What has been going on recently. 99% of my games begin and someone gets tunneled out instantly and normally they have a mori. Ive never had so much of an issue with this before like what is going on? Mind you I play killer and survivor. I have never been so disgusted and tbh not want to play the game more in worry of running into people who kill right off hook or wait the bt out then insta down over and over. Quite honestly it ruins the fun of the game and the merit of having a fun hard faught game when the game is won instantly by tunneling.
I'm a killer main, but i've been grinding survivor more lately..and I can agree, it's bad.
Last night I was live streaming on Twitch and ahd a Trickster (who apparently had zero shame)..hook me, I got unhooked, downed me, hooked me..I got unhooked, I ran..he chased..downed me and killed me. No time to run, no time to heal. It was pretty discouraging. Almost every match, at least one person was tunneled immediately out. I understand gen rushing is a problem, but I don't agree with tunneling and camping immediately at five gens. Gross.
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There simply isn't any incentive to not tunnel.
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I’ll tell you why I tunnel when I play killer. It’s the easiest way to level the playing field against coordinated SWF. If BHVR isn’t going to make the game fair for killers who have to go against coordinated SWF teams, then I’m going to play as scummy as possible to have a chance at winning.
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Yep. Happening to me a lot lately too. The problem is as soon as they kill one survivor its a guaranteed win for them. You know they're gonna slug the 3rd survivor so the 4th can't get hatch too. Another problem I'm seeing is survivors unhooking in the killers face too. I understand if the survivor is about to go into second hook state or die on hook but I had a Steve yesterday run up and unhook Feng right in front of The Doctor like 2 seconds after he hooked her. Then everyone blamed the doctor in post game for tunneling/camping... but it was also steves fault for unhooking in his face. I was just around the corner waiting for the killer to run away to unhook. Some survivors just don't have an ounce of strategy in their bodies.
I just had a game as doctor where I was able to hook all 4 survivors without tunneling/camping even once. I did it a second time. Then a 3rd time to get the win. Unfortunately for steve I ran all over the map and never found the hatch. I am assuming he didn't either as I eventually found him. I'm guessing it was one of those hatch spawns that was in the corner somewhere. I wasn't trying to give hatch either. My point in telling this is that it made me feel good to be able to 4k without camping or tunneling. You get better at chasing if you make a concerted effort to get better. You won't get better if you just tunnel and camp all the time. It legit feels good when you do well in a match knowing you were as fair as possible.
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They need to nerf tunneling and buff not tunneling at the same time, not just one or the other
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How often do you really go against swf's though? This is why I only stay in lobbies where I am the first in. You can avoid SWFs that way by watching the survivors load in. Even then I still wouldn't tunnel or camp because going against a SWF is the best way to get better. Though sometimes the SWFs go too hard and get themselves killed because they are so dead set on not letting their teammate get hooked even once that they all go down for it.
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Mori = tunnelling. Always.
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They need to buff one these perks that encourage hooking everyone. Even make grim embrace much stronger or buff pain res regression to the point that everyone wanna run it.
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They can't rely on OP gen regression perks anymore, so now they tunnel for easy 4Ks. God forbid having to rely on actual skill to win.
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This has been my experience this past week. I don't mind dying/losing, but I'd at least like to play for more than 4 minutes a match!
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Most simple way to fix it is 4 survivors alive have 75% Gen strength, while 3 have 150%, 2 have 300%. Everyone would find its the best to keep 4 of them alive until 8 hooks, because Gen goes slower if 4 survivors alive.
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Just make the unhooked survivor getting stackable debuff like 33% for doing gen.
So killer would not have the reason to tunnel anymore.
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That wouldn't dissuade tunnelling at all.
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That's exactly how I feel! Like if I have a good game, still get a pip or two (or at the very least don't lose one) and I get killed..then it's like oh well, at least we all played and got some points and had fun.
I don't want to go so far as to say I don't mind losing as killer, so i'll say, if I must lose as killer lol as long as they're not BMing n such it's really not as bad...but some of my funnest matches have actually been farming, when the survivors are just super silly..but also smart enough to understand you want to play and be friendly. No one is having fun when someone is tunneled out immediately when the game starts. It's terrible.
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The only reason tunnel become meta right now is because before someone died on hook,hook didn't metter at all.
You need to get the kill as soon as possible,to slow down the gen speed.
