Dead by Daylight should no longer be affected by an outage. Players logging into the game between September 26 3PM ET and September 28th 3PM ET will receive 1M Bloodpoints as compensation.

Impossible bases

grimthejester Member Posts: 3

Players who build impossible bases, basses with ratios averaging too high should no longer recieve rewards. Too many bases are buit with no creativity, but simply a smattering of traps in every direction that pound a play relentlessly. There should be a system in place to avoid rewarding players for that.

A player should have to be able to play and beat their own base before publishing. This way they prove it can be done.

If a player can't beat their own base, they should not be allowed to publish it.


  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,204

    Players who build impossible bases, basses with ratios averaging too high should no longer recieve rewards. Too many bases are buit with no creativity, but simply a smattering of traps in every direction that pound a play relentlessly. There should be a system in place to avoid rewarding players for that.

    Soft agree, there should be a 'fall off' in rewards after a certain number of kills (I believe there already is in terms of parts/synthite, but prestige should as well), and accolades should promote outposts, so that those that receive more accolades get raided more (in conjunction with the negative feedback loop of outposts that get more raids are promoted less to balance out)

    A player should have to be able to play and beat their own base before publishing. This way they prove it can be done.

    If a player can't beat their own base, they should not be allowed to publish it.

    Hard disagree. needing to re run your own outpost every time you make a change to it would be far too tedious. There's already not enough time for players to raid enough other outpost to offset the raids needed for their own (e.g. if you expect 10 raids on your outpost, you need to raid 10 others for each of yours) and if you need to factor in time to run your own outposts in order to publish them as well, that's going to make maters even worse, and the number of raids received will drop for everyone. In addition, not everyone has the same skill set, someone may be a good builder, but a bad raider, and they shouldn't be limited to what they can create.

    Outposts are already 'possible' due to the HRV path. The only thing that can make outposts virtually 'impossible' is over use of second wave opaque corrosive cubes and incinerators (and even these can be beaten by shield use and speed running).

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    if you've seen so many impossible bases, please, make one and send me the name so i can show you that it's not impossible. why should i have to run my own map to appease you? if you think it's impossible, practice, or leave. but why should i lose out on rewards because you chose to play my map and didn't know how to handle it?

    every map i've ever made i can beat. do you make a habit of posting maps you can't complete? cause i don't think anyone else does either. i think you're just assuming all these builders can't raid and just need the ego stroke of forcing them to do it so you can just go in, decide you hate it, and leave anyways.

  • grimthejester
    grimthejester Member Posts: 3

    I made ONE map that was impoosible to beat, got tons of kills, but no genmat stolen. So i know it can be done.

    Even i couldn't beat my map and i made it. So i changed the map until i could beat it because it's not about ruining the game for everyone else to feel accomplished.. It's about building a challenge.

    I'm sorry if you feel threatened by my suggestion that you should be able to beat your own map to publish it, apparently, you are the kind of builder who would have left the map intact.

    I have probably already blocked your maps in game, along with probably many others, it's kind of like player based punishment cause the more people who block you, the less raids you get. Better to make maps that CAN be beaten so people WANT to play them.

  • grimthejester
    grimthejester Member Posts: 3

    Soft agree, there should be a 'fall off' in rewards after a certain number of kills (I believe there already is in terms of parts/synthite, but prestige should as well), and accolades should promote outposts, so that those that receive more accolades get raided more (in conjunction with the negative feedback loop of outposts that get more raids are promoted less to balance out)

    I agree with this, it is a fair comprimise. I suppose it's true that some players would have trouble where others would not. A cut off vs a stone wall seems a fair trade.

    Hard disagree. needing to re run your own outpost every time you make a change to it would be far too tedious. There's already not enough time for players to raid enough other outpost to offset the raids needed for their own

    I can run any of my raids in less than 3 minutes cause i know where everything is. I agree it would suck for people who build hour long mazes, but the avg raid can be finished rather quickly. I still think it is important for people to have to run their maps before publishing.

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685
    edited May 2023

    "I have probably already blocked your maps in game, along with probably many others"

    i guess i just don't make maps for you

    you want to see what i'm capable of i'll send you to a map with a kill rate of about 2,500 and only ONE completion so far. Me. your map isn't impossible mate

    block me if you like, my maps are for people who actually want to be good at the game and i don't need your raids, but you lose out on mine, and i'd wager i play quite a bit more so you're the one losing out really.

    edit - name the map and i'll beat it.

    and if you're the kind of person who posts maps that you can't beat, maybe you're the problem, cause i don't know anyone else who does.

  • hastarkis
    hastarkis Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580
    edited May 2023

    You press "view player's profile" key (P for PC) on post-raid screen or in replay station and get 3 options: view profile (if you both on steam), report and block. Blocking prevents you from getting maps of this player and prevents this player from getting your maps in their pool.

  • Warlord1981NL
    Warlord1981NL Member Posts: 262

    Or simply stop rewarding them by abandoning the raid and blocking the player. I believe in making a fair base and all my bases are made with the thought that I should be to beat it myself, grabbing all the ancient tomes and exiting in a single try. No use of the Phoenix Pod either. I call that fair play. If someone doesn't believe in fair play who makes bases like those mentioned above: Abandon raid, block player. Blocking causes them to not be able to raid my bases either which is great because no fair raids for unfair players.

  • MadMoeZel
    MadMoeZel Member Posts: 685

    Third user who beat it is an Xbox player named ArmsUpXbox, he streams on twitch. i forgot to collect the screenshots of his runs.

    nothing is impossible. the fact that people give up this easily and then block people rather than improving is genuinely disgusting.

    this map was beaten by 3 people in under 48 hours of it being made. 2 on pc 1 on xbox. it was done with mouse and keyboard, AND controller. and it took less than 2 days to master for every individual who bothered to TRY.

    everyone who says "impossible base" really needs to rethink their view on the game. you're either not practiced enough, or using the rough equipment for the challenge your facing. stop trying to force YOUR BUILD to be the right one for EVERY situation, it isn't.