Best and Worst Map for Every Killer - Improved Through Community Feedback

I've made a spreadsheet depicting what I personally believe is the best and the worst map for all killers. Some of these like wraith and doctor I've based off of my personal experiences as a seasoned killer player for specific killers, others off of assumptions of what map would most benefit or restrict a killer based on how their power and skillsets work.
Naturally people will not agree with me on a lot of these choices, so please rip me apart, tell me all the things that are wrong, cause I actually want the communities feedback, if I see agreement on certain killers that differs from my choices I intend to update this until it is more in line with general consensus from the community.
If you do question some of my choices though I will be happy to explain why I put what I put for some killers.
Well I had fun making this either way :)
Yea, I don't agree with many choises here. For example:
- Nurse best map is Midwich, however The Game is still good.
- Haddofield isn't the worst map for Twins and Wesker. They are far worse maps.
- I don't belive that there are so many killers to put Ormond as their best map, I wouldn't probably but anyone on Ormond as best honestly.
- There is no way there is a Killer where the best map for them (Hag) is Bahdam. That maps are one of the most Survivor sided maps ever.
- Saloon can't be the worst map for any killer either. It's one of the smallest maps in the game with good gen patrol excluding the main building.
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I only play Oni and Knight. Id probably agree with Ormond although cranked survivors can give me the run around on it. Dead Dawg is equally good for him I find (Open and little clutter) Midwich can be useful for Oni with the long corridors.
As Knight, Eyrie is certainly one of my better ones and the Thompson house is indeed a pain. You can set up a 3 gen but if they keep going to the house, they punish you for stepping out of defence and giving chase.
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Lery's isn't actually that bad for nurse, if you know the layout.. RPD is far worse
Also i think one of spirit's worst realms is red forest because the rain sound covers survivor footsteps way too much
Anyway interesting choices, it would be interesting to hear your opinions on why you made certain map choices but that would create a very long thread i guess
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I can't speak for a lot of killers but as a pyramid main. I can't argue with midwitch being one of the best for him. It's a wonderful map to play on. And yes th decimated borgo is horrible as pretty much anybody but personally I'd rather be there than badham. Badham is terrible for every killer and while executioner can handle some loops better than other killers it is still absolutely terrible.
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I’d take lerys on blight over swamp and red forest.
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I see Myers bring Lery's offering a lot. Actually everytime I see killer offering is an indoor map I know it's probably a stealth killer.
What is the reasoning for putting Dead Dawg Saloon in worst? Considering it's one of the smallest maps, I was under the impression it was quite a strong killer map in general.
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With Artist, imo farm maps are overall bad, as is maps with terrain slopes and bumps like swamp. Game map is bad though.
Any map that's not obstructing field of view too much is good for her, as it is for any ranged killer.
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Spirit’s worst map is most definitely not The Game. With certain add ons, she’s deadly on it, mainly the pallet add ons. Even basekit, she can mindgame a couple of the pallets very well. Here’s two examples:
She mostly struggles on large maps unless you use MDR and Amulet, but let’s be real, she has no bad maps anyway when those two add ons are in play.
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as a trickster main ill agree ormond is great!
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I didn't watch for everyone, but I don't fully agree on Hag's. Her worst map is definitely Red Forest - Mother's Dwelling.
Lery doesn't have any grass, but it's not THAT big, 3gens can be costly there, and youcan always put unexpected traps at the corner of walls or do camera pulls into obstacles.
That being said, I'll admit I haven't played much of her since her nerf.
I think Mother's Dwelling is also up there for Legion's worst maps.
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Inserting our opinions and reasons now:
- Artist worst would be grim pantry. The various elevation dips and rises makes hitting longer shots alot harder than the game which is 2 flat floors.
- We don't disagree really but could argue rotten fields for worst as there's nil to bounce off of but shack.
- Cannibal would argue lerys or mother's dwelling as there's a lot to collide on easily as worst. Best we argue rotten fields as most survivors will be dropped if not near a usable loop.
