What's your current solo queue build?



  • Jylppy
    Jylppy Member Posts: 44

    Kindered - Open handed - Wiretap - Distoriton

    Godtier build. At least for my playstyle. Sometimes I change wiretap to bond.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,152
    edited June 2023

    I went back to my aftercare build. Playing without it just made me realise how i missed it

    So now im playing with

    Aftercare . Can't live without it. Helps me so much when someone is running the killer straight at me..even while seeing me...Also helped multiple times in endgame when i see where someone is being chased and help them out of the gates.

    Adrealine. Obvious reasons.. Perk needs a nerf, but before it does get one ill be using it.

    Lithe. Can be helpful in midchase also don't have to walk around like i do with sprint burst.

    We'll make it. Helps heal people fast after unhooking them, also i save people quite often so it works for my playstyle. Good counter for slobby too.

  • Mockingjay_S451
    Mockingjay_S451 Member Posts: 393
    edited June 2023

    Kindred, Empathy, Inner Healing and Distortion.

    I used to run Desperate Measures as I loved the faster unhooks and healing of others, but after the med kit nerf I have had to think about prioritising my own heals.

    I also find Empathy to be the best perk to know where the Killer is as you can see when somebody gets injured, can see them being chased and when the chase ends, etc… and the range is huge so can be seen across pretty much all maps.

    I also focus on stealth, so Distortion is a must have for me.

    And Kindred, IMO, should be base kit and I couldn’t imagine playing a game without it.

  • Sometimes_Sage
    Sometimes_Sage Member Posts: 143

    Bond; invaluable in SoloQ, would probablity be the strongest perk in the game if SWF didn't exist.

    Kindred; tells you when to go for the unhook and gives an early warning if the Killer knows where you are.

    Lightweight; because I refuse to accept that stealth is dead.

    Blastmine; because somehow I keep getting too much value out of it, to stop using it.

  • Eelanos
    Eelanos Member Posts: 338

    For some reason what's working for me is Boon: Circle of Healing, Boon: Shadowstep, Boon: Exponential and Tenacity.

    If you find a good boon spot it can ease the pain of soloq by speeding heals up, negating Nurse's calling (particularly good soloq stomper) and countering slugging killers. Problem is, if you don't, you're pretty much running naked.

    Still, I've gotten surprising amounts of Tenacity value, to the point I managed to escape a Huntress tunneling me because other survivors distracted her and I could hide and a team mate healed me. The reduced grunts of pain are a godsent - she could not figure out where I went.

  • BarnesFlam
    BarnesFlam Member Posts: 654

    Lithe, Off the Record, Desperate Measures and Distortion.

  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    Distortion - Too many killers run aura perks, and getting downed as soon as the match starts (thanks to lethal) is terrible.

    Resilience - Can't depend on SoloQ survs to actually help w heals, at least I can do everything faster while injured

    Botany Knowledge - So I can provide faster heals to others

    Adrenaline - So when i've spent the whole game injured or ended up on hook right at the end, I can be insta healed and speed away.

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 965
    edited June 2023

    mine is:

    *Dejavu : I dont trust on my solo Q teammates to not 3 gen themselfs + knowing where always the gens are is really helpful and even better on indoor maps , I want to run hyperfocus also but i refuse to spent money on buying rebeca for that.

    *Resilience: If the killer dont want to chase atleast I have an extra gen / vault speed buff.

    *Reassurance: With how often I face blights / Weskers and Nemesis , is literally i must have , because they proxi camp 70% of the times at 5 gens on my games , and everytime I bring other perks nobody elses have it soo yeah.

    *Sprint Burst: my favorite exhaustion perks either for chases / flashlight saves / getting aways of deadzones.