Time for a hiatus

With the collapse of this latest chapter and BHVR remaining silent on multiple balancing issues that don’t just effect survivors i think I’m going to take another 5 month break and see if they can figure out how a 1v4 game should feel in the long run.

Ive played since 2017 and saw all the op builds, set ups, and bugs you could expect from DBD, I left multiple times hoping one day it would get better but they seem to only care about money and survivor skins. Last three maps have been busts, killers have had problems for both sides, and they still haven’t given us information on promises from over a year ago.

I want this game to be fun again. Haven’t hit the levels of 2019 DBD in a long time. Hopefully in 5 months they come up with something.


  • MikeyBoi
    MikeyBoi Member Posts: 544

    That’s why I just play killers that are fun to play and strong like Blight, Billy, Nurse and Huntress cause there’s unique mechanical skill involved to outplay survivors playing those killers. I don’t understand how people play killers that just hold forward, m1, hold forward, m1… it’s so boring and you’ll just get looped by good survivors all day long lmao! Killer in DBD is the main event and main attraction for most of us.

  • Piruluk
    Piruluk Member Posts: 995

    Many people don't want to learn killers which require skill, they would rather hold W. The problem is that once they get high enough, the m1 killers are nothing but plaything for skilled survivors

  • whickedchainsaw
    whickedchainsaw Member Posts: 107

    Just uninstalled. Time for some new games.