dose not sound like exploits to me. If it’s possible could you explain how some of the things you mentioned are exploits? @magic1236
Second wave corrosive cubes let traps trigger through them (although traps shouldn't trigger without clear LOS and they work so with normal corrosive cubes). It is a bug that makes outposts much harder and people use this bug making whole maps around it.
I don't think it's punishable (BHVR usually has special list of forbidden exploits and new bugs aren't in this category) but it's a bug exploiting.
As for HRV, devs said they don't want to make his death impossible, they stated they like mazes being a thing, if builder wants to create one - builder can.
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Gotcha. Thanks for the explanation. Though I’ll admit I do like the idea that certain traps could possibly go through corrosive cubes. This would be an argument on the cube though. Something along the lines of, X trap can see through cube but prevents the use of the obscure argument and maybe even makes the cube a bit easier to see through and only works with one cube. If there is two cubes with the argument the trap will not have LOS . Really only trap I can think of that will be fair with this is the claw, since you can use a sword to swipe and break the claw even after it grabs you.
I only like this idea cause then makes it where you can pair with the splatter argument really well. Don’t have sword, well only option is shoot through the cube to destroy the trap, but now have to deal with the spill over.
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he does.
you can also make him flip directions by simply blocking his path long enough.
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The line of sight with corrosive blocks is a bug. should be fixed. wouldn't call it an exploit since it doesn't make that much of a difference.
i run light sword, shield, grenade, and flash barrier. pretty much most things i figure out can be sprinted through.
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Oh bugged splatters with claw are horrible xD I met a base with hunter boltshots and splatters. Can't see the trap, don't have room for maneuver, acid splatters are everywhere... I can't imagine deflecting several claws grabbing me at the same time here. Shield was only option to survive and would be only option with claws.
The biggest problem: you don't have an option to pre-fire traps. I wasn't able to outrun the setup so I had to deal with four traps activating at me at the same time because all 4 free seconds of activation corrosive cubes were activating too and therefore they were solid and impossible to shoot through :))) without the bug this map would be useless. But here I am with 5 deaths including first one when I didn't even had my shield equipped. Meh.
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Oof ya that sounds rough. But ya that’s why I am staring, as a bug it should definitely be fixed but then could be incorporated later as a augment that is balanced so that only certain traps work and well it can’t use obscured and such. But ya I see that even then with that set ip it would be rough. Then again possibly would be less dealt as they would lack the capacity. Who knows.
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I think the traps behind corrosive cubes are fair. They are easily beatable. The piston killing the rover is probably considered an exploit but also very easy to find and follow the path if you know what you're doing, regardless of how much of a maze they try to make. Best thing to prevent unbeatable exploits would be if they made the game force you to successfully run through it before being able to publish it. I have yet to find any base that was not beatable, regardless of what they have tried.