The Wesker Monstrosity

Wesker is probably the killer I see the most. He's overused but can you really blame players for constantly using him? No, he has so many powers that are useful.
1. He can travel the map quickly with his power.
2. His M2 can hit you from a nice distance.
3. His M2 can be used for fast, long range vaults over windows and pallets.
4. His M2 infects you and will hinder you once infected.
5. If you have full health and are contaminated, His M2 is an insta-down.
6. A survivor must spend time finding and using a vaccine to prevent hinder and insta-down for every infection.
How many powes are a reasonable amount for a killer to have because Wesker has a ton of them?
So...Trapper can search for his traps at the start of the match and place them where he sees fit.
Which killer has the best chance of a 4k and perhaps is more fun to use? (Perceptions of fun are subjective) and Trappers can also obviously 4k, but still...there's a huge gap. New killers seem to get multiple uses of their power, for example Pinhead, Nemesis, Dredge, Sadako, etc. Perhaps the older killers need some updates to convince players to use them, not just worthless add on changes.
the thing though, is his power still has weaknesses.
his dashes are just ok at map pressure, they help you get around faster sure, but you’re still putting them on cooldown, ntm the charging time and the fatigue after the dashes (and his big TR means you can easily hear him coming so he can barely surprise you).
the vault’s over object still requires him to charge his dash and there’s not many pallets where vaulting comes in handy because he might aswell break them because most common tiles give the survivor enough time to go around anyways.
if you have no item (or are willing to drop your item) you can pick up his spray ahead of time.
if you are really unable to dodge a hit, try and force a basic attack to prevent infection since up close dashes are awkward.
even if you have full infection in chase, that probably means he’s been chasing you for a while, since you lose infection progress when being hooked anyways.
Wesker is definitely better than the average killer, but he’s not as insane as some people make it out to be.
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If it's not one it's another.
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His chase music is also a major factor for his pick rate.
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his power is pretty balanced and interactive. It feels amazing to grab a survivor and it feels amazing when you dodge it. Both sides enjoy the gameplay, so of course wesker would be overplayed.
the only problem is that he’s played so much, if you go back to back going against him you might get a little bored of it
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I don't have an issue with Wesker as a killer, my issue is that it's usually poorly skilled players who play him and they just camp and tunnel. I just feel a bit cringe for them.
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He's the first really fun killer to release since blight. There's no other new killers that are bringing down his play rate and his skill ceiling is really high.
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Please, just complain about Nurse or Blight... Wesker is the only killer that actually feels balanced from both sides.
Just change it to "The Nurse Monstrosity"
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I just want a variety. I'm not really complaining about him, I'm suggesting that he gives you such a good reason to use him, that so many other Killers are being left behind. That's why I'm suggesting to update the older Killers.
Let's be real, ever since Starstruck got nerfed, we don't see Nurse nearly as much. Not to mention, Nurse mains know that the DC rate is so high that many of them are finally branching out to Killers like Blight, Spirit and Wesker.
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I agree. If you complain about getting beat by a simple Killer like Trapper, your thread will be overloaded with entitled players telling you that your trash at the game. That's why the complaints are targeted at Killers with more than just a basic power. There needs to be more variety to older Killers powers so players have fun using them.