Math of gen speed:
If tunnel
Before one kill(0~2 hook)
100%(normal speed)*4(survivors number)=400
After one kill (3 hook)
If not tunnel
(0~8 hook)
100%(normal speed)*4(survivors number)=400
With the debuff
After 3 hook without killing.
100%*4-33%*3=301% which is nearly to after tunnel 1 player out.
So killer can get what they need,and nobody die in early game,winwin.
And more than that, killer would get punish for tunnel because the debuff only effect to doing gen,if the killer chasing the unhooked guy,then the debuff is totally wasted.
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You know you're very right...I have a lot of kills, and my teams are very hard ..like I think my MMR is beyond my skill level at this point, to the point that I've kind of backed off of playing BECAUSE I don't want to have to camp/tunnel to rely on winning..it's not fun, it feels gross. And the sad part is, when I'm doing really well and I outplay them and their bully tactics, they DC. So it's like a no-win. I don't give hatch much anymore either, if I feel someone is a SoloQ and their team has trashed the game/dc'd whatever it may be, i'll give them hatch.
The unhooking out front of the killer is a huge problem. And the killer feels disrespected (rightfully so) and is going to act accordingly. I always initially think maybe they're a baby surv..but at this point, I know 98% are not. In SoloQ survivor there isn't much loyalty to each other, so i'm not surprised. Camping and tunneling is sometimes neccessary, but now it's just being used as an immediate go-to. I had a game yesterday where the killer camped me, but all the gens were done..so really, where is he gonna go? And why? lol So I'm like okay, I don't like this..but I can understand it. 4/5 gens? Shouldn't be a thing...to me it shows a lack of skill.
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Thing is it doesnt fix the problem of the first chase can cost 2-3 Gens. Which makes killers feel the next chase also cost 2-3 Gens. Which gives killers feeling they need to tunnel.
Beside, killers tunnel at 5 Gens to guarantee winning, tunnel later to secure pressure, and tunnel in end game to secure a kill. Tunneling have advantage at any stage of a match.
To remove tunnel, the pros of getting 8 hooks before kill must be equal to 1 death early. My idea giving 3 survivors behind doing Gens at 225% strength; while 2 survivors doing Gen at 300% strength.
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I'm the same, Killer main, but have been playing Survivor for a breather and I'm just getting tunnelled out of every game I play. Doesn't matter if I'm solo or in a duo-trio SWF, just straight-up tunnelled out. Idk if it's because I have TTV in my name or because I have bad internet/lag but it is ridiculous. Like no time to reset/heal no time to walk away from the hook before I'm downed and hooked.
Like, I played off-stream with a friend of mine against a Doctor on DDS a couple of weeks ago, and because of my ping, I got vacuumed to the wrong side of the pallet and got grabbed, like no big deal it happens right? I get hooked, then after a few moments I get rescued, no big deal. I run off with my rescuer to get some healing, but BOOM Doctor shocks us and we all scream, he comes up, and taps my healthy rescuer while I try to run away. The Doctor ignores the person he just smacked, to come after me. My basekit BT has worn off, I go down again and I'm hooked, again no big deal it happens, just bad luck/timing, right? So I'm left to hang around some more until I'm rescued, run off to heal, rinse repeat Doctor blasts his power and we all scream, he smacks my rescuer who tries to peel him off me but he goes right for me again. This time I'm left slugged as he FINALLY goes for one of my teammates who had saboed the hook he had wanted to put me on, I crawl away to hide so I can be picked up. Only for Doctor to use his power and find me AGAIN. Though ofc, this time I'm on death hook, so I die instantly. The big kicker is, I brought BPS as a way to apologise for having bad internet and I only got a measly 2000 points (everyone else got upwards of 10,000)... This guy had no chill and it wasn't just me he tunnelled, there was another TTV in the game, who was live and also got tunnelled, but they were a higher MMR or had better ping and were able to make the Doctor look like a clown.
ETA: Like as a Killer main, I understand exactly why he was tunnelling. He saw a "weak" link and had to exploit it, but he was playing Doctor one of the strongest killers in the game right now, he didn't need to go as hard as he did. Like idk, maybe he was one of those people who target TTV's because it's "funny" to him, but it was really annoying.
When I play Killer I try not to tunnel or camp because of how gross it is (I hate when I feel like I have to play like this because the survivors are playing like toxic #########), and what hurts is that when I do play fair Survivors either DC or trash-talk me in the post-game and call me a "noob/baby killer" and to "uninstall". Like what do you want? To be tunnelled/camped at 5 gens or have a killer who plays fair and by the "survivor rule book"? You can't have it both ways. *facepalm*
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I like to play Docktah to farm and trying to spread it out at high MMR is a waste of time. I do better when I focus in on one survivor and get him out IMMEDIATELY!
