How offten are you being camped or tunneled?
Title + idealy if it happends to you more offten in the begging of the match or more like end game.
It doesn't happen alot in my survivor games at all. Tunnelling is more common than camping at any rate, and when it happens the killer pretty much always does it from the start of the match. I don't count endgame camping or tunnelling as problematic at all, so I don't pay attention to it. Anything goes in endgame as far as I'm concerned.
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I don’t even remember the last time I was camped or tunneled.
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How often does it happen to me or how often do I see it happen?
If you mean how often do I get tunneled or camping? Probably about 1 out of 5 or 6 games.
If you mean how often do you see tunneling or camping? Almost every game.
Post edited by Pulsar on10 -
To me not very often. It happens to my less experienced teammates constantly.
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Rarely as survivor. Of course all but never as killer.
Even the Knights I have been going against recently haven't tunneled me.
Although it could be an mmr thing. People may think mmr has no effect past the soft cap but I think when quick queue times are viable when taking into account mmr the system does so. I have gone out of my way to never play killer before 12AM NA because I get somewhat real matches when I do so. Playing before that time feels like I am wasting everyone's time.
The point is that my survivor mmr probably isn't that high and even if the queue is in my favor I probably am not going against killers try harding.
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I see it about 1 out of 10 matches if we’re not including any tunneling or camping that happens at 1 or no gens left.
Most recently, had a campy Hunty Mommy that proxy camped from the start. Didn’t realize it until it was too late but it was because she hooked near her Devour Hope totem. I didn’t mind though, she was nice and let me stun her for the three stun challenge before she murdered me.
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I usually play solo and will see tunneling at 5 gens happen 9 games out of 10 . I personally don't think there's anything wrong with it and i mainly play survivor. If you want to win, bring in the right loadout and learn how to loop, gain distance and waste as much time as possible while your team mates are on gens. 3 out = win.
Killers will usually try and find the worse player and want to get them out as soon as possible, i do sometimes feel sorry for them but it is what it is.
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Maybe because you dont play Survivor?
Myself not so much. Maybe 2 out of 10 times? However, another Survivor being camped or tunneled, at least 7 out of 10 times.
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Since last December I played 10% killer games for 90% survivor mostly soloQ.
My definition of tunneling is : focusing one survivor and ignoring everyone else, except for bodyblocks, flashsaves ect…
And camping is : staying around the hook to force hook stages by bodyblocking the hook if necessary to prevent rescues or forcing 2 survivors to go for the rescue to avoid getting grabbed.
I simply don’t see that in my games. My teamates are decent in chases, going to very strong tiles if they are in danger of getting tunneled and killed forcing the killer to drop chase.
And camping is gone since the noed nerf in my games.
Most of my games go two ways :
A : a survivor DC very early in the match, it’s gg wp we can’t recover being 3vs1 at 5gen.
B : we manage to complete to 5 gens, no death. Someone get caught, survivors mess up the rescue and the killer end up with 2K but I escape. Balanced game gg wp.
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Camping definitely happens everytime I see Leatherface. I was really surprised seeing this stereotype come to life.
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Extremely often I get tunneled, and sometimes camped after being tunneled, though I've never been camped but not tunneled.
Weirdest part is that I often get tunneled early on, and am often specifically targeted, even though I don't do anything to get on the killers nerves. I dont tbag, abuse, anything really.
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Ever since the anti face camp announcement which I knew this would happen, SO MANY bubbas are abusing even more LOL, too bad with my swf though we just let him get his pitiful 1k while the other 3 leaves or overall even a 4k cause of knowing how to coordinate our delieverance. As a ttv in general I tend to get most likely to be tunneled or but I dont care cause am a decent looper so if I run said killer for 2 or 3 gens and they wanna tunnel me or for the last 2 or 3 games all the better for me. Funny thing is that the only two killers who tend to almost never do is my two favorite killers, wesker and trickster must be simply cause of my user name showing my love for them.
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I haven't been able to play as often as I'd like, but I can fit a few hours of playing every couple of weeks, and since the midchapter I don't think I've been tunneled once.
People have just been really chill on my end.
There must have been only a few games where killer tunneled someone, and it was after the 3rd gen had popped, so completely fair game.
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Camping is not so common. Maybe 2 times in 10 games.
But tunnelling? Yeah it's very popular. Almost every match someone is getting tunnelling.
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At least a couple of times a day tunneling will happen. Camping is less common. Unless its a Bubba.
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Facecamping 1/20
Proxycamping 2/5
Tunneling 3/5
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I sometimes wonder if I am even playing the same game as posters on this forum or if people are intentionally being disingenuous.
I get hard tunneled all the time. (straight off the unhook) And if its not me, its one of the randoms Im playing with.
Proxy camped a majority of the time in any given hook.
Face camp in endgame all the time.
Face camp in regular match is less common, perhaps once or twice out of 10 matches.
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Very, very rarely. The last time I was properly face-camped was against a Clown with anger-management issues. Although that was recent, before then it's been a long time. Tunnelling was probably 2 weeks ago. I've been downed shortly after being unhooked a couple of other times, but those were more me popping up in the wrong place than the killer actually looking for me.
