Why are you review bombing Dead by Daylight?



  • DBDVulture
    DBDVulture Member Posts: 2,437

    Voting against change is exactly what the system is for.

    It makes other people think carefully if they want to buy this product. If the devs revert bad changes then I will remove my negative reviews.

    I posted negative reviews on all the DLCs I own that I feel were changed in an unfair way or a way that made me regret the purchase. I've had a negative review for DBD for at least 6 years now.

    Michael Myers got ruined 1-2 weeks after release so that review was deserved.

    Spirit has been completely nuked by the directional phasing nerf - also deserved.

  • KenwanObinobi
    KenwanObinobi Member Posts: 185
    edited April 2023

    Ye of course, we all warned them about the gen rush META and the tunnel incoming issue.

    They did not listen at all and now we have the worst state of the game for years.

    2 good chases is what the survivors need to drop all 5 gens.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,986

    Calm down jeez. People are NOT HAPPY and are letting BHVR know. This is exactly what they should be doing. I'm sorry but this game is a mess right now.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    People are not happy with the game improving, god knows how bad it would be if it was actually getting worse. There is no hope.

  • KayTwoAyy
    KayTwoAyy Member Posts: 1,725

    I like your analogy, but the bumpers aren't the only thing removed from my bowling alley.

    The local gang also realized the cops don't patrol this part of town, and have started popping up en masse to the alley. Despite paying money at the door, thugs are pushing me out of my lane and taking every bowling ball that fits my hand.

    I heard there's a bowling alley on the other side of town that makes sure I get my money's worth. I think I'll go there instead.

  • Remedicist
    Remedicist Member Posts: 1,096

    I'm not really sure what there is to complain about in my opinion.

    On the survivor side, I am unbelievably happy that a generator I worked on hasn't lost almost all of its progress because a killer kicked it, with no other requirements but that. Perks like Pop and Pain Res were healthy because they require the killer to actually get hooks in order to regress gens a substantial amount. I dislike perks like Overcharge and CoB where a killer could push a survivor off a gen, and they could come back to it with a substantial amount of progress lost with little to no effort.

    On the killer side, the healing changes are incredible. It was pretty jarring that I could lose all my pressure simply because survivors could heal themselves in 16 seconds, or in most cases less than that. Now survivors healing themselves take longer to do so and will not immediately negate all the pressure the killer has caused. This also pushes survivors to heal each other and spend less time on generators, meaning gen regress perks aren't even required.

    I've seen all this in my matches too. Whether I play killer or survivor, the matches are generally very close by the end and fast-paced, with most matches having either at least 4 gens being completed or some survivors escaping. That is amazing. I've always found the solo healing speeds to previously be insane, and gen perks to be a bad way of balancing the core objectives. This update has basically pushed a massive change towards both issues for the better and I couldn't be happier.

    On the internet, even the minority can sound as loud as the majority. It seems that BHVR has listened to what most players wanted overall though with this update. If the game performs as they had intended with these balance changes, then it is safe to say that they will stick with the changes. Therefore, what should be talked about is "What happens next?" I personally hope for some new mechanics to the gameplay itself, but only time will tell.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436
    edited April 2023

    My opinion as an average SoloQ survivor is that nothing has changed, because I don't rely on CoH or DH as a crutch.

    My opinion as an average killer is that nothing has changed, because I don't rely on CoB, OC or PR as a crutch.

    My opinion as a balanced player is that the game has improved, because the most powerful and problematic meta perks on both sides have been rightfully nerfed.

    The problem is twofold. 1: players rely on meta perks way too much, and 2: there are two diametrically opposed sides to the playerbase who ignore or even resent the opinions of the other.

    Anything that hinders killers helps survivors, and vice versa, but this is not recognised, instead anything that hinders "my side" is terrible, yet nothing that hinders "my opponent" is of concern. Therefore any nerfs to one side are bad for that side, but "not good" for the other. It's not recognised as an even trade, it's entirely self-absorbed.

    That's what's going on here. Both sides have seen completely warranted nerfs, which balance out. Neither side is actually hard done by, rather a correction has been made to powercreep on both sides, which is why they had to be nerfs, buffs would have resulted in more powercreep. Both sides have a myriad of options available to use, and only the couple most powerful on each side have been changed. But because they have come in the form of 'nerfs' (to both sides remember) then it's "bad for my side" and "I don't care about the other side". Which equates to "the game is worse for me".

    Balance means addressing both sides of the game. And those changes have to come in the form of nerfs to avoid powercreep which creates more balance issues. But you make those balanced nerfs and both sides of the playerbase lose their #########. Both sides of the playerbase losing their ######### = nobody is happy.

    There is no other solution, but until players start to understand both sides of the game instead of being "mains" this won't change, and every individual positive change to the game will offend half of the playerbase, and every balanced set of positive changes to the game will offend 100% of the playerbase.