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man, just starting off making quite the first impression aren't you? too bad its gonna last all of 1 hour, if that
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@HaunterofShadows I don't know if it was changed but at least in the past when you quoted a post that got deleted or edited it stayed visible in the quote.
Also interesting that the forum filter is not censoring their post. I think something may be broken?
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Your idea doesnt make any difference of tunneling the first survivor to death compared to the current gameplay. Which is not "punished". Because if its heavily punished killers, why killers keep tunneling?
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They destroyed DS purely because it was always used. This meta shake up doesn't consider why it was used, the devs just got rid of DS to force players not to use it.
Changing overused perks us fine but they don't seem to understand that some perks need to be in the game.
I don't like the DH change but that perk doesn't have to be in every match. DS unfortunately, is an absolute must use perk. Just look at how bad tunneling is now that DS is trash. Players have always tunneled, but wow, I see 1st hook tunneling at 5 gens in easily 4 out of 5 games now.
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Why it need to be punished?
With this change it took away all of the reason make killer want to tunnel.
Killer got what they need,and survivor got what they want, doesn't it sound better than just nerfing and nerfing killer?
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On second thought, I think its enough between us.
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No perk will ever be strong enough to prevent it.
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Well, the problem with the equation you've drafted there is that it would require the killer to chase new targets as opposed to following a guy off hook for 10 seconds and then smacking him and instantly return him to hook. The killer has way more control over what will likely be a far shorter chase if they tunnel. And even in your math, tunnelling is still more effective.
Not to mention that with the general gameplay loop being 'one on hook, one on rescue, one in chase', that'd leave spread hooks with 77% repair speed after third hook (Provided the only survivor that's still at 100% repair speed is one of the occupied survivors) and it would leave the tunneller with 0% repair speed.
Tunnelling would still be quite a leap ahead of not tunnelling.
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The only question I ask myself ...
With so many tunneler why do so few player use reassurance?
Almost everyone is playing now deadlock.
Just makes it really hard for the killer to camp and tunnel with smart gameplay.
Nobody does that but everyone complains.
Off the record is not enough and tunneler laugh about Off the record.
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How is Doctor one of the strongest killers in the game?
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The killer gets nothing for hooking three players once each. For hooking one player three times in a row the survivors get a permanent -25% reduction in all actions because one player is gone.
-"What has been going on recently. 99% of my games begin and someone gets tunneled out instantly"
The survivor objective can be finished in 3-4 minutes depending on how big of a rush they are in. Meanwhile the killer objective usually takes 6-8 minutes or more.
When survivors rush the generators the only way a killer can "catch up" is by removing one player from the game.
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Survivors do their objective faster and more efficient, which leads to killers doing their objective faster and more efficient, which again leads to survivors doing their objective faster and more efficient, resulting in killers doing their objective faster and more efficient.
This is sadly how the game works right now. Both sides try to use every advantage at their disposal to win, which forces the other side to adapt.
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Reassurance, sadly, only works for Swf...I used it but barely work.
I spend 20sec running to hook, use Reassurance and another 20sec to go back to Gen. You know what? Yes, a teammate saw me going back to Gen and spends 20sec running to hook to unhook.
I just wasted 40sec and not a single second of Reassurance used.
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Tunnelling is sometimes a necessary evil to get the win as Killer, and that's pretty hard to shake. If bad maps and bad RNG were less of an issue for most Killers then they could take some more powerful steps against tunnelling, like removing Survivor collision on unhook or something.
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True... Thats why the player need to learn how to use this perk. Not everyone know how strong this perk can be. And If for example 2 or more have this perk every match. That would be much stronger.
I had only one solo que match where I saw that all players knew what to do. Dwight get tunneled, two player gave reassurance and gen rush. Dwight was only in chase or was in hook and all escaped. Trade and unhook always the perfekt time. This killer was I'm 100 % sure very angry and surprised xD. He get no points for camp/ tunnel and no kill.
I never forget this match because was solo que and all played very smart except the killer
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There is nothing else in game more satisfied as survivor that playing Solo and each teammate knows exactly what to do.
