Poor David, his perks got destroyed

I kinda feel bad for David, before coming out he had 2 of the best survivor perks. One year later he has none.
Guess coming out of the closet didnt do him any good xD.
Oh well, still like you King.
I've been sure to grab his adept quickly. Going to be a real difficult one after the changes
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Yeah, probably better do that before the changes.
What a pain.
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I have suggested in another thread that they give No Mither some love, lest David have a near impossible Adept challenge that newer players wont even want to try, or they will just sandbag their team and themselves.
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Rip WGLF bloodpoints, you are missed
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2 of the best? wglf literally had no effect on gameplay for like 5 years
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WGLF got buffed though so not sure what you are on about.
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WGLF and BBQ BP's need to come back :(
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I still to this day dont know why ppl just stopped using wglf. Technically, it was buffed by adding endurance to your dying teammate. Yet ppl have emphasized the importance of bloodpoints when it has nothing to gain you an advantage during the match. If anything, it makes you unhook players recklessly even when its detrimental to your team.
And keep in mind. Bbq is still used alot to this day even with bps gone from it.
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Actually, no, BBQ isn't used a lot now, most of the killer can't really gain value from the arua reading,and most of those can don't need it.
The BBQ was used a lot is because the BPs,which make killer can get green mori for their game.
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Yeah i really hate having those go away.
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Maybe not after the nerf, but OG WGLF was nuts. Mmm, and I still remember that first weekend, 200% WGLF and Triple BPs. So much farming. Good times.
But actually, you are right that current WGLF isn't terrible when you consider it was basically a 'You only get 3 perks' handicap in exchange for BPs for the longest time. So yeah, I wouldn't say it's been destoyed compared to what it used to be.
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I did it before Haddonfield rework. No regrets
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Jake got nerfed more. Iron will nerf and the unexpected calm spirit nerf. and a slight saboteur buff
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This is part of why I want the devs to slide the permanent broken effect from No Mither to Dead Hard. One of David's perks is strong enough for that downside and it isn't No Mither.
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No Mither shouldn't leave you perma broken. This alone makes the perk super obvious to the killer and when he knocks you down, of course he'll put you on a hook immediately, all because he knows you have the power to get back up all by yourself.
You should only inherit the broken status after you recovered from the Dying state once or got freed from a hook. At least you'd get maybe some chance to recover once using the perk.
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No mithwr should get a rework. It's a dumb perk and I hate getting sandbagged in solo play because people choose it. I'd be okay with it if it gave another benefit (such as an additional hook state for that survivor let's say)
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I still go against quite a lot of killers who use BBQ. Nowhere near as much as they used to but it's still a solid, decent perk for most killers.
Also Dead Hard is still gonna be a pretty strong perk, saying David has zero good perks now is ridiculous.
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youre saying WGLF is a top perk?