- Slinger we argue for Campbell's chapel as worst due to there being just enough to always block out shots.
- Ghost face worst would be borgo or the saloon as there's little way to stealth to survivors.
- Hag we think lerys is best while boneyard is the worst. Easy to set traps that cover multiple paths on lerys while easy to spot and go round on eyrie.
- Legion worst feels more towards RPD. Harder to chain hits there than azarovs at least.
- Nemesis worst probably isn't borgo (we do well there and zombies do work without risk of being stuck on it's own) but we don't really have any particular map in mind for being awful for him. Best also probably isn't Haddonfield but again, nothing specific comes up.
- Pig we think the best is lerys as we can choose stealth or normal and keep flipping.
- Shape we feel entirely depends on what your running to make a best or worst map.
- Spirit we'd say temple of purgation or some other huge map. She can cross distance easily enough but she can't see targets while moving super fast. The game is annoying, but not really awful for her.
- Trapper we're arguing for boneyard as worst for similar reasons to hag. Best map we could argue midwitch. Long as the trap is up in the right areas survivors eat hits or downs with narrow halls and easily blocked loops.
- We always play trickster with bouncing blades so we're going to skip this for this reason.
- Wraith doesn't really have a good or bad map to us.
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I'm gonna continually update this thread with new versions of this map list based on community feedback, so I'll post a new version within a day or so, but in the meantime here is a response to some of the questions for my map choices, again, based on experience as well as logic and analysis of killer power and potential.
In the meantime I will go over the reasons for a few of my choices I read that people had disagreements with, if it doesn't sway you that's alright, was my logic though.
I put Badham as the best map for Hag because I was really trying to think what map had the best potential for steamrolling survivors when it came to her traps. While alot of maps have good coverage to hide traps. Badham typically has 3 separate gens that are all in hard to leave areas. The basement gen that can sometimes contain a second basement, the two story that has a gen where you can literally be bodyblocked, and the house of pain that forces you to take a staircase out. My thought is with well placed traps in each of these areas the teleport and insta hit/down potential on that map for a hag seemed very strong.
The reason I put saloon as a bad map for some killers (which can be helped by better gameplay decisions), is a lot of that map gives huge power to the survivors when it comes to looping if you don't break all the doors, and there are a lot of them. Pinhead in particular though I figured you can break his chains quite frequently on the water tower side of map. Winning on that map because the map is small is helped but the looping potential of some of the areas is also very high which can be frustrating for certain killers that rely on range rather than speed.
Leery's for myers is a good map, but not his best IMO, especially considering that even a scratch mirror can be easily countered on it, and if not you do still have a terror radius, hes a basic m1 killer and there is so much window potential on that map. However temple of purgation has so many hiding spots for a myers and catching people in certain places like the double basement can spell disaster for a squad.
Ghostface's worst being haddonfield in my mind came down to the fact that haddonfield is typically a draining map for an m1 killer, even with his stealth and marking power, you still have to catch people, and the window vaults on that map are downright insane. As I'm typing this I just got out of a map against a pyramid head on haddonfield, I juiced him so hard between dodging his power and taking window vaults that I literally never had to leave the left corner two story (the one with the two same side windows where gate can spawn), like every time you take a vault it's almost a reset of chase.
Nemesis being best at haddonfield was for the opposite reason of everything I just said. The windows can actually be the survivors downfall because of his ability to hit you while you vaulting them. Pallets are harder for nemesis but a window vault gives him a unmoving target, I figured that if you can limit survivors potential of vaulting on that map it becomes a way weaker map, and the zombies can be a huge pain for the survivors on that map as well.
Trapper's best map being swamp is somewhat personal to me, but even worse than midwich, the swamp has the best grass in the game for hiding traps and there's strats you can use with or without certain addons that basically disable both the small and big boat and the dock leaving only a few good pallets in the entire map (of which there aren't many), even when survivors know where your traps are, you can put them in chases where they either get downed by your weapon or run into a trap going for the only means of escape, windows right by grass. I've never had a better game as trapper than on that map.