I remember a Spirit tunneled 1 out of them, we managed to gen 3 Gens done and soon with 4. Somehow I and 2 teammates do 3 difference Gens. Especially I used Head on, Q&Q, Deception, Inner strength. Worked perfectly because my Gen was in shack, with 2 totems nearby.
Beside, Reassurance only save your team time if there are still 4 survivors alive. 1 died, your spending 40sec running front and back, that 30sec Reassurance cant make up the time lost.
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That is why the one who is being tunneled must be protectly wisely. And if this teammate is good in looping (1 or 2 minute chases) then everyone can escape.
If someone is down in 10 seconds, that teammate cant really save anything.
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Since the last big patch I have noticed more tunnelers in the game. Maybe now with medkit nerft and other changes makes it easier for some killers to tunneler somebody.
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My games have been fine. Not really much tunnelling happening at all. I feel like the only one sometimes
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yeah probably
It could give people who don't wanna do it a decent second option tho.
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of course when you tunnel one out quickly you do better. its a guarantee win at that point. and thats why its a problem. there is no way you can prevent if it a killer truly wants to take one out they win
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Then unhooked survivors would bodyblock and teabag the killer to go after them.
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well we can start by saying, with only 4 perk slots, you cant always bring the remedy to everything a killer does. should we bring unbreakable to get ourselves up because killers slug, then bring ds because killers tunnel every match? like using perk slots to counter things these tactics is saying well you arent allowed to have any variety in the builds you run because if you dont run these, you just have to suffer the consequences
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No, the other user was right.
It doesn't matter if BBQ gives +5000% bloodpoints and pain res has a 100% gen regression, only buffing those will run into the problem that people will still camp and tunnel if they don't have those perks yet, or if they want to ruin someone's day, and people will also complain about the game being unwinnable unless you run the same 3 perks.
What the game needs is severe protection for the unhooked survivor and protection against camping, while also baseline buffing players that spread hooks.
The game should basically be lost for the killer if they decide not to engage in fair gameplay. Camping and tunneling should be such egregiously bad strategies no one used them, while spreading hooks should get you closer to winning than it does now.
The problem is, this game is particularly bad about fixing these issues, as instead of releasing a proper fix, they're prone to release "band-aid" perks that you obviously can't fit into your build.
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Please continue what happens after.
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You totally nailed everything. If you let them live or they survive on their own, you get hate mail. If you kill them, same thing.
I'm having the same problem as you as far as having ttv in the name, sometimes I feel like I am tunneled because of it...I have a really high Prestige Jane and if I play her, with the ttv name combo, it's insta tunnel.
I don't have any lag problems, but what you said is pretty accurate..if it's not me getting tunneled out it's always someone ASAP. At this point I feel like..if you can't play killer, just don't...I don't consider camping/tunneling immediately and 3 gen'ing for 45 minutes "playing." Today I had a knight that didn't play the whole game..he had merciless storm and my teammates apparently couldn't do this to save their lives, but he never pursued chase..and I thought hmm weird. Until I realize it's because he was protecting a three gen. They couldn't outplay it. I was getting bored, he wasn't pursuing chase...just chasing off gens. After about 10 minutes, I just went to a hook and told him to hook me. Some of us have lives and don't wanna run around for 45 minutes so a knight can 4k from a game of nothing.
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I was gonna give you a follow on TTV, but turns out your name here is not your name there lol
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Mines are like yours. I only see true tunneling maybe 1 out of 10 matches. I assume it's an MMR thing.
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lmao, it is XD, just slightly different spelling: https://www.twitch.tv/brightwulph . I haven't streamed in over two months though because of irl work conflicts, but I have some time off coming up soon so I can definitely do some streaming soon.
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The thing is, DbD is a game of snowballing. Give your opponent any momentum, and it can very easily spiral out of control.
Case in point, I was playing an Artist game where I got two hooks at once, at 4 gens. And with the help of proxy camping, I ended up getting both of them on death hook before long, and they still needed to save both of them.
At this point, the game was in the bag for me if I didn't let up on them and continued proxy camping. But instead, I was feeling merciful and chose to chase a Survivor that was clearly trying to bait me away from the hooks. I let them unhook and reset, and continued chasing this Survivor through a tile that would take forever for me to catch them in.
That decision cost me the entire game. All the gens popped in short order, and I wound up with zero kills thanks in part to Adrenaline.
So, yeah. Give your opponent an inch, and they can take a mile.
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Behaviour should scrap their camping changes and just give reassurance and decisive strike basekit. Killers should get corrupt Intervention and Deadlock basekit.