Dodge reason?



  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,405


    I much prefer dodging them, feels better than not having internet for hours.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,355

    Their matchmaking system is tied to the MMR of the killer you queue up with. Otherwise you could use the low MMR of a killer you barely play, then swap to your main killer with a much higher MMR, circumventing a "fair"match.

    This is assuming the matchmaking works, and no backfilling from dodges.

  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited May 2023

    My assumption is that it doesn't quite work properly. Sometimes I get total potatoes on a killer I use a lot and get 4ks with (such as myers) while other times i get prestige 100 teams with a killer I've used 2 times (such as nurse or blight)

    That does make some sense though. I didn't realize they intended to have matchmaking dependent on your killer and thought all of your killers shared an mmr

  • Wampirita
    Wampirita Member Posts: 808

    Those apply for both survivor and killer for me. All of those have the same reason - they make matches boring in some way

    • ANY red ping bar in the lobby - high chance of them just crashing mid game
    • Key users - basically confirmed stealthy gameplay, no altruism/objective whatsoever, gonna be a 3v1 game
    • Default Cosmetics/Low Hours/P0-2 - Means I got backfilled into the lobby, and it's not gonna be a great time for me and them
    • Mikaelas - personal nemesis, I try not to stereotype, but every time I give one a chance, they all prove to be boring.
    • To some degree the wannabe bully squads, aka the last second switch twins/triplets swf with flashies and the same names/cosmetics - As killer I don't care much about them, but holy hell I despise them as survivor. I get thrown into 3-man swf that has a flashlight instead of the brain and I'm left to do all gens alone, because they're busy "bullying" the killer, they fail miserably and then flame me for not joining their "fun" . I try to dodge them as much as possible, but they're hard to spot, since usually they last second swap
  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I do not dodge. To me, it's just a game.

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868
    edited May 2023

    I do understand a lot of those dodge reasons but where would say people do interpret maybe a bit to much into it are the prestige levels. A lot of people seem to bump their whole bloodpoints into one character and you need around...idk... 300-500 hours of gametime to make a character p100? So people who started the game a year ago and just played every now and then are able to have a p100 char. (so basically almost everyone).

    I also can imagine that tons of people have p100 chars but because of the fear that a killer bases the playstyle of the prestige levels of survivors they simply choose a lower prestige character. I am for example a player who has around 3k survivor experience and around the same on killer site.

    Just because i do not have a p100 survivor doesn't mean i do not know how to loop and how to make decisions. Am i a loop good? No. but a one minute + chase to make the team able to repair 3 gens for one hook i am in the most of the cases absolutely. I also try to play the pallets most efficient and do not pre drop everything just like that.

    Also as killer i have games against p100 squads and the end result is mostly that they throw the whole game within 60 seconds because they are a way too altruistic in most cases and do a looooooooot of predictable mistakes. 

    Howsoever: My experience is that a lot of low prestige characters play very skillful and in a lot of my games there is no realistic reason to fear high prestige that much. (And with skillful i do not mean only loop skills, i mean also decision making).

    In total there are really really really less people who are real "gods" in chase and not catchable.

    PS: Because some people love to know which region people play: Central Europe

    Post edited by Veroles on
  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 378

    That is if you're allowed to play as the TTV, I wasn't live, but today but I was tunnelled out by the killer. Seriously, I got hardly five steps away from the hook before the killer came marching on back, ignoring my rescuer and chased me down to hook me again.

    Like I know that's not all killers (or survivors), but sometimes it feels like some players will go out of their way to target the TTV, kind of like the "Ma! I'm on TV!" thing some people do when they see a news reporter and camera.

  • SleepyLunatic
    SleepyLunatic Member Posts: 299

    TTVs are the only ones i would dodge, because most of them are super toxic and i dont want to be their toy.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 378

    Oh yeah, I'm aware there are different types of people when it comes to TTV's. But from my own experience, I've had people actively torment me for being a TTV (tunnelling, face camping, BM-ing, calling out how small my viewership is even though I mostly stream for myself, saying I was "toxic" for pallet stunning to save a teammate, toxic for outplaying someone at a loop etc.) But on the flip side, I've also had survivors targeting me and being adorable goofs in the process. Had a Snowman high-five party during the Christmas event, lots of fun Shenanigans with the Halloween Rifts, actively made survivors pet Murece when he was reintroduced to the Chapple Map and then let them complete gens. I've even had survivors line up to get moried by me because they loved the killer I was playing (Trickster)

    TLDR: It really depends on the situation I guess, since this game flipflops hard between wholesome moments and not so wholesome moments.

  • Veroles
    Veroles Member Posts: 868

    The experience i have with ttv in general is that they wanna try something total weird what can't work out because you can smell it quite fast what they have in mind. Mostly a way too greedy and try some weird techs like the CJ tech for example. Some are really good and some are brats but well, a lot people without ttv are actual the same... so... :).

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 378

    Yeah, people just seem to remember the TTV's more, because of the stream element I guess. XD

  • lifeisstrange
    lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300

    As a fellow ttv I agree. Real stuupid how tunnely a killer can be and cause your a streamer , am good at looping anyways and once am iri 1 I dont even care if anything I laugh that i made all the gens pop cause you put all the time on just me lol. Trickster and weskers through i dont personally mind them tunneling me since am a simp for em funny thing is cause of my name almost every trickster lets me live xd. Yeah literally had a clown yesterday full tunnel me for all gens to be pop then dcs when my adredaline kick in and he lost me cause lightweight and shadow step lol

  • lifeisstrange
    lifeisstrange Member Posts: 300

    Mori me daddy trickster anytime you see me and drop on ma stream x3

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 378

    Yeah, TTV blinders are just insane and quite annoying, if amusing from time to time. My MMR is pretty low, so I'm not the best at looping or anything so it kind of sucks when I get tunnelled out because I lack the skills to punish that kind of play style. I do laugh at some of the stuff I see, had a Kate insult me because I couldn't come and get her in the EGC because we had a hook guarding Pig and I was on the opposite side of the map and wouldn't have been able to escape in time. lmao.

    I also simp for Trickster's when I see them, otherwise I wouldn't main him. Wesker is a killer I'm honestly 50/50 on because he's just too damn common and he drives me insane after the first two times I face him.

  • BrightWolf
    BrightWolf Member Posts: 378

    I will happily mori you if we ever get to meet in the fog. <3

  • Heytherebigguy
    Heytherebigguy Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 226
  • IWasLeft2Die
    IWasLeft2Die Member Posts: 2,405
    edited May 2023

    I don't really get this sentiment personally. I've only found a few maps feeling overly favoring one side while most feel winnable to either side. Certain killers I feel like I must bring a map offering because if I'm playing a killer who just can't utilize their power on a map it feels like a waste of time to me. I'm not even fishing the the optimum map, but at least a map that my power can be used on somewhat. I play both sides a lot so I don't really care from a balance standpoint honestly. I love map offerings to break up the rng nature of the game when the rng has me end up in midwich every other game when no map offerings are used.

    Post edited by Jocelynbee on
  • Tatariu
    Tatariu Member Posts: 2,967

    anybody with a steam ban on record, or who's name is something like: "temp_2778357256" (not an actual name just an example)

  • Kirarozu
    Kirarozu Member Posts: 239

    I've never seen people with Keys give up. They're basically useless. The only time I bring a key is if I have a hatch challenge. You can still get the hatch after all the gens are done.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    I don't tend to dodge much anymore. But i did earlier tonight, all high prestige players, 3 torches, 2 ttvs and 2 gts with the word toxic in. Didn't look like it was going to be an enjoyable game.