New Trap Confirmed

So BHVR have inadvertently leaked the next trap in their own trailer. In a 'blink and you miss it' shot, this video shows us the full description of the next trap:
That trap is the Sentry Beam
Tracks its target before firing a laser beam that bounces off surfaces. Triggers until destroyed.
So now I have to wonder. How fast does it fire, is it a steady stream beam for x seconds or more like a star wars 'blaster' shot? How many times does it bounce? Etc.
Oh nice, this has some potential :3
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I have another question: Does the shot destroy traps or guards? The bounce could be pretty dangerous for certain bases.
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Unless I'm mistaken, the Hornet and Plasma Sentinel don't destroy traps right? They're energy projectiles so technically 'Striking' damage?
So I could see this being 'Striking' too (flesh, but not armour/traps), but I wouldn't be too surprised if it turned out to be Breaking (flesh and traps)
Kinda depends on how the laser beam works. I'm hoping it's like a steady stream laser that reflects off surfaces, but it follows the raider slowly with a lag time so you can easily run away from it, and the tricky part would be avoiding the reflected beams. This way it could be Striking and be relatively balanced.
But if it's more like a star wars blaster shot laser, essentially an Enforcer bolt without the arcing trajectory, it would probably be Breaking.
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A quick, reflecting shot could be extremely deadly in certain kill box set ups.
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called it. wooh lasers!
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Sounds like a deadly grappling hook with the tracking prerequisite, cool.
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They already confirmed this in a previous live stream.
Lasers, and a new trap mods. one which will make dart traps fire darts 1 at a time gatling gun style.
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There is no way that will be a thing.