if the games so bad why are you still playing?

Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

while i could not care less how much fun any of you all have....

i do think miss piggy needs a nerf being the s++++++++++++ killer she is...

dbd is all about balance so i say we give her a 5% movement speed buff however

i do feel her roar should be heard on the whole map.

also her dash attack should give people deep wounds...

also i think if you boop the snoot the person booping and the killer should get a cool 10k just cause

ok jokes aside you all are so negative i wish you all would just chill and also have a great month and remember its only a game and any and all outcomes dont matter.

pig for president 2024


  • NotAnotherDoctor
    NotAnotherDoctor Member Posts: 311

    I think for a lot of people, dead by daylight has become a social tool, which is great.

    I have made many friends playing dbd, and as bad as the game is right now, sometimes it's nice to just sit on discord and play with my friends. 9 times out of 10 we aren't even talking about the game, we're talking about something in our lives or hobbies or whatever.

    As bad as the game is, it is a great tool to meet people

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454
    edited May 2023

    thats just online games in general. i just wish people would be nicer in general. you have a awsome night

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    2 words for you...... boop snoot

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    o.o thats not reflective of my steam or umm my x box =P is that my ps profile?

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,014

    Cause it's way easier to keep playing the same game and hope it gets better, or at least that you eventually start to feel like it's worth playing.

    You can invest a lot of time and money into dbd, so it's designed to be played a lot and spent on a lot. This makes it harder to stop playing completely, especially if all the money you spent on DBD takes away from the money you would have spent on other games.

    Also new games means you start learning something new which takes time and attention.

    There is also nothing really like DBD. So if you are going to switch it's most likely gonna be a completely different game.

    So yeah it's pretty hard to just uninstall this game and forget about it after becoming unsatisfied with it. It's okay to like the game but be unsatisfied with how it currently is. I do admit though there is a lot needless negativity alongside the criticism that is shared here. I am pretty negative about this game atm but that's because after the past two chapters i am starting to give up on it. But yeah it would be better for me to just take a break or play other games atm which i am trying to do.

  • Cardgrey
    Cardgrey Member Posts: 1,454

    ty for sharing i hope it get better too that said have a awsome night and remember always boop the snoot

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    The titel reminds me of someone saying "keep playing DBD and you already lost."

  • MrSlayer
    MrSlayer Member Posts: 189

    I'm autistic, that may be a part of it. Murdering survivors sooths me. This game would have to get much worse for me to even consider quitting for good.

  • Patrick1088
    Patrick1088 Member Posts: 628

    I used to play 3 hours a week on average. Maybe it's 15 minutes now at best.

    I had no interest in chapters starting with Wesker (not really a RE fan). Knight and SM weren't really interesting. I did, and still do, enjoy Dredge though.

    But with that being said, there are other games which, frankly, are more fun.

    I do play on Switch, so the other games available are just better in most ways. Splatoon 3 has faster matches, both casual and ranked battles, 24/7 Salmon Run, regular meta balancing with minimal bugs, regular themed events.

    Even more story detailing games have deeper lore (Zelda). Pokemon is anoyther good example (although ScVi fell a little flat for me).

    I get it that these games are different, but people spout that DBD has great online multiplayer experience (it's okay and again other games do it better), deep lore (very convoluted at times), engaged community (if engaged you mean constantly complaining then sure).

    Its an okay game now thats worth picking up every so often, but I've honestly had more fun re-playing Super Mario 3 lately lol

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    In the Asymmetrical Horror genre there aren't many viable competitor products and arguably the ones that have stood the test of time are usually extremely limited by being tied to single movie franchise. Those without a license are extremely niche and trapped in varying stages of early access hell with few of those every shipping as a feature complete standalone game. Then you have Resident Evil Resistance which was actually a disruptive force in the space, but capcom never intended to support it long term and refused to spin it off into its own standalone game which further hamstrung it. Many people wanted to play it, but didn't want to pay 60 dollars for a game they didn't want to play just to get access to Resistance.

    So we keep coming back to DBD even when it isn't quite the game it used to be.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,504
    edited May 2023

    I didn't expect to see a wholesome nerf pig post this morning. Goes great with coffee. Snoot boops to ya, friend. Pig4ever.


  • DudelPuma
    DudelPuma Member Posts: 329

    waiting for my old main game, it was csgo but CS2 will came out and then i will switch to it, stay tuned until bhvr really narrows the gap between swf and solos and doesn't even make it worse than it already is! I've said before that solo q will be worse after the update, but the 70, 80% of the matches are people dying on the hook or dcn, I really didn't think so, anyway it's not worth the time. .. games until CS2 comes a lot of killer and SWF and then a lot of success for those who stick to the game :D

  • MimiDBD
    MimiDBD Member Posts: 302

    Can't wait to try DI2. Glad you have been enjoying it. My DBD playtime has dropped quite a bit over the last year (for more than a few reasons) as after 4000 hrs I hit a wall I can't seem to climb. Monster Hunter Sunbreak dropped on Xbox Thursday night and I have not played anything else. On top Redfall comes this Friday so....Could be the end of my DBD time for who knows how long. I still wish DBD the best and hope they finally take the next step with this game. You know besides new killer, survivor, nerf, buff.

