Killers lifting their head when trying to bait Dead Hard

I don’t know why you all try do this cuz it never works and it looks really stupid when you actually think that will bait it for us to use it.
What’s the most ridiculous ways Killers try to bait Dead Hard? I mostly lose when playing against a Billy or Bubba cuz they rev their chainsaw so many times it’s imposs to win it
Because many survivor mains or declared "killer mains" adviced to do that to "easily" bait it out?
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They just walk in a straight line
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Haha right? I was going to say the same thing. I’ve been told many times that it’s super easy to bait out DH and that it’s totally not a free health state
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I'm not trying to bait dead hard, i'm trying to ask you what's up
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Just because it doesn't work on you doesn't mean it doesn't work on other people. Whenever you basic attack as killer your head pulls up for some reason. It doesn't work against really good survivors but mid and low mmr youde be surprised how many times you can make people pop it early. Like I said though. It's not going to work on top tier survivors. They'll make you eat the dh anyway. I play a lot of wraith though and starting to ring the bell is almost indistinguishable from attacking. A nice little bait exclusive to my boy Phillip.
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I’m not gonna lie, that works for me like 95% of the time.
It makes survivors pop DH alllll the time.
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I mean, if lifting head gain 1% success at bating out DH, I would do it.
1% is better than 0%
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Well, the reason I do it is very, very simple.
Because I might as well.
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Spearing a survivor as Deathslinger, they always use it when you do that.
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The good thing is that from now on, baiting DH will be less of an issue.
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Because it almost always works.
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I mean while it rarely works what other option is there? Nothing. That's why they at least try it.
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It works sometimes.
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It's been pretty reliable for me. I'd say more than half the time, the surv uses DH when I do that.
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Why not though? It doesn't affect your movespeed or anything but can, on occasion, fool someone a bit too trigger happy waiting for any kind of animation.
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It's because DbD streamers do it