Can’t use more than one Biolink

I’m on PlayStation 4 and my friend is as well. For some reason, he is able to have multiple bio links equipped to one suit, I have both suits unlocked but I can only use one bio link and i have all 3 of the iron guy’s bio links mastered, but it doesn’t let me use all three of them. Am I the only one experiencing this?
"can be swapped onto another suit's activated mastered slot" "you must master your current perk to be able to swap it"
which means you have to master both.
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This has happened to me the past few days the gap closer biolink is permanently attached to the ironside suit, i have filed a report on this, the more people that report it the quicker it will be fixed Hopefully!
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I believe this problem stems from having upgraded your character in coop. Piece of advice, ONLY UPGRADE IN SOLO MODE!
I upgraded my ranged suit in coop. From that moment forward the melee upgrade tier 1 was attached to it and unchangable until I earned both masteries. Now I have master fire rate, master magnetic, and master melee lunge, but I can only equip one thing when playing coop and I have to switch the ranged suit biolink out from the melee biolink every single coop raid.
The weapons also suffer from the leveling in coop issue. I leveled up my Volt Lancer in order to get the extra bullet and it didn't give it to me. After a while I bought another weapon, and now I can force it to remember I bought the upgrade by switching my loadout every single coop raid.
That's right, the game can't remember for longer than a few minutes that I have those upgrades or even what things I had equipped.
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I’ve mastered every single bio link on the ranged suit, but I can only have one equipped at a time
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I did upgrade in coop I think but I don’t exactly remember. I do have all the bio links mastered and I can swap them out, it just lets me only equip one at a time instead of all three like my friend. And changed to the melee suit still had the same issue where I could only have one equipped, but that may be because I didn’t purchase the other bio links for it?
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bio links are assigned to slots 1-3. you have to have the bio-link for the slot you want to trade out mastered for both suits. i don't know how else to explain it.
for example, if you have tier 4 gap closer you can swap it for tier 4 magnetic link. you have to have both mastered.
you have to have all slots open and tier 4. if you don't have the other perks that's why.
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What you're not understanding is that this is ACTUALLY a bug. Ironside will have the other suits ability stuck on it. No other abilities show up as active and switching skills has no effect on this. My ironside has gap closer level 1 and no mastered skills.
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This is why screenshots are important. To be honest i’m not even sure what you just said.
I just realized that you’re not the OP so now i have to figure out what you mean with your specific situation.
so you’re saying you have kamaitachi’s gap closer on your ironside. And you have no mastered biolinks on ironside? And your kamaitachi is level 4 everything? Or is only gap closer level 4? Can you still use gap closer on kamaitachi?
what level is your ironside shot tracker? For that matter what is your magnetic link and rapid fire also? Can you swap gap closer, magnetic link, or rapid fire with gap closer? What about the other 2 kamaitachi links - frenzy and quick strike? Are you going to the right menu? There is the loadout menu and the shop for prosarmogi. You have to be in the right one.
it’s definitely possible it’s a bug, but a ton of posts are people complaining because they don’t understand how the menu system or game mechanics work.
- see all the posts about delete all in base mode
- see the forbidden tombs section
- see the complaints about kill boxes
- see the complaints about currency being hard to earn.
there are definitely bugs, but if I don’t have a video or photo then I’m only able to interpret from what has been said. Replays, death counters, and servers have been buggy so it’s possible the shop menus and loadout menus are as well.
what was said by the op initially makes it sound like the player hasn’t earned the ability to swap the perk yet. 🤷🏻♂️
screenshot it or post a video. Makes it a lot easier to see what’s going on. and that’s true for devs as well. Plus this whole post isn’t even in the “bugs” section. It’s In the “general discussion” section. Makes it seem even more likely a player is newer and unfamiliar with the menus.
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I'm technology illiterate on posting pics so I'll try to explain in text. I have purchased lvl 3 ammo reach, lvl 2 ammo detection, and lvl 2 rapid fire for ironside. However all off those skills suddenly disappeared and were replaced by gap closer lvl 1. No idea how. Since then no other skills show up on the load out screen. There is no way in my experience to fix this problem. Now here is the most important part after leveling up frenzy on the other suit the skill on ironside is now frenzy. (This just happened or I would have mentioned earlier)
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I am definitely not new, I have over 20 hours in the game so far and I’m having a blast. I want to be able to have more than one bio link on my Ironside suit but I’m unable to have more than one. Here are screenshots to show I have mastered every Ironside bio link, what bio links I have mastered, and show that Kamaitachi has three bio links whereas I don’t for Ironside
Edit: I also noticed the bio links are automatically equipped or they were for Kamaitachi, but they weren’t auto equipped for Ironside. That’s the issue, I am unable to have 3 bio links on Ironside
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yep. definitely a bug then. post this info in the bug section.
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depends on what you're gaming on. you can take captures on psn and xbox and use the apps to download them and save them onto your phone or pc and click the little icon in this window that looks like a moon behind a mountain in a square. it's in the bottom left corner of the text box. then just select the jpg or whatever.
for computer gaming it's even easier. you just press "print screen" to copy the entire screen. then paste it into a paint window and crop out what you don't want people to see. save it as a jpg and do the same.