Send Me Your Gimmick/Meme Builds!!

I want to see what gimmick/meme builds people use (if they even use them), so send me your best (and worst) gimmick/meme builds you have.
Their effectiveness can range from "wow, this is really good" to "worse than dog-crap on a stick", it does not matter to me, just send 'em.
As killer I love running Spies only.
Also the "dog themed" perks.
Idk how to do proper meme-builds on killer tho.
On survivor I really like managing Blastmine + Repressed Alliance. It's pretty funny - but helps you just as much as it gets in your way 😂
Also Fogwise + Alert is funny pretty funny. Add in just Hyperfocus for all the great skillcheck value. And then OoO just to have the Aura reading complete 😎
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Pig with this build
Perks - Rancor, NOED, No way out, Brutal Str.
Addon - Slow Release Toxin
This build is focused on garantee only one kill in the game, the obsession. If you find him, put the trap, hook one time and profit. There's plenty to do to kill him afterwards, right now i have 50+ games that the obsession never escaped. Pretty consist imo.
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Both Iridescent add-ons
Any indoor map
Dark Devotion, Sloppy Butcher, Hex: Third Seal, + any Slow Down perk.
I love running this build on Twins as it really confuses survivors. Swapping in and out of Victor to gain stealth with their add-on + Devotion makes for some fun plays. When someone has Dark Devotion on them Victor does a good job of catching players off guard.
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Run Repressed Alliance, Blast Mine, and Wiretap, and only click the ability button on a generator once all of those perks are ready to be activated.
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My Deathslinger hex meme build.
Haunted ground, retribution, devour hope and ruin/undying.
It's wildly inconsistent and varies from utter garbage to oh look everyone's aura is revealed AND they are exposed. It's hysterical to run, Survs find so many hexes they don't know which ones to pop. And occasionally they can't see the forest for the trees and I pop devour hope for some moris.
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Lazy trapper: bloody coil + your choice of second add-on (I usually use green bag, but iri stone is also good)
Hysteria, deathbound, nurse's calling, and either fearmonger, blood echo, or shattered hope. I haven't tried hex: face the darkness, but it would also serve the purpose. Anything to encourage them to heal each other or want to be healthy.
Place traps like you're a brand new player. Make them obvious, at pallets, doorways, etc. and not very well hidden. Disarming a trap injures a survivor and also triggers hysteria. So you have injured and oblivious survivors you can see healing through walls. If they're too far away for nurse's, they scream with deathbound healing each other.
Makes me laugh every time they scream and I get some really fun jump scares. Terrible build, but if it works even once in a match it's always funny.
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Object of Obsession, Shadow Step, OTR, Sole Survivor.
It basically lets you have Object but lets you disable it through your other perks when beneficial. After you get unhooked your aura won't be shown for 80 seconds, you can hide your auras in specific places with your boon, and if you're the last survivor you aren't just screwed since your aura is blocked within 72m (and you open the gates faster). Worth noting though, you won't see the killer's aura while your aura is blocked because you seeing their aura is directly tied to yours being revealed first.
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My "Stupid Freddy Build"
The Nightmare with Infectious Fright, Distressing, Dark Devotion, and Monitor & Abuse. Addons and Offerings dealer's choice.
It's dumb since Freddy's whole thing is basically negating his own Terror Radius, but I love getting Infectious Fright to actually work on him.
A couple more serious builds:
Artist w/ Surveillance, Hex: Ruin, Oppression, Scourge Hook: Pain Resonance. No preference for Addons or Offerings.
The premise is generating regression from a distance, tracking which gens are being worked on, and utilizing Artist's ability to harass generators from almost anywhere. Oppression is there for when Ruin inevitably goes down. Given the changes coming to Pain Res I'm contemplating swapping it or Oppression with Eruption.
Doctor w/ Dark Devotion and Hexes Pentimento, Plaything, and Retribution and at least one Discipline Addon.
Five words: Static Blast hits Oblivious Survivors. The Discipline addon is there for its "Red Stain on maddened Survivors" effect, which essentially removes a big weak point of Oblivious, the fact the can see the stain. Dark Devotion is mostly a flex perk here. Static Blast will come from the Obsession's terror radius when used.
I'm also generally fond of unconventional stealth builds but I don't recall them in detail offhand and I can't hop onto the game to check right now. That said they're generally a mix of Undetectable and/or Oblivious perks with particular addons.
