Lower expectations for anniversary

As always everyone is excited for the seventh anniversary of Dead By Daylight, especially after the massive flop that is the last two chapters. I am also excited but it’s important to remember that some things don’t always come to tuition and the anniversary may not reach our expectations. Obviously no one wants this to happen but DBD has reached many peaks of popularity from the Stranger Things chapter to Resident Evil, but Behavior could have very well maxed out on their success. The chapter might be original and it might even suck, so stay excited but make sure to temper your expectations a bit.
I love this game and hope it rises up again, but who knows.
The thing is they already botched 2 chapters back to back. Knight and SM weren't exactly well received. A third bad chapter won't kill the game but it will damage the overall morale of players even more. Players that aren't excited for your game will eventually stop buying new content.
It doesn't have to be a licensed chapter but they need to show us that they CAN still create good chapters. Also, there are players like me that refuse to spend money on non-licensed content. Meaning, I'll buy an original chapter with shards (eventually).
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If it’s non licensed then fine, just make it good.
However I think BHVR need to get off their high horse about classic monsters and look to incorporate them in the future; a vampire and a werewolf killer to be specific. I would take both of those over Knight and the Skull Merchant.
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I want Darth Vader😎
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I don't care who/what the killer is so long as they're fun and functional and don't encourage unhealthy playstyles. That's all that matters.
We've run low on famous and beloved horror icons to put in the game anyway so anyone getting upset it's not a licensed character is just being unreasonable. I'd prefer well-designed original characters over shoehorning in weird licensed characters that barely fit into the game.
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That’s not my point, my point is the last two chapters have been awful and this chapter might be just as bad, being licensed would at least be less salt on the wound.
and yeah we have a ton of horror licenses that could come out.
Well CandyMan, Chucky, Jason, The Thing, Alien, Predator, IT, The Shining, Tallman.
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If Skull Merchant was supposed to be a fallen though deal of Predator, that may have been the intended anniversary release.
They might have swapped it round so they didn't get a terrible anniversary killer. Then we end up with an original that has has had an extra 3 months to get perfect!
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I want Rita Repulsa.
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I really have LOOOOOOOOWW expectations tbh. SM was the most uninspired piece of crap ever to come to DBD. And with her the “hour long trial” meta. So even though I don’t expect much from this year’s event, I do expect ot to be better than last chapter.
The enormous amount of BP we’ll get with each trial is the only thing I look forward tbh
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Jeez, 7th year anniversary?
I remember when we were on the 2nd. Our present was no more vacuum vaults and Clown
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This guys gets it.
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The current state of the game is the worst we have had for years, it already hurts the morale of the playerbase.
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Candyman is lame, Chucky is lame and wouldn't do anything original, Jason wouldn't do anything original, The Thing doesn't fit, Alien and Predator won't happen, IT doesn't fit, The Shining doesn't even SLIGHTLY fit it's just Jack Nicholson with an axe how is that even a little bit interesting, and who the hell is Tallman?
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How do IT and Shining not fit? We have a K-Pop star and a manga cosplayer, but a clown and an axe murderer don’t fit?
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PinHead is a literal demi god with no weapon and Nemesis is a bioweapon, do either of these really fit to you? I mean Sadako is literally an evil video tape, a lot of things don’t fit dude..
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They fit because they can run around and kill people with interesting powers that are fun to play with. Though Sadako's isn't that good, which proves that these concepts have limits to what makes a fun character to adapt to DbD.
A lot of people really hate the K-pop star and manga cosplayer, myself included, so maybe you shouldn't use them as positive examples.
What is Jack Nicholson with an axe going to do for an ability? Summon typewriters? He did literally nothing unique or interesting that could be put into a video game. He had no powers, no gimmicks, no quirks.
And IT is an interdimensional demon who does nothing but psychologically torment people for the majority of the movie. What's he going to do for a power? His funny little dance? They couldn't do Freddy Krueger right and he's the same thing, you think they can do Pennywise better?
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Its strange how much potential this game has and how they seem to constantly squander it with such unoriginal and uninspired killer releases.
Mix that with extremely contrived playstyles that are forced onto you to make it as boring and repetitive as possible, and you have a game that is only going downhill.
Its so obvious these developers just stumbled onto the right formula for a successful 1v4 asym. type game, and really have no idea what even makes their game good at this point.
They need to think outside the box in designing good killers from here on out or eventually another company far more ambitious and competent will do what they wont. Once an indie dev company actually understands what makes DBD good and just pastes that formula in their own game, it is game over for BHVR.
Needs a grey alien killer that can mind control survivors and force grabs on others. Needs a wizard with fireballs and frost magic, etc. All the killers right now feel the exact same besides nurse, and it's just boring as all hell.
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The Tall Man is one of the most terrifying horror movie villains, though it's more psychological horror.
Quote from Phantasm II: "You think when you die you go to Heaven? When you die, you come to US!"
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I enjoyed Dredge's chapter last anniversary, i thought it was decent despite everyone (including myself) predicting a licensed chapter. I never have high expectations but I like to give the benefit of the doubt for each chapter. Knight and SM were both disappointing but that doesn't mean the next one will be
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What is and isn't lame is subjective and you can feel how you want ofcourse but you are in the minority if you think chucky is lame.
They still made movies and even tv-series. In term of horror icons chucky had very little downtime.
Might hurt some nostalgic spirits here but Chucky is a bigger icon then Jason or Freddy. They ain't around anymore
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Oh that Tall Man. I have a really hard time remembering Phantasm, I've never seen it. I wouldn't actually mind him though, that's one character I think BHVR could actually make work in DbD.
Chucky might be around but he devolved into a mediocre comedy franchise. The killer Cabbage Patch Kid is not bigger than Jason and Freddy, both figuratively and literally.
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Again opinions be opinions but i'm going to disagree with that.
Calling Chucky a mediocre comedy franchise and praising Freddy who killed a person by turning them into a piece of paper or turned people into olives on a pizza calling them soul food is quite something.
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How long until it drops? I need some new perks to have fun with. I've enjoyed Knight chapter and still play him often, but from my perspective SM brought nothing to the table.
As far as I'm concerned they can release my creepy uncle that only cares about fishing as a killer - I just want anything fun - be it a perk, map, surv, I'm starved for anything entertaining.
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What happens during an anniversary? What makes it specific?
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Mostly extra Blood point event
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Or maybe it's just you who's lame and has 0 spark of creativity. All of those icons could fit and they could have some cool and unique powers.
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The anniversary stream usually gives info on plans for the upcoming year and gives infos/stats on the previous one. There is usually a big chapter for anniversary (Ghostface, Silent Hill and Resident Evil first chapter were all anniversaries, same as Clown which I think got introduced with the kn-game store, and Dredge with was a really unique killer design-wise). Also an event with even cosmetics and bloodpoints earned.
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As long as the survivor is a youngling.
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And the new map: The Jedi Temple😂
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