    Hell people don't even necessarily even need to lose their "main" status. Survivor mains could simply chose to be positive and revel at the nerfs to regression instead of despairing at the nerfs to CoH. Simply balancing the positive instead of being completely negative. But instead, nerf to CoH = end of the world, and nerfs to regression = inconsequential. Nerf to DH = negative review, but nerfs to regression does not = positive review.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    And how do i make people heal me? Last game i found an injured teammate, healed him, and he instantly run away without healing me. And that was not the first time or a single incident, it happens again and again, mainly because the killer usually goes for the weakest link if he comes to your gen

    I already answered that, the part that got worse is the killers tunneling and camping even harder than before.

    I dont care for the DH change at all, personaly, because i didnt use it before, and i surly dont use it now.

    I run bond since forever in my build, but on european servers, there are a lot of players from different cultural context, and they tend to not heal you, because if you do a gen together and the killer comes up, he usually goes for the weak link, aka you if you are not healed.

    I had 1 game after the patch where i found another injured survivor, healed him, and he just run away to run behind the killer with his flashlight without healing me. And it happens often enough here. CoH was a good way to fight that since the self care nerf.

    And thats where the spiral is, if i am going to try survivor again, i will have to go for genrush, because self healing isnt worth it, teammates are not reliable even to heal you, and speed is the only other option, if the killer tries to tunnel one guy out as fast as possible. And then they will complain about gen speed again.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,142

    Thank you for pointing out that both killers and survivors pull this sort of thing. There were people on this very forum encouraging others to bomb the steam reviews when BHVR first announced the Eruption nerf (which was also semi-reverted). Review bombing, when it does occur, is a weapon everyone in this community uses.

  • MerleDixon
    MerleDixon Member Posts: 159

    Yeah, but it was literally fine it just needed a pallet restriction

    Now everyone is running sprint burst making Myers and ghostie pretty much useless

  • Unequalmitten86
    Unequalmitten86 Member Posts: 378

    You are very much correct. I just started playing as well. They advertise their game as " Play with friends or play by yourself" but it seems they are now forcing the teamwork on soloq (which I always play). Soloq is solo for a reason. It seems with each update they are gearing it more as you have to have someone you know to play this with, but how if you no one you knows plays this? This isn't how the game started and maybe people gained friends playing but those coming in don't have that advantage. It is as if they are shying away from console and making this Steam game.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    I don't usually play SoloQ (I'm more often either in a duo or playing killer), but yeah, starting out is very, very rough. I can't imagine starting DbD on my own ! For me it was a couple of friends who'd asked me for months to play with them.

    The devs did implement the HUD icons to make coordination a little bit easier for solo players, which are working great ! So they're trying things out to make the solo experience better. It's just slow going.

    It's easy to feel helpless at first playing survivor, and I can't say for sure that it will get better soon because I didn't learn alone, but as you grow more skilled and more confident, wins will feel less and less out of reach. Also, playing killer really helps ! I picked up killer more easily than survivor, it's a lot of fun when you're taking it casually, and it can teach you a lot about how to evade the killer as survivor or even how to loop certain tiles.

    There are also a lot of youtube resources by various content creators that can help you develop a game sense.

    I wish you the best of luck in your games and with the people you'll meet through them ! I've been lucky to meet wonderful people in games when I started out, and made quite a few friends, so I'm rarely without a partner when I feel like playing.

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,920

    This is true. People are allowed to voice their concerns, and a negative review for the game is valid.

    However, the negative reviews also spread to every single DLC. This is why this review bombing is wrong because it isn’t people voicing their concerns. The Resident Evil DLC isn’t why you don’t like the game, Halloween Chapter isn’t responsible for the Dead Hard nerf, Dredge isn’t responsible for slowdown nerfs.

    This is why it is considered review bombing. People aren’t sending their feedback, they’re just pissed and trying to make the game look bad so it will be reverted.

    Giving the game a bad review explaining why you don’t like the changes? Sure, fair.

    Giving Sadako a bad review stating “Killer sided devs are nerfing Dead Hard!!!”? Review bombing.

    Seriously read the DLC reviews and you’ll see that it’s just review bombing.

  • Chaos999
    Chaos999 Member Posts: 869

    Review bombing doesn’t mean what you likely think it does.

    Review bombing is when a large amount of negative reviews are posted due to something not directly related to the game.

    For instance, hogwarts legacy was review bombed not because the gam wasn't good or because there was something they didn't like, but because people don't like the author of the source material, who wasn't even directly involved in making of the game.

    In DBDs recent case, people are simply expressing their opinion on changes made to the actual game, so it's not considered review bombing.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    Funny, i used to be a survivor main, and played more and more killer because it was so easy ^^, unless you get a hardcore swf.

    But i only became a 50/50 player when my main killer, dredge, was released, because he was just the thing i really enjoy. I still play hag and doctor, and other killers for challenges or dailys, but dredge is my main killer.