Is David Less Popular Now?
Cause a very large chunk of the userbase is
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Probably because male survivors are built like a friggin' tanks and take up so much of the screen
Source: Me, who plays exclusively male survivors.
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Nah b/c most games feature male protagonists and are in third-person view so you’re looking at male ass. It’s because the guy survivors are louder, larger, and have bigger hit boxes
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The hitbox part is actually untrue. All survivors share the same hitboxes and hurtboxes.
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Perhaps but I don't think anyone can deny the visual advantage female survivors have, it is FAR easier to hide on them.
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People are entitled to their beliefs (somewhat.) But let's not be delusional.
If him being gay is the straw that makes someone drop the character entirely then it's bigotry. I don't need nor want to argue about it but there's no point in pretending.
And let's be real, the amount of people not playing David because he's gay vs the amount of people not playing him for literally any other reason is like 10 to 1000, so it doesn't matter.
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Oh no absolutely, I just wanted to point out the hitbox point.
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I'm not surprised, David is very loud
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I guess with that reasoning you could say the same about the people that choose to play David after he was changed. I wouldn't say that personally but to each their own I suppose.
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I'd argue there's a serious difference between celebrating diversity and condemning diversity but you do you boo
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Are you the guy that runs the dbd forum twitter?
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idk who that is all i know is theyre a cool dude
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fair fair
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I mean this is fair. You can't force people to play David. If they don't like him anymore for any reason, they can leave him. This does not makes them bigoted or fanatical.
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No. But that isn't the situation at hand.
The situation at hand is someone who did play every character in DBD, and now refuses to play David King because one thing about him changed (his sexuality was revealed), as they can no longer relate to him specifically. And yet every other character is still played, meaning they can wholly and fully relate to every other character (because there are other personality traits, lore tidbits, etc. about David outside of his sexuality).
Or, if they cannot wholly and fully relate to every character in DBD (including licenced ones, so Laurie, Yoichi, Quentin), with their vast experiences, quirks, personality traits, etc. then the only reason they no longer play David King is because he is gay, meaning they have singled out one specific aspect of his character, reduced him down to nothing but that aspect (his sexuality), and now refuse to play as him because they can no longer identify and relate.
Obviously, if they just stopped playing him because whatever, it wouldn't be a problem. I haven't played him in like half a year now because Sheva + Claudette. But they specifically singled out the reason they stopped playing him was because his sexual identity was revealed.
It is exactly what @Sharby said here and more.
Do you see the issue now, or do I need to get the bright pink highlighter out?
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I would imagine that under the old progression system, most people picked a single Survivor and dumped a lot of points into them to unlock everything. It would seem reasonable that a lot of people would pick a Survivor that's free and had a good perk/perks to start off with. Switching to another character was a massive bloodpoint commitment, so I have to imagine that a lot of people would have continued maining a specific character purely to avoid starting over.
But with the way progression works nowadays, there's not as much reason to stick to that one Survivor. People can branch out and play whichever Survivor they feel like, not just the one they invested the most points into. There's so many options to choose from and far fewer hurdles to switching between them, so I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people found a new main.
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And there's a difference between preferring certain characters and publicly expressing that you avoid a certain character because they represent a minority.
I don't play Claudette, but what if I were to announce that I specifically don't play Claudette because I don't can't identify with black people, despite, as a white male, playing Yui or Feng?
(this is not true in case it needed to be said)
This would make me a hypocrite, and it would be obvious that my 'preference' came from a place of bigotry.
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I think I may know why.
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Also add the female animations for some reason tend to look smoother/faster than the males so even though their speed is the same it feels faster when you're running/vaulting as female.
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vittorio replaced him
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Maybe because of the fact that he is a very loud survivor in comparison to others, and both DH and IW have been nerfed. Plus there are a lot more choices now.
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This is so true. it throws me off with how big david, jeff and vit are. I don't like it at all.
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-two of his perks were nerfed (that being dead hard and wglf with the bp bonus removed)
-hes gay (i dont mind personally but i think its a turnoff for many)
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Sorry more accessible hitboxes, and they’re still more exposed when crouched than female survivors.
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Yeah actually lol. Most people only play survivors they can identify or relate with
I play Feng cause we have similar aesthetics and shes Chinese
I play Kate because she has curly hair like me and a beautiful aesthetic
I play Yun-Jin because again has an aesthetic I can relate too and works in an industry I enjoy
Just because you can relate or identify with a character doesn't mean you're identical to that character to a T but when a major part of someone's character is changed then it's harder to identify with them like you did before.
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So what you're saying is it's important for characters to have features people can identify with. Kind of like confirming he is gay made it so a character in the game had a feature that wasn't previously being represented so alot of players finally had a character they could play and identify with.
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It's still really silly to say that you play every character EXCEPT one because you suddenly cannot relate to them anymore.
How the hell are you relating to a guy who's been fighting literal demons for his entire adult life, a world-star K-Pop producer, a psychic obsessed with a cursed video tape, a recovering alcoholic gamer, several zombie-fighting police officers, a country singer-songwriter, etc.? You'd have a wild life if you can relate to all of them, EXCEPT the one gay guy.
Even when just regarding the aesthetics, hell, especially when regarding just the aesthetics, David being gay shouldn't change anything.
The intention of that post was abundantly clear.
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I haven't seen many David for ages now, he's not been popular for quite some time. Part of it I think is that he looks worse after they redid his model, but Vittorio being added hurt him a lot because Vitty is just sexier.
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Male gamers in general prefer to play as women if given the choice, and most female gamers prefer to play as women if given the choice.