Wraith is also personal for me, I am a wraith main (please no discussion about how good or bad wraiths are, I've had too many of those), but I found the potential for stealth, surprise and gen pressure you can achieve with a wraith worked the best on that map, and because the gens, pallets, vaults, almost all of it are always the same, a killer has as much of an advantage as a survivor does in terms of loop-anti-loop, there are no surprises so it usually just comes down to how solid is your gameplay. I really believe it's quite good for wraith.
As for wraiths worst, I would want to say garden of joy, but I can squeak out some victories on that map, but the one map I can't ever win on is the new Shelter Woods. I think one of the reasons for this is that it is actually tied with one other map for being the second largest map in the game, and while there is a lot of open areas, the main building is such a pain to loop people at. I think as well it's way too difficult to try and force a 3 gen or protect gens in general some times because they are so spread out on that map. There might be a bunch of factors but I don't have good games on that map, until I do, I can't think of a worse one for me or my killer at least.
If anyone has more questions on some map choices LMK, I will post a new version of the map list with some of your feedback taken into account. 🙂
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i actually think RPD is one of trapper best maps.
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Alright, after considering various feedback from the community here is Version 2 of my Best/Worst Maps list. 😀
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Dead dog is a top 3 map for plague. The gens can be all be infected from the start. The hardest gen to defend main top can be hit with her power and down someone easily which completely nullifies any need to chase main.A 3 gen is easy to manage I don’t think I’ve ever lost on this map. Best plague map is shattered square worst is rpd where u don’t need to use resources to infinite. Rng on pools are also hell
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Alright, plague is not one of my played killers, why borgo as best though?
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Line of sight, being infected makes it impossible to stealth. There’s nowhere to hide. Lots of knee high obstacles to block u when broken. When it first came out it was broken with too many pallet spawns now I think it’s fairly easy to manage. Impossible to unhook in plenty of spots without being seeing by a mile. I would vote dead dog but as soon as they chase main and don’t the door on top they likely lost the 3 gen and potentially the match.
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Don't agree with your demo picks personally. Demo is pretty good on eyrie, it's hard for survs to hide and gen in the main building is a very risky on for survs if you put a portal on the walkway above. Even before eyrie's nerf demo was solid on that map with it's traversal.
Dead dawg is probably my least favourite demo map, with backwater swamp and garden of joy close behind. Any map where survs can hide easily is rough for demo because if you portal and don't catch someone on a gen you're losing time and pressure.
Likewise coldwind isn't a bad map for demo but I find it plays best on indoor maps like rpd, lery's and midwich. Where ypu can put pirtals out of view of gens to ambush players easier and hiding is much more difficult.
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I think Borgo is also a great Huntress map, since most loops have rubble and all that extra stuff around them, you can really get hit by her hatchets over them. Or get stuck.
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Borgo is an insane huntress map, she can see for miles with no fog. I've seen multiple huntresses with borgo offerings before.
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Best by far is the game. A lot of square rooms for pincer attacks.
Worst im not sure. His own map or garden of joy i would say.
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You can hardly hide on this map, it's also a good Nurse map.
Played against a Huntress there yesterday, unless you know this map well enough you get stuck on everything (I know I do) and I felt very exposed with those low loops.
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Honestly I agreed with Dead Dawg as being the worst map for Cenobite in version 1. The small size of it means the lament configuration is never too far away, which you kinda want it to be in order to put on pressure for longer.
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Updated the list, here is Version 3, please let me know if there is any further changes people think should be made.
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Here is what may be the final version of the tier list which if that is the case I will later repost it as it's own thread for easier viewability.
If anyone does have further suggestions I will be open to more changes excluding ones that have already been thoroughly discussed and keeping in mind that the maps are without addons.