Tunneling with sloppy

supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,613
edited May 2023 in General Discussions

Mfg if i play one more solo que game where in the first chase the killer decides "your living priviledges has expired" imma lose it lol. Like i can't even play with how bad its gotten since the medkit patch. I hope im taking the burn for others. Anyone else have any better games going on rn?


  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    What again were the incentives to not tunnel?

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,719

    How do tunneling and Sloppy relate exactly? If you can't heal, OtR has you covered.

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    This excuse is problematic because its the same type of people who get crushed by SWF's and people that are actually good at the game and get on the forums crying about how survivors sided the game is.

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    Never said I was good nor did I complain.

    Are you saying that its survivors own fault that they cant escape from being hard tunneled? Cool story bro.


  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,716

    I don't know why someone would even tunnel with sloppy. The whole point of it is to slow down healing. Tunneling someone with it just defeats the entire purpose of running sloppy.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 464

    Actually tunneling with sloppy makes a lot of sense. If people swarm in to take protection hits, by the time they get healed, the tunneled person will probably have been downed hooked and onto the next hook phase.

  • GrimReaperJr1232
    GrimReaperJr1232 Member Posts: 1,719

    There's a better perk for that though and works on Special Attacks: Forced Penance.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 464

    But Forced Penance only works on protection hits. Sloppy just works.

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 464

    People who hard tunnel (most games) do go after the same person right after they get off the hook. So what point are you trying to make? lol.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602
    edited May 2023

    Whew. DbD forum reading comprehension on full display in this thread.

    Op: No, not having better games. They've done something to solo matchmaking in the last few months. The skill gap between the best and worst survivor in a solo lobby is usually massive, and the killer is somewhere in the middle. If the killer finds the worst player first, it's GG. Solo queue is unplayable right now. The worst survivor in a solo lobby is almost always completely overmatched against the killer and goes down instantly, while the killer can't catch the best survivor in the lobby. It's a recipe that 100% incentivizes tunneling. It's stupid.

    It alienates the best players in solo by not rewarding their skill and punishes less skilled players. Genuinely unfun for everyone. All because someone at BHVR mandated that queues can't exceed 2 seconds.

  • Sometimes_Sage
    Sometimes_Sage Member Posts: 144

    That if you are feeling the effects of Sloppy Butcher or the self heal nerf, you're not being tunneled, because if you were being tunneled you'd have no opportunity to heal. "lol."

    SOULWARRIOR71K Member Posts: 464

    This is just false lol. Here's a common scenario: Killer hooks survivor. Leaves the hook to "chase" another survivor. Unhook happens, survivor goes somewhere to heal thinking the killer is distracted, but then the killer breaks chase to go look for them (and worse case finds them before the heal is completed). Is this not still tunneling?

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Why is he looking for the survivor he just hooked then? To say hello?

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    Not picking a side here, but should be worth mentioning that if the killer is focusing on one person and only one person, it gives the team plenty of time to do gens without being phased. There is enough pallets that a good survivor could properly loop for that entire time assuming the rest of the team did nothing but gens. But if their looping isn't up to par they won't survive that long. So it is possible to argue that in a way, it is the survivor's fault

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Is it the survivors fault if they play in solo and matchmaking places them with a weak survivor? Is it the survivors' fault killer can tell who the weakest link is (maybe they checked their playtime) and focuses on them?

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    Again, from an argument standpoint one could still say yes. It is the survivor's fault for not managing to adapt and hide if they know they are being tunnelled for an inability to run tiles well. From the other standpoint no. The matchmaking can be especially brutal and crazy at times with putting people who are clearly not at similar skill levels in a match together. The game also shouldn't allow profile viewing in the pregame lobby the way it does because that doesn't help the issue

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    What's the argument standpoint you're taking that people have infinite agency? The thing is you just gave a yes and no answer, lmao. Make up your mind. What do YOU support? There's a side you probably agree more with. I say matchmaking is RNG, and killer looking into survivor profiles or prestige level (which is visible, if that counts for something) and deciding to focus on the weakest is not something the survivors have control over. The survivor who doesn't know how to play DBD yet (say they have less than 100 hours) has no inkling on how to hide they are bad at it (how do they hide it anyway? You make no suggestion here. Do they bring Spinechill to play stealthy and hide whenever it lights up?) There's a lot more RNG involved on survivor's side than killers (see DCing teammates).

    I know killers are used to having all the agency but play survivor more often and you'll be reminded you hardly have a quarter of that.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,972

    Well you can't heal mid chase, something that some players are capable of doing. That made tunneling a little palatable at times. You could heal during the chase and then make a getaway. OTR can be hit or miss.