Mastermind with Bullhorn (Survivors become Oblivious after spraying) and (optionally) the Iridescent Uroboros Vial (Survivors start infected)
Legion with Susie's Mixtape. The extended Feral Frenzy detection range can be utilized even while Undetectable (still does not effect Oblivious survivors)
Huntress with Wooden Fox (become Undetectable after reloading). The trick here is that, while Undetectable doesn't remove her lullaby, the lullaby gives no indication of distance. On top of that the addon has no cooldown so you can go undetectable basically at will. This means you don't necessarily need any Undetectable or Oblivious perks.
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The obvious gigachad meme build is No Mither, Resurgence, Self Care, and Solidarity. You bring four perks and one perk at the same time.
What I sometimes like to do is to only run perks that have the word 'Blood' in them, so that gives you Blood Echo, Bloodhound, Hex: Blood Favor and Blood Warden.
Or I only run perks that have at least one skull in them, that allows for some more freedom as there's plenty of those. Or I run all four Scourge Hook perks at once.
Sometimes I use only the perk Nemesis on Nemesis.
On Survivor side I sometimes do the same but with only portraits, so for example: Alert, Flip-Flop, Unbreakable, Visionary.
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Small Game, Inner Healing, Clairvoyance, Overzealous. AKA, "how much stuff can we get to trigger off of one totem"? One of those goofy ideas that works a lot better than you'd think it does.
Open-Handed, Kindred, Bond, Dark Sense. Take every distance-based aura reading perk, then extend that range. Another one that I tried as a "Huh, what happens if--" idea, and has now become one of my mainstay builds.
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Does Open Handed affect Dark Sense? Does it make Dark Sense trigger sooner than it would otherwise?
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A goofy doctor build
Fearmonger, iron maiden, trail of torment, and dark devotion. You are hidden a lot and sneak up on people a little it's not a great build but a funny build sometimes. Plus, getting to find survivors hiding trying to avoid your shocks is also fun. Can confuse survivors a lot
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For survivor,
Red herring, diversion, headon, and quick and quiet. It's a good option to really tick off a killer without resorting to the usual culprits.
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Observer Wraith: Don't Uncloak (you can fake it)
Discordance- Tells me which Gen is being done by 2 or more Survivors
Fire Up- Getting stronger as the Gens are getting done (but was thinking of something different)
Hex: TOTH- Totem counter
Whispers- To know if I'm close to a Survivor
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Instead of Trail maybe something like Hysteria or even Deathbound if you want to be goofy with it. They way you can use Static Blast, too.
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Yeah thats true. That could be worth a shot
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Twins 'Stealth Build'
Drop of Perfume with Madeleine's Glove.
Add some stealth perks like Dark Devotion and Trail of Torment and your good!
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Twins 'Stealth Build'
Drop of Perfume with Madeleine's Glove.
Add some stealth perks like Dark Devotion and Trail of Torment and your good!
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I like running Flashbang/Blast Mine/Pebble
The objective is to either burn the killer's eyes out or discombobulate them so hard they completely lose track of you, it's really fun
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For Survivors:
The Troll: Deception, Diversion, Red Herring, Repressed Alliance - As for who you troll, killer or up to you.
Survivor Watch: Bond, Empathy, Kindred, Open Handed. Proceed to watch what your random teammates ACTUALLY do during a trial. Optional: Give a play by play in a wildlife documentary tone of voice.
Directory Assistance: Empathic Connection, Situational Awareness, Wake Up, Kindred. Basically any perk that gives info to your teammates.
Selfish Care: Self Care, Botany Knowledge, Desperate Measures, Bite The Bullet. Self explanatory.
For Killer:
Amanda's Rigged Game: Haunted Grounds, Undying, Retribution, Devour Hope(Hex Roulette basically) Add-Ons: Rule Set No. 2, Dace Mask. Additional Rule: If all Hex Perks are destroyed, you can no longer sacrifice/kill survivors.
The Exposed Clown: Make Your Choice, Hubris, Iron Maiden, Nemesis. Add-ons: Red Head's Pinky Finger, ???(your choice.)
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My favorite build right now is what I call my "Perkless Pig" build.
Perks: Blood Warden, No Way Out, Remember Me, Terminus.
Addons: Video Tape, Crate of Gears.
So, I pretty much just play normally. If they do get the generators done, I don't care. Thing is, many times they don't. I get a 4K before the last generator is completed.
So I ask you, if your perks never get a chance to come into play, did you even bring them?
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On Pyramid Head I run a fun build called Where Did Daddy Go.
Trail of Torment
With the addon that he losses TR while on one of his trails.
It's a fun Meme Build that can get hit and miss usefulness. Works better with Low to Low-Mid MMR