Why people are so salty in this game?....


If we put aside the killers who camp, slugg, tunnel, from the beginning just for fun because they have a few things to prove to themselves, what I want to talk about is mainly related to the endgame chat...

Two case,

One time, at survivor, I faced a Blight, who... give us a hard times, but I survived with the gate open, I was the only one who survive, The killer say a "Gg" and, me, with some sort of habit, when I got a good team or face a good killer, I just say "well play everyone"

And there, the Blight respond that "No I don't think so, you are just so weak, you are nothing, I just let you live, you are just so stupid like the other"

I think it was... Kinda pathetic this reaction, like, we have done all gen, all the team help each other, in healing, all gen done... So, why? Why react like that? Like we are just some piece of ######### and we are nothing more than some amusement for a guy with a giant ego?

The second one is against some survivor, who, in game chat, insult each other because I let one of them survive... I got a hard time against the two other, one who are very good at looping, the other, just there for trying to bully, so, in the end, it left just two survivor at death hook, and, in the game chat, the feng and the nea just insult each other because one got the escape and the other not, saying thing like "you did nothing, you don't deserve escape"

Why... not just chilling and playing a game with some zenitude? Guy's... Chill... It's a videogame, it's technically something where you can decompress from your day...

Please, be more calm, don't forget that you are not alone here, everybody have some problem, some hard day, but we are here for having fun, killer or survivor, everyone, try to be a little more calm, and I'm pretty sure that a lot of problem in the community gonna be resolved

Thank you for reading me, and have a good day!


  • mikewelk
    mikewelk Member Posts: 1,669

    Some people DREAM about Dead By Daylight so you can't really expect them to not be toxic if their whole life revolves around it. Every game that provokes frustration also causes that, a perfect example is Call Of Duty. Toxicity hasn't changed and won't change until people change.

    Toxic people like that wouldn't even bother reading what you wrote here because as long as they have fun they don't care.

    And lots of problems in the community are not going to be resolved anytime soon, I mean it's been seven years of conflicting updates. Their obsession with the garbage MMR is tearing the community apart the most.

  • FreddyVoorhees
    FreddyVoorhees Member Posts: 323

    Ever since I switched to "console mode" I no longer have issues with the game like this. Because my chat is permanently off. Even if I was in a great game , it stays off no matter what. No toxic staff , no accountability for any action or play-style , just fun.

    The community is toxic because it is all spinning in a toxic whirlpool. Killers tunnel , survivors spam flashlights, killers facecamp, survivors t-bag , until it all escalates into end game chat war. Then the next game sees the revenge from either side to random players who than also become like them. It spreads like a disease. Killing the chat permanently managed to cut it off by 80% for me.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,127
    edited June 2023

    The longer you live the more you realize how unhinged a lot of people really are. There's also the fact that some people just take this game way too seriously for their own good.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,058
    edited June 2023

    The two sides do not see each other, unfortunately.

    In your example: you survived and the killer got a 3K. Who's to say it was easy for him? The reaction might have been the result of a sweaty match on his end.

    Today, we faced a camping Bubba and we managed to do all gens pretty fast and escape. Only one loss which is a rarity in SoloQ as there is always someone trying to do a save even if it includes basement Bubba.

    Then Bubba started saying we were trash, "thx for the EZ kill", "noobs", etc. We just laughed out loudly and moved on. In this instance the reaction clearly indicates we were doing good and it was a compliment. He even said "noob looper, I downed him in 20 secs" which means an even shorter time was available for us to do all gens.

    Another match I had with Dredge securing 4K in a very exciting match. In the end, a Felix decided not to go look for the hatch immediately but first finish the last gen. I knew where to look for him, chased him, we both found the hatch but I was faster and closed it. I felt like a deserved 4K so while he put down his medkit I decided to down and hook him. He argued for a long time in the chat how he was entitled to leave and explained it to me what putting down an item means - what a killer HAS to do in such situations. Another survivor was observing the chat and came to the rescue saying "he's a killer, it's his decision" and "it was an exciting match".

    A community. With all sorts of people.

  • saintjimmy456
    saintjimmy456 Member Posts: 185

    Basically because there are some very immature people who play online games who cannot stand losing and who have no sportsmanship.

    I feel like I am doing my part, when a toxic killer slugs a whole team, by letting them have their little moment saying "EZ". If those kind of people don't get their little victories they will probably shoot up a school one day.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,072

    Yeah, I had such a encounter in after game chat too. And looking back I know I should've said nothing and moved on it stride but at the time I wasn't feeling it.

    So now to my story, I don't remember which killer I played or which map it was but I remember it was a miserable game where matchmaking had borked me and it ended with 2-3 hooks and 10k BP or less for me.

    In aftergame Chat one of the survivors gave me a "gg" upon which I answered with "not for me", because it was a miserable match where I couldn't do anything with the killer I had no experience on (most probably blight, 😮‍💨). Cue them letting it rip with all kinds of insults up to advices to my live short. And it wasn't only the one survivor with the "gg", they suddenly all chipped ok at the killer that wasn't "grateful" for their "GG".

  • Eleghost
    Eleghost Member Posts: 983

    Because losing is a hard thing for some people to deal with. There's also frustrating things to deal with sometimes such as killers being looped forever or survivors being tunneled/camped. These are just some examples but it's not an excuse.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,327

    This is not a game people tend to play to decompress from a hard day. This a game where people often take out their frustrations on each other.