  • Katzengott
    Katzengott Member Posts: 1,210

    For me the hardest part about tunneling is to actually find the weakest link ASAP. I don't check profiles as i'm on console and even on PC many players just use private profiles. You can totally throw a game by just tunneling the first surv you see. And then you also have these games with no weak link at all. Chase get's too long? Just go for another surv... Well, good luck with that when everyone is doing the same. I call this surv jojo on gens (predropping pallets + shift W). Actually tunneling gens, but ofc you can't say that. Because for survs it's fine to do the objective, how you dare as killer?

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,851

    This argument is all well and good until its a Blight, Nurse, or cracked Spirit deciding to tunnel you. Because people don't use it as a last resort, and they don't just use it on weaker killers.

  • MrPeanutbutter
    MrPeanutbutter Member Posts: 1,586

    So the thing is, if the killer is playing well, somebody is going to die early in the game. That player is always going to claim “TUNNELING!!!” The only way that survivors are going to be happy is if they at minimum get to stay alive until the exit gates are powered. If we change the game to make these people happy, most matches are going to be 4 escapes. Let’s stop and think about this for a minute: do you think this sounds like fun for the person who is playing killer?

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    I'm done discussing with you as you have failed to read any of my posts fully. You continuously go in a circle with discussion and question which side I'm taking even though I clearly stated in my initial reply to someone else I am not picking sides. I am simply giving the viewpoint for both.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    This is a fair point. I didn't take that into consideration, however I don't see a lot of people playing those killers that do either. Not saying that it doesn't happen though. It is also hard to tell what people mean by tunnelling because at this point the definition has changed from "I got off the hook and the killer is right back on me, ignoring people who are right in front of them doing gens/injured" to "I stopped to heal, moved around the map, touched a gen and the killer hooked someone before finding me again or dropped chase and found me". One is tunnelling. The other is just some unfortunate luck being caught again

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    People go into circles all the time because they're already biased, me and you included. You are ok with certain states of the game. Even if they seem unfair to you on a theoretical level you'd rather stick with the status quo that might highly or minimally favor the killer and hope it won't change. I'm the opposite. It's that simple. Not picking sides is just playing it safe cause you know if your bias comes out your arguments might not stand up to too much scrutiny. If it has no effect to you for whatever reason then you don't care. By presenting both sides you're not really offering much of an argument and not offering anything new or a change to the current situation.

    There's no shame in being biased, many users are heavily biased here and it shows even if they try to claim otherwise. DBD might be just a small part of life, but the arguments that happen between survivors and killers about what is fair what is entitlement, happen all the time between groups who have conflicting interests. Many times a groups demands can come into contrast with the others.

    This is simply a conversation of 3 different groups. Killer mains, who only have themselves to rely on. Solo survivors who get matched with all sorts of survivors and SWF. You cannot have a honest conversation without making a separation between SWF and solo, which many seem to have a strong aversion off. As it is now and has been for a while, solo survivor is the most underpowered. I play solo survivor and that's what affects my arguments. So telling me, it's a bad decision the weakest link got tunneled out, is not really addressing the elephant in the room here. solo vs SWF. Losing a game because of a DC is unfair and it happens. Losing your kills because of DC is also unfair for killer. Killers found it unfair survivors had "second chance" perks like DH, because they felt they earned a down after investing time in a chase and where expecting to be rewarded. Being hooked at end game while you have not being hooked all game and instantly losing both hook states also feels like you were robbed of your unhook (in case you have Deliverance or get a lucky 4% chance escape), but the game automatically kills you if you're the last standing.

    This whole thread is basically how do you balance the game in such a way that both killer and solo feel they're playing a fair game without screwing someone over? And is it possible, or should we in the name of some group over the other for whatever reason screw one more over the other (because true balance might not be possible). I don't understand why it's so hard to understand that solo survivor is easily the most screwed one in certain cases that need co-ordination to beat the game (like 3genning was? or counter STBFL etc.)

    Just because you live in a small appartment, and someone next to you lives in the mansion, doesn't mean you gotta act blind to the guy on the opposite end of the street being homeless and act like everyone you encounter could be that guy who lives in the mansion and why is he so much better off than you? (ok a bit farfetched). So often in this forum people act like everyone is a SWF and would rather ignore the reality of solo survivor, either because they don't play it or because they know if they address it, then the game might have to balanced a different way than it is at the time (not like it's gonna sway much of BHVR's opinion, they probably rely on statistics).