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Maybe half my matches involve a tunneling and it's guaranteed with Wesker's and Blight's which is ######### hilarious to me. Camping is extremely rare. Proxy camping I give to craps about because it involves game sense and right timing which to me translates into skill.
I have noticed a pattern that when I bring my anti tunnel build of DH, OTR, DS, and WOO I never get tunneled. I have yet to fail a DH since the resent nerf....everyone just swings now it's great.
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That’s what I’m saying lol.
Someone on my team gets camped or tunneled out of at least half my games if not more.
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Yeah. I try my best not to be found first (with sometimes not great success). Not great at estimating how often to be honest, but someone being tunneled out if not once every 2-4 matches maybe.
I want to win as killer, but unless there is a challenge where I have to kill 3 people in a match, I try not to tunnel or camp at all. I've even camped less at end game lately. I'd just rather try to spread hooks out and chase everyone at least once. If survivors want to mash gens and have a five minute match, oh well.
I just wish killers were rewarded more by how many hook states than the quick tunnel/camp get it down to 3v1 strategy that is so strong. I get why they do it though. It works and they want to win games too.
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I'm curious about a lot of you saying camping isn't as common. In my experience, camping happens in 3 out of 5 games whether it is proxy-camping or just straight up camping. Face-camping is rare, but the other two methods are extremely common.
Tunneling happens in almost every single game. It's gotten to the point where I am prepared going into every match to keep a chase going, if need be, by connecting TLs with jungle gyms. When I am being tunneled, I will greed and mind-game on pallets as much as possible by vaulting windows. Too many people pre-drop on safe loops without even risking it.
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Right? It’s exceptionally common to see camping (of either stripe) and tunneling.
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Reassurance has literally became base kit for me lol
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Kinship is better IMO but anything helps. Can’t wait till these anti-camp measures are implemented. And while I’ll camp strategically, I understand it’s miserable to face at any point of a match.
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Exactly right. I don’t blame people for camping, hell I do it myself if the situation calls for it. It’s a game design issue and I’m glad they’re finally at least trying something to change it up.
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if going after someone back to back is consider tunneling than very often. How much i see it? about 60% of the time. Now half the time the killer will even fail to tunnel or change targets after someone body block.
So I'll say maybe 3 times out 10 matches someone get hard tunnel out the match.
Camping maybe 2 out 10 matches someone will get stages confirm ( not including end game of course). I rarely see anyone camping stright out the gate beside huntress and bubba tho. From my personal experience killers tend to start camping when they feel the gens are beyond saving. Some will decide super early that the odds are not in their favor base on the first few chases or gen spread.
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Its Almost every match everytime I play.
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It depends how often am I found first. Usually its my teammates who get the attention
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I really am curious of the opinion of all these people having someone getting tunneled out everygame. Would you Rather go against a blight with Vigo's/Green speed or a tunneling A tier killer or below? I have gotten flack once in the last 20 games from a survivor who only complained about me having bbq in my build.
As far as I am concerned most survivors would rather get 4kd by me while not getting tunneled than even get a 2E vs tunneling Bubbas.
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Haven’t been playing much since totk came out, but tunnelling in particular was very common in my survivor games. Lotta Nemeses living up to their stereotype.
Facecamping was popular amongst Huntresses and Wraiths, but not egregiously common.
Proxy camping was popular by substantially more killers, but camping at 5 gens wasn’t all too common either. Definitely more than it used to be, though.
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Its funny you say it that way because top killers like blight with good add ons are the ones who tunnel the most
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I see it nearly every game. I'd say 9 out of 10 as well.
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Blight and Nurse players don't play around. People acting like those killers are rare or don't run some of their strongest perks/add ons kinda betrays they don't play survivor. They also never give hatch or play nice.
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I get tunneled every once in a while, and usually if I get tunneled it was because I wasn't playing carefully enough.
Camping is rarer- especially face camping, which I only really notice in endgame where it's fair enough, or Bubba games where I expect it from the get-go. Proxy camping I do see often but I guess the killer's gotta play their objectives somehow, right?
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Idk why that's funny because I am specifically referring to myself and not the general blight player base who will probably use him to tunnel as he is exceptional at it. I am probably one of 10 killers in the entire world by my guess that hasn't kicked a gen in the last year and a half. I tunnel on very, very rare occasions and the only time I am camping is to force altruism in end-game which in itself is rare.
I stand by what I said. Most survivors would rather face me on blight than go against a tunneling clown or whatever trash killer trying to make up for their meh killer and terrible map design.
The people running the best stuff on blight or nurse for an extended period of time either aren't good at those killers or have never played a real competitive game before.
I could tunnel with alch-ring/green-speed every game with whatever garbage slowdown is meta at the time but I don't care to go on a 100 win streak. I already go out of my way to play at a time when survivors are playing the best for me in my region.
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You are quite blessed
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Yesterday I got tunneled in 1 out of X games. By a Streamer with almost 14k hours. I guess this poor inexperienced Killer had no other choice than tunneling the first hook he got.