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So you like Feng, Kate and Yun-Jin for the reasons you described, right?
So if it turns out one of those characters is lesbian, it wouldn't change the reasons you like them in the first place right? Or would it?
I find it odd because nothing about David's actual personality was changed, so I don't get why people would treat it like a bigger deal than it is.
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So you are saying there should be way more diversity especially in the LGBTQ+ department so no one would be left out as this is a legitimate reason not to play a character (hence some LGBTQ+ people can’t play non-LGBTQ+ characters)?
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It would actually. I wouldn't want to play them anymore and I'm saying this as a trans woman. I have absolutely no attraction to women so playing a character who does just doesn't suit me it takes away a lot of relatability because attraction is a pretty big part about someones life
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Perhaps it's just a difference in how our brains work because I don't understand it
You say you like these characters for reasons xyz that have nothing to do with their sexuality at all
Then you say if their sexuality was somehow different, that completely negates it all and you'd not be able to play them anymore
I can't wrap my head around it.
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Because someones sexuality is still a big huge part of them as a person??? According to your logic unless you play EVERY character whose in a minority group you're a bigot lol. I'd understand if this was like an ability based game but the survivors are literally just skins, you pick who you want and most people want someone who is the most like them a character who is attracted to women isn't like me at all its part of a reason I never play male characters like it isn't that hard of an idea to understand
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I am playing Kate time to time and i bought all of her skins. If they change her to be lesbian, yeah i will leave her. I like her as straight woman. I won't mind if they add more LGBT+ characters and i will support that. But i won't play with any of them honestly.
I don't hate LGBT+ community or i am not saying they should not be in game. But i won't play with any of LGBT+ characters since i am not part of it.
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No, not exactly.
There are plenty of players around who had many survivors in Prestige 3, with multiple perks unlocked across the board. I myself had Claudette, Meg, Quentin, Feng, Kate, Yui and Mikaela in Prestige 3, and I reached that level with almost all of them LONG before the progression system was changed. Mikaela was the only exception, but I was no longer playing the game by then. I prestiged her just for the sake of doing so.
Still, the point is that starting over wasn't actually a huge commitment. The effort present there, distributing your points across your survivors and killers, was perfectly viable to do.
I won't comment about how things currently are because I no longer care, nor even understand them. But I do know how they worked back then. Back when the game was fun.
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You can be a trans woman and still be homophobic btw. Not to mention you saying you can't play dudes cause of their attraction to women despite every character sans a few having a nebulous sexuality says all that needs to be said.
I don't think anyone cares what significance you put on certain aspects, nobody can force you to like anything and you can have any reason to dislike it.
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I never mentioned bigotry though, not once. I just said I don't understand the logic and that perhaps our brains just don't see things the same way
You said you like characters based on traits besides their orientation, but then said if their orientation was revealed to be different it'd be an issue for you and I don't understand it.
You don't have to be a member of a community to appreciate a fictional character though? I like David King as a character because he's a British football hooligan who likes a fight and fits the "jerk with a heart of gold" archetype. Him being gay doesn't change anything about that to me
That being said, I'm not implying everyone has to see things the way I do - that's why I'm asking and trying to understand people's rationale about this because I just don't get it.
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This thread will probs be closed soon which sucks cause it could've been nice to talk about David's recent lack of quality cosmetics.
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It's a shame that certain people I respected in this community are revealing themselves to be homophobic. Sadge.
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I wouldnt play kate if that was the case either
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Okay but why though?
That's all I'm trying to figure out here.
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and... how is that not hypocritical?
Kate's sexuality has never been specified, as far as I'm aware. She could already be lesbian for all we know, which would change nothing about what is already established.
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For David part, i never loved him. Not before he come out as gay or later. Because he was just ugly for me. I like Leon, Steve, James more as male survivors.
But for your question, i like to play as Kate, Jill, Rebecca and Mikaela. Because they are attractive characters to me. I love to assume them as straight women. But ofcourse Mikaela and Kate did not confirmed. So if they change their identity , i won't find them attractive anymore because they are no longer straight. So most likely i won't play them anymore.
But i am also not playing most of survivors. Only few of them.
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Because im straight and attracted to her. The characters i play in dbd are the ones im attracted too. Claire jill kate jane cybil lisa elodie nancy (the actress is pretty) yun jin zarina. The only dude i play is steve but that’s because i like him in stranger things and because he gets his heart broken like me lmao
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If you only like her as a straight woman, you shouldn’t play her at all. She has never officially been confirmed to be straight and could be anything really. You are just using your head-canon and act like it’s right (which you can still do if they officially state that Kate isn’t straight.
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It does for me? I am playing her because i am assuming she is straight. But if they change this and reveal her as lesbian, then i will drop to play her. I don't know why this is so big problem for you? Am i forced to play with LGBT characters? That's what you are saying?
I am playing female characters because they are attractive for me. Because i like them as straight. If they are not, then i have no reason to play as them anymore. Because i am not interested with lesbian women since i am not female.
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Communities full of people who simps for characters regardless of their canonical orientation, it's kinda why the thing confuses me.
But hey you have your reasoning and you are your own person so far be it from me to assume malice or anything like that. You like what you like that's just how it goes
Personally I play characters who I like the personalities of or ones I find to particularly cool. Their orientation doesn't really factor into it whatsoever. In the most blunt way - I just don't care. Cool characters are cool regardless of their orientation
Thanks for the responses.
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Most of characters are not confirmed with anything. So i can't see any problem here. If they reveal her lesbian, i will drop her. Until this happen i will play as her.