Why does the killer become nice when a survivor drops an item

jamally093 Member Posts: 1,765

I have seen countless matches where the killer suddenly becomes nice because a survivor put down their item that they probably have twenty more of on that character? I don't get it I really don't if a survivor drops an item while I'm playing killer I just down and hook them they lose the item either way so what's the point of giving them hatch? If I want to give someone hatch it's under certain requirements mainly if they've been sandbagged by their teammates other then that no. So I don't get it why are you suddenly nice to a survivor who placed their item on the ground when they probably can easily get one back maybe even two from the bloodweb.



  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    I got a 1k on RPD the other night, played quite well but they deserved the win. 1 survivor refused to leave as per usual. They waited the whole duration of ecg, I assumed they were waiting to taunt. I went breaking pallets elsewhere. Post game chat, the survivor messaged me

    "I was waiting for you, I wanted to give you my item"

    I was a bit hacked off with losing marginally, that my response was

    "Id rather you just left tbh, you got the deserved win, so just sod off lol"

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,326

    Survivor could be asking for killer mercy or could be thanking them for a good match. It's one of few gestures survivors can do that (hopefully) won't be mistaken as something toxic by the killer.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,101
    edited April 2023

    I've only ever done it as I'm about to leave, so i cant say a killer has ever been nice after it because it's endgame. I do it just as a nice gesture after a good game because I'm on console and can't give a "ggwp" in chat. People like to save their items so me leaving mine behind is like me saying I don't mind losing it because the fun I had with them was enough.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968
    edited April 2023

    STONKS , I'll do it as well BUT only for limited time items or if the survivor is a goofy Leon.

  • miniwengsel
    miniwengsel Member Posts: 410

    As Killer you dont know what opponets you vs, so its better to play a little bit more sweatier, but if a survivor drops there item normaly means you overwheling them and you have weaker opponets than you are.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,486

    The same reason a pig goes nice for boops. It's about the connecting in the moment.

  • Ghoste
    Ghoste Member Posts: 2,135

    Because it’s cute! UwU

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,385

    The game for Hatch is neutral when it comes to the escape/kill thing. I generally don't like the hiding game and search for hatch; it's a waste of time and I'm not that hellbent on escaping. So I usually just go find the killer drop the item and see if they agree that being hellbent on that kinda stuff is kinda silly. I acknowledge they already won. - Sometimes they won't have it, sometimes we goof around a little and then search for hatch - sometimes we goof around a little and still hook me. I like the fun interactions in those kinda situations and dropping the item is the indication that I want to end the match on a positive note one way or the other.

    As killer I find the hatch game as ridiculous so I usually don't try to close it. If a survivor drops the item before searching for hatch / drops it next to hatch before jumping in I just view it as a sign of good manners. If there were DCs/Hook suicides or something of the likes and a surv drops the item mid-match I view it as "ok. We know the match is already over. You won, I concede. - So can we like please come together so that everyone gets something out of this match?" --- and I usually agree.

    Dropping items at the exit gate depends on context; if there was someone with a flashlight who got quite a number of blinds in and who drops it at the exit gates I view it as a kind of peace offering. FL-bullies are usually very attached to their flashies, so a surv leaving it in the trial is in contrast to that and I appreciate it. Same goes for OP toolboxes/medkits. I view it as a "this op item played a huge role in me escaping". I like people acknowledging these things. --- I do that too. And I also drop an item if I want to give props to the killer or got the impression they got screwed by matchmaking; it's a "this match was rough for you man, I know. Gl next". Which can be said in egc as well - except if they're console. So that's why I do that in game.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,072

    I am that Bubba usually and it feels great to get that at the end. Lately, however, I have noticed a lot of nodding instead or players asking you to hit them before they leave to give you additional points. Some tend to add "killer" to their "gg" for you to understand this includes you, as well.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    As killer i find it hard to resist this 🤣 It's like a sign of respect to the killer, and a plea for mercy. I'll very rarely kill a surv if they offer me a present.

    Shame it doesn't work much for me when I play surv lol.

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 370

    Honestly if a survivor carries their team and they are the last left i give them hatch, the more I've played the less i care about a 4k. Unless they're super toxic the best teammate gets hatch or gate in my matches. Most drop items as sign of kudos almost. I think you know the difference between I'm dropping this item to troll you and a ggs. I feel under 1k hours people feel that the 4k is necessary under any means which is fine if you want to sweat but i ain't got time for that anymore lol. Your own ethics are all that matters it's just a game your gonna have ######### people and really wholesome people. I've learned that this community has a problem with wanting control the opposite side with made up rules and other crap. The only people that can legit complain about things being out of their hand is solo q.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,072

    I had a match with a Pig and I wasn't able to do a 4K as the 4th survivor found the hatch. I never got angry for this - honestly, 3K is perfectly fine.

    Now the surv was t-bagging constantly while waiting at the hatch. Another surv in the endgame chat said: "I rooted for you till you started hitting crouch repeatedly..." Then he said "gg" to me and we were off to our next match. Probably the best I felt being a killer and playing fairly.

  • Cynwale
    Cynwale Member Posts: 205

    Remember kids, if Survivors want to do a peace offering or boop your snoot, you can get a free injure with sloppy on addition.

    CPT.Evil - 1993

  • birdnippies
    birdnippies Member Posts: 57

    Most of what we do in life is driven by deep-seated psychological influences. It doesn't mean things can't be lighthearted, but even something as playful as your sense of humor probably comes from latent sexual trauma or the creation of safety defense mechanisms to better integrate with peer groups (animal herds)

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,486
    edited April 2023

    Yes, something as playful as your sense of humor probably comes from the Oedipus/Electra complex. Freudians approve of this response.