  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    Sounds very toxic IMO...the fact that was their reaction to what you said, is gross. I've really started to question the mental health of some people playing games lately. I honestly go pretty hard for DBD, when it comes to "gaming," I play it about 90% of my gaming time. I have my chat set to "friends only" because I can't deal with the toxicity on both sides. It seems someone is always unhappy, a surv will feel you didn't do this or that right and the killer will say whatever...tbh I didn't get many killer messages...but I'm a killer main so....

    Lately i've been playing more Survivor and i'll tell you a few days ago, I had a Huntress on Coldwind..who tunneled me off a hook at 5 gens..when I was unhooked from first hook..she chased me across the map, redowned me and hooked me. I just let myself die on hook at that point, she was on the other side of the wall anyway..camping....I was live streaming at the time, by the time I finished the next match..they came into my chat said "I was Huntress in the other match, GG." I didn't respond, because I didn't have anything nice to say, and I like to keep my stream positive. They then wished me GL on my other games, I did the same. But like....??? They played like that and then came to tell me GG. I didn't even get to play because they tunneled me out so fast.

    The other night, my Fiancé was playing Evil Dead...the headset was plugged in, but he wasn't using it....at the beginning of the match, a surv wandered off by themselves and was killed..I could see a person was talking on mic over and over non stop, but that no one else was talking..so out of curiosity, I picked up his headset and put it on..and this man was just rambling over and over cursing everything, saying the most disgusting, vile things I can't repeat..because HE went off alone and DIED 2 minutes into the game and hadnt been revived yet....the level of non stop crazy that came from him the rest of the match, is what really started to make me concerned about the mental state of some of these people...I guess you have to just try to take it all with a grain of salt, but I know it's hard. People need to learn to control the things they say to others.

  • shalo
    shalo Member Posts: 1,492

    Got told this one the other day, not sure what they have against taxi drivers.

  • Benno101
    Benno101 Member Posts: 47

    I just have chat permanently off, once I've died just move onto the next game, more chill that way.

  • HoodedWildKard
    HoodedWildKard Member Posts: 2,013

    I get a few salty players now and then but I find you get out what you put in. I'm usualy able to talk ppl round and calm them down the majority of the time if they are annoyed with how I've played. Not all the time, once every month or two I get someone who is just wildly toxic but usually we have a decent chat even if they are initially annoyed.

    Perhaps it's because as a console player, I don't have endgame chat. I think that's where a lot of dbd's toxicity dwells and it really should be temoved. What better time to let killers and survivors communicate than just after the game when tempers are flaring after a loss?

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,060

    It a way of life for those who take it seriously.

  • Ariel_Starshine
    Ariel_Starshine Member Posts: 937

    I just ignore them. No way are they getting attention from me. Maybe in their dreams lol.

    They feed off reactions and attention, and I don't validate them by giving it to them.

    I don't know if that helps any, but it's been working for me. Or I just make it so I can't see the chat and/or leave the end game screen asap.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    You answered your own question.

    Why people are so salty in this game?

    we are nothing more than some amusement for a guy with a giant ego?

    A lot players take this game way to seriously.

    It's no longer a video game to be played for fun. It's a job a tournament where if you're not playing competitively then you have no business playing this game.

  • TerraEsram
    TerraEsram Member Posts: 514

    And I will continue playing this game for fun... Just that I'm not going to make things easy for the killers/survivors I face, and it affects new players who get atomized, and don't even want to play the game.

    It's like ouroboros

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,756

    As long as you're still having fun that's all that matters.

    Yeah, it sucks for new players coming in to this game but, that's what it is when everyone has to play seriously.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,269
    edited June 2023

    As someone who has raged at games since I was 5, and now has 30 years of rage experience, the best thing you can do is always be kind and polite. When someone is trying to get under your skin, smiling and laughing about it and complimenting them is the best up yours you can give, cause it makes them look like an even bigger hole of A. You can stick 2 fingers up on your side of the screen, but don't let them see you sweat.

    If you cant do that, just ignore/mute. If at any point you are getting overly annoyed/tilted to the point you want to have a fight or argument, stop playing. Take a 15 minute break and calm down. The queue isn't going anywhere, go have a tea, coffee, beer, wine, spirit, hot chocolate, water, or whatever drink you like to relax, eat if you havent for long time, chill out then come back.

    You'll play far better, these kind of douchebags won't get under your skin, and you'll have more fun overall. Yes it sounds all lovey dovey, positive reinforment crap... but looking after your own mental game is the absolute most important thing if you wanna play well.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,520

    Cause some players think that they need to be the best in the world... that's it

    Others started positive but soon have gone to the dark side

    And I usually send a GG to those that I can... and have been thanked a lot so for me I can look past the negative messages

    And yes take breaks from the game... 10-15 minutes is a good place to start from

  • Lost_Boy
    Lost_Boy Member Posts: 542

    PC is significantly better than console. I rarely get any messages on PC and more often people will just say GG. Now and again you get some idiots, but generally I've found PC to be pretty civilised in comparison to Xbox players.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 4,878

    It's because they're pathetic, weak and feel unloved often. Also, as others have mentioned before on this discussion, their lives are too heavily wrapped around DBD.

    It's common everywhere outside of games too! Such as groups of people getting upset and causing riots because their team cannot play football better than another team.

    It's the child that never grows up.

  • fleur_
    fleur_ Member Posts: 14

    I try not to think about it too much. at the end of the day, if there's a game where you can stab, slash, and trap people in bear traps then odds are someone is gonna use it to take their anger out. Many times have I just been doing something stupid with my friends (like dropping every pallet we see even if the killer is across the map*) and the killer would hit me on hook or facecamp me at 5 gens when I never t-bag or BM in any way.

    *I only do this in 4-man SWF's when me and my friends are bored, I would never throw a match like this as I know not everyone plays casually.