Sluggingg mechanic should be contrarrested

I just think that this must to stop...

Yes, the devs are working on an anti-camping system and maybe ask another anti-sligging sys is maybe too much.... but at least when someone is being camped the rest can do gens or even try to do something about because there are other 3 persons that are not injured. The're perks that help with both things but take in mind that most people don't run such perks + mostly play solo, please this is not fun and just DC and play another match is not a solution...


  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    Slugging isnt fun and all but they kinda already tried removing it. There was a PTB back in august or september where after 45 seconds of recovering you could self revive. Some good cam from it, bleedouts were no longer a thing. Neither was slugging for the 4k. But more bad came from it. First off, twins was unplayable. Twins HAS to slug to function, and since unbreakable was buffed on that ptb to revive at 100% it would only take 22.5s to completely deny a fair earned hook. Secondly, pallet saves were uncounterable. Right now, if someones contesting a pallet save, you can either bodyblock the side their gonna pull from if possible or chase them away. If the first was impossible which is common considering loop design, then you had to chase away. At which point the survivor picks themselves back up with nothing you could have done. Same thing applies to flashlights. If a bunch of people are bodyblocking a hook then you have the option to drop and chase away, but it doesnt matter because tey just pick themselves back up anyways. Same with saboing and all that jazz. If you downed everyone though then everyone died instantly.

    So if you played a killer capable of getting 4 downs in 45s then you got to 4k every game. So nurse and blight got buffed while lower tier killers got nerfed. This PTB also changed a lot of perks that mori people, like rancor. Tried making it so the next time you hook the obsession they just die, instead of the sick mori. same with devour. just making them less fun overall.

  • Blathez
    Blathez Member Posts: 12

    I understand that this game is not easy to balance, but if there are 4 people down ONLY if the 4 are down there has to be something around like randomly one of them they can self-recover. I do understand that the're will always people that abuse of some certain mechanics. But from my perspective, it is not the fault of everyone, if some killers depend on a certain mechaniclike this one for me is bad design... But I that's another topic.

    I love the game but sometimes is frustrating for both sides and this is one of the things, and you have to own a mindset in order to don't end at that this point...

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    Yeah I get it. I think to prevent this kind of thing, if everyone alive is down/hooked/carried then you can self bleedout. I dont really think its fair to just randomly self recover, as the killer had to work super hard to get everyone down to begin with. Plus it would kind of invalidate unbreakable. This way the bleedout bm situations are avoided and the killer gets to keep the hard earned 4k.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    There really shouldn't be more ways to dodge the penalty tho tbh, especially when Twins pretty much rely on slugging