Who's the next killer?

Singularity just came out, and I'm already pinning my hopes on the next killer. I know it's going to be licensed, and I thought that the next licensed killer was going to be xenomorph, but it feels unlikely that they would do that right after singularity.
Anyone have any ideas?
Since they're in good with Capcom for the Resident Evil licenses, I would honestly love to see either Akuma or Morrigan as a killer.
It's not going to happen, but I think it would be really fun.
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They said that these next 2 killers are very ICONIC so it’s 3 choices Jason, Predator or Xenomorph. It’s got to be one of those 3 who could be more iconic than them?
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"iconic" is a very flexible term. :) I feel like they've called every licensed character "iconic"...
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Godzilla 🧠
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Terminator could also be on the list
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I genuinely think the next killer is finally Jason
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anybody but them animatronics
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it's either Finally Jason or Suddenly Susan.
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Fingers crossed for Alien / Xenomorph. That's my biggest hope for another licensed killer.
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Pennywise, dbd needs to attract to mass audience with this killer.
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Friday The 13th chapter makes the most sense.
Lawsuit has been resolved for some time now and Jason has always had a standing invitation in this game according to the game director.
In the anniversary stream the devs said next killers are licensed "with a big L". The next chapter has killer survivor and a map. Survivor is easily Tommy Jarvis and the map is easily Crystal Lake.
Friday the 13th the game recently announced it will be removed from stores at the end of the year and be shutdown completely a year after that.
So yeah it all points to friday the 13th at the moment, one of the most anticipated licenses in DBD ever.
Why might it not be f13?
Well devs like to surprise and f13 is looking pretty obvious right now so maybe they would know that and so it will actually be something else.
Maybe lawsuit has not been over for long enough for this chapter to be complete yet.
Maybe it's not even planned for whatever reason.
Either way f13 is probably the best educated guess you could have.
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it's gonna be so funny when the FNAF chapter comes out
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Friday the 13th is undeniably the most iconic franchise, so if we took what that said literally then F13 is a possibility.
However, FNAF is also heavily requested, especially on their Twitter, so I could see them trying to hype that up.
But since we are getting Nicolas Cage, at this point it could be literally anything, it might not even be directly horror related. It could be Scooby Doo or Batman at this point.
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Imagine Calamity Ganon as Killer and Link as Survivor.
I know, it should be from a horror game/show, but I'd love that idea
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But for a real horror game Killer I'd love to go with Ink Bendy
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I wouldn't accept Jason without a Crystal Lake map, so fingers crossed
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I hope it's Xenomorph, because any other "Iconic" figure I can think of would be a little boring in my opinion. I'm not super fan of Alien either, just, at least it's a creature and not a guy in a mask.
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I will continue to dream.
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Dio Brando, the vampire antagonist from Part 1 of JoJo.
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Only if Cunningham and Miller are working together there could be Friday the 13th chapter, but I'm not holding my breath.
More likely to see a new movie first before Jason gets added to other video game.
Everyone is forgetting about Dracula.
Bram stoker's Dracula I hope for🙂
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Until Dawn is imposible. I doubt DbD devs will make chapter for PS players only. And i doubt Sony will allow them to release this chapter on Xbox.
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Art from Terrifier
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The lawsuit was settled in favour of Victor Miller (the original author of the screenplay to Friday the 13th), who does not approve of Jason being the killer as opposed to Jason's mother as it was in the original film.
While Sean S. Cunningham owns the rights to the older Jason character, he cannot use it without Miller's permission.
Despite the lawsuit being resolved, the whole issue remains as much of a legal mess as ever.
That said, if Jason did somehow come to DBD, it would make more sense for it to be the November chapter with an announcement in mid October. The 13th, for example...
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Pretty sure they screwed up any possibility of that happening with Deathgarden
Ill gladly be wrong tho
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I feel like Skull Merchant was supposed to be Predator but my guess is that the license fell through halfway into development. They share a bunch of similarities and would explain why she feels a bit rushed.
My guess would be either Xenomorph or The Thing. If they go for a more modern movie I’d guess The Nun from the Conjurings or Candyman from Jordan Peele’s version.