  • DarkMyst
    DarkMyst Member Posts: 232

    Just a soft reminder to please keep this discussion focused on the game itself. This thread is veering off topic in places, and insinuating things about other players based on their style of playing the game.

    Let's please try and keep the discussion relevant to the game, and not indulge in wild speculation and psychoanalysis - thank you!

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,233

    It's funny

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,106

    In a 1v1 hatch scenario, it's indicating "I surrender, you win, please show mercy."

    At the end of the normal game, it's usually a nice gesture. "You played well, here's my item." It may be meaningless, but it's something other than teabagging.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    I feel like it.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Basically it's a way of saying you got me. Kill me or not. Whichever you prefer.

    The other scenario is at the gate you drop your item as a sorry for the rough game you had. Or another way of saying gg.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,500

    Because the Empathy for the other side in the killer population is WAY more higher, like in order of magnitutes, then the other way around. Usually when the killer is winning the last survivor will over their item as a last ditch effort to wave the white flag, show that they give up and ask for mercy and they still have a decend chance that the killer will accept this.

    On the other hand, when the survivors are totally dominating and the killer got no chance of completing their own objective, the survivors will rarely shrug it off, quietly do their objective and just leave. At the very least there will be constant vaults in order to provoke the killer to move or flashlight clickety clicks and very often at least one survivor who stays in the game till the very last second, for no reason at all. The number of mercy kills I got are in no proportion to the amount of hatches I have given or BM I recieved when I gave up.

    But eh, this turned more into a rant then anything else ^_- Its my honest opinion that way more killer mains also play survivor at least at a 70/30 rate, then survivor mains playing killers, and it shows in the way most of the player base threats the other side and can empathise with them. Unless I played some really toxic players, I nearly alway accept a surrender and item given and let them escape either through the hatch or open the exit gates in peace, unless I try for the adept achievment of a new killer or got some "destroyer of hope - hook survivors during the EGC" challenges. And I would wish for general survivor population to at least just leave, instead of wasting hours of everyones life at the exit gates. Maybe BHVR should give the killer an option to lay low their weapon?

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,731

    That feel when you psychologically manipulate the killer to let you escape by dropping a 2k BP item, while you gain several thousand more BP by escaping.

    Feels devious man.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    They've paid tribute so I shall allow them a moment of respite from the Entity's hook.

  • MimiDBD
    MimiDBD Member Posts: 302

    Same reason I don't kill the first survivor that boops, does funny head gestures, crouches towards me to point at my sexy body parts, the cute little Nancy/Steve playing together....because I'm not a sweat lord.

  • nikodemo
    nikodemo Member Posts: 786

    they're trying to bribe you. punish them harder.

    but yeah, it's a moment of connection. despite the defensiveness of some ppl in this thread, it's definitely a sign of submission. it's an offering and a request for mercy.

    Killers are capricious, however. you choose how you want to respond.

  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    It's really player dependent. When i'm playing killer, i dont really care...I can't use your item..it depends on how abused i've been and how you and your team played. I don't often have mercy anymore, just because I usually have high level, SWFs who BM most of the time..but if I do decide to let someone go, it's usually more based on their playstyle. Or if I feel like they were the random that got screwed over. etc.

    As survivor, I got three killers who rekt my teams to farm w me and let me go this morning (and usually whoever the other last surv was)...so I appreciate that they do show mercy. I like to keep my item, so sometimes i'll put it down..but usually I drop a palett and then use that time to shake my head "no" and bounce up and down w a "please dont kill me" vibe. lol it's worked well today, and I am thankful.

    I think overall it's being like hey, i recognize you can kill me, please don't..i dont wanna depip lol

  • vanGlasse1
    vanGlasse1 Member Posts: 295

    it simply works

  • dgbug
    dgbug Member Posts: 152

    Survivor give item. Killer go unga bunga. Offering? Friend. :)

  • Gamedozer7
    Gamedozer7 Member Posts: 2,657

    Because it's about the little thing that male this game fun. I had a Feng that game me her item and started acting cute so I spared her and 2 of her teammate one was tbagging at every pallet and clicky.......clicking me so they died. I was chasing one of the teammate for theee second hook and ran into Fang in the middle of the room head banging.

  • turfking
    turfking Member Posts: 64

    I'm a bit late on this and I'm not reading every one of these to see if my take has already been voiced but here it is.... To me, if you're placing your item down, you are essentially signaling "I give, you can obviously kill us whenever you wish and if you could let me go, I'd really appreciate it to get that extra BP after I used a Bloody Streamers on y'all". Now that's usually when I'd plead a little and that's what I mean when I'm a Survivor. When I'm the Killer, I assume the 1st part of that is why they do it for certain and if they didn't seem to be trying to taunt me or be a tool in general earlier, then I let 'em go unless their escape makes me miss a challenge I'm trying to currently get. I also try to tell them to take what they're putting down because the gesture that they know I beat them is enough and I hate losing Commodious Boxes. Nothing else seems a biggie anymore though since the changes. I used to hate losing Ranger Kits too but now I don't care about any Med Kits. Anyhoot, that's my take on the matter.

  • SuperMunchkin95
    SuperMunchkin95 Member Posts: 136

    It's just a gesture toward the killer, like teabagging but it doesn't send THAT type of message. but it sends a message, unless he's running Franklin's Demise... then he don't care, he hook.

  • tech
    tech Member Posts: 45

    this was one of the discussions I have ever read

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I think its basicly the opposite of teabagging, a show of respect for your fellow gamer on the other team. In this game, its rare enough, and some killers just return that respect.

  • MrSlayer
    MrSlayer Member Posts: 189

    To me it's a nice gesture at the end of the game. I like it more than being tbagged by someone I just let open the door and leave.

    On the other hand I don't care about getting items in the middle of the match. It's a free hit.