DC/Die on purpose at 5 gens

Is anyone else noticing this trend? 80% of my games result in someone DC'ing or dying on the hook on purpose and not playing the game with 5 gens left. What is happening?
I played Trapper yesterday. I downed a p100 first. He killed himself on hook lmao. Trapper OP plz nerf BHVR
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Not sure why you want to discuss this.....if you have a opinion that differs from being against it its a bannable offense.
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i don't think anyone is getting banned for it. Had someone threaten to come to my school in post game chat and they are still playing, in game etc. The discussion is as easy as reading the first sentence in my original post. "Is anyone else noticing this trend?" Hopefully that helps clear up confusion :)
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Ever since the HUD update you can see that not a single teammate touched a gen while gave it your all in a chase. Why waste 20 minutes of your life for a guaranteed loss?
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UK server player here. I've had that happen maybe once recently? Otherwise it's been fine. I play at different times, so can't give a consistent time when I always play (the joys of shift work!). Is this happening at a specific time?
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Yea, no. While I don’t see it in every match, the DCer DCs because they got caught out positioned, downed in 5 seconds, realized the killer has Franklins/Lightborn or is just a killer they don’t like. Most of the time, the rest of the team never had a chance to work on the gens.
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I've encountered a lot of suicides/giving up whilst playing solo. Killers seem to be clearing up against un cordinated teams atm.
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I wish killers wouldn't be so sweaty when we got DC/ suicide.. I had a game where we had two dcers and the killer still slugged for 4k. Da hell is wrong with you?
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i understand once you're in the game for a bit and some people are not pulling their weight. I am talking about the first minute or two.
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Mixed bag for me. 50/50 in regards to whether the killer checks out or gives us our money's worth. I had a Shape offer to play around last night, but in the game previous, the Nemesis didn't. If someone dc's early I'll always go farming.
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Yes, I see that, both in killer and survivor matches. And playing survivor I know exactly why.
When you die for 30th time in a row, for various reasons (made a smallest mistake, tunneler, camper, teammate made a smallest mistake, teammates disorganized, etc), you can snap. Literally I snapped today as a survivor. One thing when it's in real life, you got to be strong, "edge of tomorrow" vibe like "in the end you'll prevail and will escape one time". But in computer game it is extremely frustrating, especially when your small chances constantly being diminished by devs and you constantly gloating killer player kid that tries to raise his self-esteem with onesided role.
In short, when I play survivor I understand exactly why it's happening. The only thing that don't let me DC is scraps of BPs or 1/10 progress from book challenge. Very fun indeed...
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Is it somehow becoming a trend?
Survivors are way too soft ngl
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I can't be sure, but my guess would be they've had a few bad games in a row? When I played an hour of survivor earlier today, in maybe 4 out of 5 matches the first person to get hooked got tunneled out anyway, so they're just doing what was inevitable. I can't even blame them at this point.
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Yes. This is all it is. 100%.
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I'm solo q survivor so what's your point?
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The discussion seems to come up again and again. It is and will remain a problem.
The fact is:
The game is balanced for 4vs1, which is not easy. If within the first few minutes a Survivor dc's (4-5 gens left) he ruins the gaming experience for the remaining 4 players.
As drpynz has already correctly said, a DC seems to happen more frequently in the first few minutes since the patch than before. The penalties for the first DC from the current game should be tightened, in my opinion.
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Only skull merchant is worthy of these actions.
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I rarely notice it. I usually attribute it to certain killers e.g. Skull Merchant. When there is one DC I usually let the last survivor go.
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Before I uninstalled, I logged my last 20 solo survivor games. At least one player gave up in 7 of the 20 games.
11 of the 20 games ended in 4ks.
Waste of time playing something so hopeless and demoralizing.
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Reason to give up first hook:
-Spirit/Blight/Nurse when not in a swf.
-Skull Merchant
-Gimmick playstyle (Iri Head/Silent Bell/Pinky Finger)
-Sloppy Butcher on a Stealth Killer
-Plague if you have a healing build
-0 gens popped in first 2 minutes
-Teammate gets grabbed off hook-save (or anything really.)
-2 hooks in the first minute
-Stealth Teammates
The list goes on really, some games I'll literally load in and run to a hook and wait for the killer to hook because after playing enough you can already tell what games are a waste of time.
I will add that despite this lengthy list, I maybe encounter the things on it once out of every 20 games or so.
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Yup because I'm also noticing a massive increase in killer camping at 5 gens.
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Other than a bug or cheater, there is no good reason to DC. If you find the game to be in an unplayable state, don't play it. You don't get to cherry pick which matches to play out, because each DC is always at the expense of others (mostly your teammates).
Increase the penalty.
Post edited by Rizzo on0 -
This guy gets it. Time is our most precious resource. There is no forfeit option. Oh wait..yes there is. Just give up on hook.
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This is the community that doesn't consider itself responsible for anyone else's fun. That's why.
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The responses to these threads never cease to amaze me. If you are so on the brink of DCing, just stop playing.
I have played league for over a decade and this is easily the most self centered community I have seen.
Your lucky bhvr gives you a slap on the wrist for leaving the game as killer, as survivor there basically is a 1 min penalty for dcing every time.
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I mostly only see it when people get tunneled.
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Many bad survs "protesting". They did that in the past, BHVR sees the stats and feels to act in nerfs or buffs.
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This probably has a lot to do with it. You can see within 2 minutes of a match whether you have a chance or not. It's not uncommon to see zero HUD activity from a teammate or two for the entirety of the first chase. There are a lot of ridiculously bad players, and no amount of MMR will hide them from you. The game needs a ranked mode.