  • jordywordy
    jordywordy Member Posts: 99

    Just remove end game chat. It only serves to spread toxicity.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,229

    It's very fun, not very serious and runs perfectly for me.

    Unlike some other games, zero performance issues and no bugs.

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 3,014

    I mean i agree but this is only an issue on PC, doesn't happen for the entire console playerbase which is definitely a huge portion

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,211

    Even though The Pig is grossly OP and completely ruins the balance of the game by her existence, I still enjoy the game.

    It might have fallen off a bit from its former glory but I still like it enough to play a few games a day.

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    I love swf chatting. Rarely do we ever talk about the game like that. Pretty sure we talked about childhood crushes in a Nurse game

  • AverageKateMain
    AverageKateMain Member Posts: 949

    I've been all over Persona 5 and Overwatch 2. I'm so close to summoning Lucifer again

  • jordywordy
    jordywordy Member Posts: 99

    Yep. Console players should feel lucky they don't have to deal with end game chat.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,351

    The deep wounds idea works for me. Booping should be 5k for everyone. Might help with the dc-ing.

  • tristenbennett381
    tristenbennett381 Member Posts: 117

    I’m not.. I haven’t been playing for 2 months in wait of something exciting to happen.

    Dude the players plummeted for a reason. Because when you say “If game so bad why are you still playing?” WELL a lot of us haven’t been, there’s only a handful of people on this community actually complaining and continuing to play.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,332

    "also i think if you boop the snoot the person booping and the killer should get a cool 10k just cause"

    During last winter event if you high fived someone in a snowman there'd be snowflake animation, a sound, and you'd get BP. They could definitely do something similar for boops.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited May 2023

    Its an odd one, there is a lot of self defeating victimhood in this community. You don't see it in other gaming forums at least not to the extent you see it here.

    Most gaming forums are a celebration of the game, people sharing builds, swapping ideas etc.

    I think the only other gaming forum with this kind of almost "nihilistic" loathing was WOW. People playing WOW really seem to hate WOW and anyone who plays it including themselves. Its a very strange community.

    In DBD people really project their anger and hatred of the game at each other, I mean in other online games people get angry when they lose but they don't usually get angry when they win, and simply because the game didn't play out 100% how they wanted.

    You really can't do anything in game without hurting someone's sensibilities its almost impressive at this point.

    Especially given the extremely adult content that game contains.

    Its like an intensely adult premise being played by petulant children. Its all very interesting.

  • Solo_Queue_is_Hell
    Solo_Queue_is_Hell Member Posts: 20

    Honestly, the game is not bad.

    A lot of the so called issues with the game come from people who are never satisfied or babies who can't hit skill checks but already demand nerfs and buffs.

    My only headache with dbd has been the huge skill gap between players in solo queue.

    You can be in a ninja team in one match and babysitting in the next, eating DC's, rage quits, etc.

    Playing solo should be rewarded more handsomely, as an incentive for people to keep queuing.

  • Anti051
    Anti051 Member Posts: 747
    edited May 2023

    I only play dbd as a side hustle and because nobody wants to watch anything else for whatever reason.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    The games not bad in itself, but the last chapter was bad in a number of ways and encouraged the very game style BHVR were otherwise trying to move away from.

    For an asymmetrical game it's actually really good, but a mixture of the last 2 chapters alongside some of the playerbase has put people off. "Forged in Fog" was okay for me and if this zoning ability was followed by a chase or stealth-oriented killer I feel the backlash would have been far less about that chapter. Unfortunately, "Tools of Torment" took the already unliked idea of what the Knight could do and made it much worse.

    I still really enjoy the game, but I also see why people have been disappointed recently. I DBD did want to get away from the gen-guarding ideas, they really need to focus on killers who are good in chases, stealth and map-pressure, as well as killers with more unique abilities. Gen-guarding needs to be scrapped and, whilst I honestly do not believe the Knight is a huge problem with this and by himself offers some variety, the Skull Merchant desperately needs a rework. Also, her lore is astoundingly terrible.

  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    What makes you think I'm still playing? Two failed killers in a row and a tome dedicated to the awful Skull Merchant give me very little reason to play DbD right now. I'm rather playing RE4 remake and enjoying the countless mods created for it on a daily basis. A much better investment of my time I'd say.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Sunk and cost fallacy.

    If BHVR refunded me every single euro I've spent on this game I swear on anything you want me to, I'd never ever touch this game again.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,233

    I've been playing video games since the atari and multiplayer games since the first Warcraft.

    No game has ever filled me with as much tension and excitement as a 'good' game of DbD does.

    I'm a soloQ survivor. A tight game where we work together, get gens done, rescue from hooks, and make an escape (perhaps barely) is amazing. As those minutes tick by a feeling of 'is this actually going to happen?' and I get more and more nervous about something going wrong (which frequently happens) is remarkable.

    The problem is those good games are surrounded with a lot of bad games. Skill mismatches are one thing, and kind of inevitable (though more common in this game than others), but I feel that there are bad game elements that could be fixed. The face camping (especially bubba). How easy it is too hard tunnel. How long the end game can take to play out when the killer has already won. How much a game comes down to correctly guessing the right perks and items.

    Basically, I'm chasing the rush of when the game is great, but there are still a lot of problems that I think could be fixed.

  • Sowbug
    Sowbug Member Posts: 140