Strange anime crossovers I think could work

(WARNING: A LOT OF READING) Another discussion to take away from the gloom I've been seeing (which I see a little less of, progress least what I see). So I wanted to talk about anime crossovers and mine are pretty weird in my opinion. I think Danganronpa could be a good crossover, killer: Monokuma(controlled by Junko) maybe it would work almost like the twins where Junko controls Monokuma except maybe Monokuma can set up traps or a youtuber (spoiled fruit) suggested that maybe Monokuma could self destruct which I think would be a great idea. There was a reason why I mentioned Junko, I feel as though she would also want to get involved in the trials and maybe would appear if things get heated for the killer, maybe she can sabotage pallets and when you drop them or vault them too many times they break by themselves. I would also give them voice lines for each survivor which would be a lot of work but would help sell the DLC better. (but I'm not done yet) As for the survivor I think Mikan Tsumiki would a good survivor why you may ask, because the entity loves to rub salt on the wound so it would be like "Hey you've been bullied and sexually harassed all your life how about I take you to a literal hell" as for perks I would say her perks would rely on your mistakes so after you miss a skill check you'll be able to help them like turning a good skill check to a great skill check or saving the survivor you failed a skill check on or with grants both of you some type of boost.
(welcome to the halfway point congrats) Ok now the second crossover idea. I think this would be a killer only DLC so I introduce...........Soul Eater, specifically Crona Gorgon, now let me explain myself I think Crona is a pretty scary character. They (their gender is unknown in the books even though I know the anime used his/he pronouns) have been such a creepy character whenever in battle which I find amazing. Crona's power would probably involve screech resonance or Ragnarok this could work by Crona activating screech resonance and could work in two ways; one, it could be a speed buff that makes Crona break pallets,walls, and generators faster or it could work almost like Pyramid heads power and could hit survivors with a charged attack except it might be quicker or it could add a madness debuff like doctor but with a different visual effect (Maybe they see a first person visual of Crona slashing at them). Cronas perks would probably allow them to endure things a lot better such as missed attacks, pallets, and flashlight blinds. (yes basically enduring, and that other perk that helps you with missed attacks but maybe they would somehow be better?) I would also like voice lines for them like if they get hit by a pallet "Ow that hurts you know, it's bad enough Ragnarok pokes me." or after breaking a wall "Hope that wall wasn't important" or if madness is applied they would giggle and of course Ragnarok would have his classic scream whenever activating screech resonance and maybe if your charging it up then maybe he could make his goofy noise "Go Bee...." and then scream.
ooh boy.......I wrote a lot heh....well thanks for reading my post if you got this far (or you just skipped to the end) if you don't know any of these characters then I highly recommend looking at the Danganronpa games and the Soul Eater anime. Once again, thank you for reading and I would love to hear your opinion and your ideas.
I absolutely love Danganronpa, but sadly I don't think it'd fit in Dbd personally. I know there's arguments to be made for demo and trickster, but Danganronpa is on a whole nother level.
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This ######### was cringe so I deleted it
Post edited by KriSpY_OxYgen08 on0 -
I would love a Demon Slayer chapter. Douma and/or Kokushibo as a killer would be perfect, especially Douma as he is a psychopath of the worst kind. We've seen a collaboration with AoT (and I think no one could have guessed that it would come) so maybe one day they will collab with other anime franchises to make skins or chapters.
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I'm still rooting for that JoJo chapter.
It'll never happen and perhaps that's for the best, but still.
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Dio would be awesome.
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Parasyte would be great
Full metal alchemist could also work well