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Clearly it is going to be the killer one no one talks about, or even remembers.
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Well ... probably Leprechaun. It has a literal capital L and is a horror movie killer too.
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Jason might be iconic, but his power is going to be incredibly disappointing.
I'll always hold out hope for an Alien chapter, it seems more likely now than it ever has before, but that's still not too likely compared to some others.
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I was thinking about this, too; at this point whatever Jason's power is it's going to be disappointing. Unless they get SUPER clever with making him generally OP, but with a weakness based around a shrine to his mother in the basement. That could be neat.
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Tina Shepard, the psychic girl, maybe?
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Like, they'd have to do a lot to make him feel different to Myers. It might not be an expose power, but like, he gains the ability to ignore pallets (like Singularity's Overclock) after certain conditions are met or something. Having it based round the Basement could be a neat new mechanic though, but he'd still essentially be an 'M1' killer with a relatively simple power in execution.
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Hmm, looking at the year 8 roadmap, and with the FNAF movie coming out in October, now I actually suspect the August killer WILL be Freddy Fazbear. At least I presume they would make him a killer before the movie comes out, as a promotion, rather than after the movie comes out.
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Nic Cage is going to be the new Killer.
Nic Cage is going to be the new Survivor.
The new map is Nic Cage.
There is also a new special item being added, called Nic Cage.
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Jason is the only literally iconic horror movie killer yet to be added (of course, icon status is purely subjective.) I don’t know anything about the legal disputes so if anyone can fill me in?
They could add Xenomorph or Predator but I honestly feel like they already took inspiration from those for the last two chapters so I don’t know…
Chucky is pretty iconic, but he seems like he’d be hard to incorporate into the game…
There are a lot of killers I’d like to see whether “iconic” or not: Norman Bates (Psycho), the Scissorman (Clock Tower), the Xenomorph (Alien), the Candyman, Count Orlok (Nosferatu), Lipstick Face Demon (Insidious), Jerry Dandridge (Fright Night), Jack Torrance (The Shining), Mater Suspirorium (Suspiria), The Pale Man (Pan’s Labyrinth), Mr. Chuckleteeth (The X-Files renewal), Pious Augustus (Eternal Darkness), and, yeah, Jason Voorhees.
Survivors I’d like to see whether stand-alone or packaged with the aforementioned killers: Jennifer Simpson (Clock Tower), Alex Roivas (Eternal Darkness), Alan Wake, Brigette Fitzgerald (Ginger Snaps), and Sidney Prescott (even though DBD’s Ghost Face is an original killer I’d still love to see Sidney join the fun.) If they add Jason I’d actually like it if they added Chad Kensington from the game but I know that’s unlikely. Also, if they gave Quentin a Nancy Thompson skin I’d die.
I don’t want Art the Clown or Pennywise… or the Leprechaun. I wouldn’t mind classic horror characters like The Wolfman or the Phantom. I’m not sure what I think about FNaF…?
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i think fnaf kids will finally get what they want this year.
as for the second chapter am assuming alien/predator or candyman
Jason is and probably always will be a legal mess so i don't see him coming ever and imo he wouldn't shine among the cast so it's probably for the better.
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Miller only owns US rights and only to the first movie and Cunningham owns adult, hockey mask-wearing Jason but can’t legally use him in a movie without Miller’s permission.
They both have to work together or there's nothing.
Like my first post we'll see a movie before Jason gets added to another game. Unless the DEVs have some sweet talkers working for them or Miller and Cunningham are working together in secret I don't see (Jason) Friday the 13th chapter happening.
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Well we also have amniesa IT candyman the possible return of stranger things and Maybe a fnaf chapter
Well just have to wait to see it
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I didn't think they'd go so literal, but that'd be pretty funny.
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As long as it's not FNAF, I'm sure any addition will be welcomed.
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IT would be good, Amnesia I was actually just thinking about yesterday being a killer. Candymans not iconic enough it’s probably not him.
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Yeah I'm trying to think of any other big games/ movies maybe the evil within?
Or the nun
They did do that colab with that lady that helped make art for the evil within
Post edited by DredgeyEdgey on0 -
I would love if they did Evil Within.