How to stop THE Sadako build
For the ring drawing add on make it so it does not add a stack to getting a survivor out of the dying state. Works when healing another teammate to full health. Other ideas?
One way to stop this type of Sadako build is by bringing Boon: Exponential. It could get destroyed, but if Sadako doesn't, she can't get condemned stacks because they can pick themselves up. But if were asking for a nerf for this add-on, I would rather rework her and change some of her add-ons.
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They could rework Ring Drawing and also make it so Condemned resets to half when you're picked up from the slugged state. Maybe buff base Condemned slightly but nerf The Build.
It's pretty hopeless if you run into it in solo queue. OnePumpWillie is in my region and I don't think I've ever escaped in solo queue over many games against him. You have to pre-build for it, and that's not feasible in normal gameplay. Dbd isn't a counterpick game.
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Just buff Sadako and remove slugging mechanic. Tons of ideas were brough by people, but devs ignoring them, they hate Sadako for some reason...
Simple changes:
- make getting condemn "gradual", like Wesker's or Plague's infection - the more you heal, more condemn you get, not just +1 on health state change => no slugging gameplay
- buff her in general, so she could be more opressive (make ring drawing, Iri tape and Newspaper basekit, make getting condemn over time, survivors can't carry tape and item at the same time, no speed debuff while manifesting, remove lullaby) that way she could be somewhat on par with other killers
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Hold shift on the ground and wait 4 minutes