However, this would have been fine - but I dont know how many games I played yesterday, but I survived none (not always because of the Killer, one time because of a Meg who opened an Exit Gate to 70% instead of 99% and went into another Corner of the Map to Self Care...You know, you need to tunnel when you face Survivors like this, impossible to win) and in EVERY game at least one Survivor was camped or tunneled. Despite multiple BPS or Cakes from the Survivors.
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It just depends really, it seems like anytime the killer is given a good chase at the beginning they always choose face camping but if they catch at least one person before gens start popping it's a normal game from there on out, some people face camp because they know me and some don't facecamp at all because they try and 12 hook you.
Now rarely do I see players who facecamp just to do it but when I do they're always running perks like deadlock to buy them time so they can camp and possibly get one more.
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Hmm, i am not sure what my experience is worth at the moment, but i get it almost every game as survivor. However, i play survivor much less now than half a year before (mostly because camping and tunneling became so dominant), so i have a very small sample size at the moment.
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I had a game two days ago on dead Dawg Saloon where two of my teammates had Self-Care. Me and David did most gens I think and we ended up dying. I feel them not self-caring every time they got injured could have saved us some time if they were instead working on gens. It was just bad luck to have both of them with self-care.
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It doesn't happen that often to me, but I'm also typically strong in chase. I see it happen all the time to teammates who are weak in chase. There's not much downside to doing it as a killer because most survivors can't play in a 3v1. They'll heal while someone is in a chase and then try to work a gen when someone is hooked and and the killer is free to patrol. I don't know how people expect to get gens done doing that. Why not work a gen together during the chase and then heal when that person goes down and split up after for save? It's kind of mind blowing to me.
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Can you carry a team while in chase?
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If the killer over-commits to it, sure. I had a 4 gen run the other day. But the concept of a carry in DbD is kind of a flawed one because the killer doesn't have to lock onto a chase if they don't want to. It's a bit of a quirk with regards to how matchmaking is tuned. It's not a carry when there's 1 really good survivor and 3 much easier targets. It's just bad decision-making by the killer. The best survivor in the world (which I'm certainly not) can't carry if two teammates are dead. And they can't prevent them from dying either, only prolong it at the expense of gen pressure. If there are 4 similarly skilled survivors against a similarly skilled killer, then I'd consider it a survivor carry because the killer didn't have better options.
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I camp and tunnel every game,. Why? cause 90% of the killer roster can't win chases due to dogmeat maps.
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Probably about 25-50% chance of any happening to any player in any given soloq match, (before endgame) so a quarter of that for me specifically. This bumps to 75-95% when narrowing it down to Anon Killer players and what I will call VPN Killers.
VPN Killers being Killer players who are clearly in the wrong region, and are either VPNing to get a lagvantage for sketchy hits, (like Weskers grabbing you around corners/through walls, not just the window/pallet bug) or just to play in a far different region. They aren't limited to camping/tunneling, they more often than not intentionally bleed out (be that the full 4 minutes or the even more scummy 3m59s then hook) and otherwise deliberately try to make the game as annoying or torturous as possible.
If I could view the (steam) profile of the Killer before the game like Killers can view Survivor's, I would instadodge all those Anon/VPN lobbies in soloq (console/other PC platform players are fine though, just Anon and a clear language on the profile that isn't remotely in your area).
As far as when I'm playing Killer, I only intentionally tunnel map offerers (when I can confirm they were the one who offered the map). I might accidentally tunnel someone off hook if everyone else hides and they are the first person I find, but never for the express purpose of targeting the unhooked Surv.
I only camp the final 15s or so if they were clearly genb4fren greeding, and that is the only way I could punish the gen greed. Technically I did do a facecamp 'experiment' where I brought a decked kit with the express purpose of facecamping, to show it is busted, and got an 80% kill rate doing so (~90% if you don't count hatch escapes). That was a long time ago though, after Reassurance got added to show it really didn't prevent the majority of wins from facecamping.
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I’ve been saying since its release that Reassurance doesn’t stop camping.
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I can't speak for everyone but I don't really take notice of proxy camping, because you can time it right and get the person off hook with no issue. So the game naturally progresses. Camping is usually a hook trade, so it's something that i take notice of more as it's pretty much a stale game of trading hooks. So I feel like game play is massively different when it comes to proxy camping vs (face) camping.
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I'm sick so played a bunch of games today and out of 14 games I had 2 tunnelling killers (I was tunnelled once (Blight), second time was another team mate (Pinhead)) and one facecamper (Insidious Bubba). Pretty par for the course for my games.
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as soon as the survivors starts to gain any pressures with gens especially if it quick pressure they usually tunnel in my games epically because i player with newer players so some are weaker loopers than others so they get tunnel out very very fast so sad and not fun for them at all it's like if you all separated out and get 3 gens done in the beginning of the game and because the kiler wouldn't stop chasing 1 guy the killers going to automatically tunnel the weaker link out to try to get a 4k it happens 75% of my games