NO! Wrong direction for match making!!
I am sure the new idea of mixing everyone together for the matchmaking was an idea well intended so that we get faster games, but NO!! it is the wrong direction!!
You did good by making 15 a cutoff to help new players get easier games until they were thrown to the sharks, but, no, making the 1-15 an open rank is NOT the answer! You are giving all the Killers rank 1 players now. This means that once you hit rank 15, you are now responsible for dealing with Toxic 4-man Rank 1 SWFs!
You have shown no desire to lessen the impact of the Toxic SWF team, no desire to make it a "Fun" game for the Killer, and it looks like you are only interested in helping Ochido and his fan base more Toxic. It was OK when they were only dealing with Killers of similar skill, but now, you are giving them basically n00b Killers to screw with.
This is the wrong direction to go with the Matchmaking. I was thinking you might do more "Milestones", You have Rank 15, then, you get Rank 10, Rank 5. Every time you hit one, you cant regress. This will eventually bring everyone up into the Red Ranks, except those who are hopeless or dont play often. It will be THESE players who get the Long Lobbys, and the Red ranks, will be PACKED TO THE TEETH! Lobbys will be seconds rather than hours. (If you want short wait times, you would need to rank up to play with the Regualr Ranks, the Red ranks)
But, instead, you made it so this is no longer a casual game for killers, only for the SWFs. They dont even need to de-pip to get Rank 15s anymore. Just stay your normal Rank 1 and you get matched with Rank 15s. how is that fun for either player?
15 minute lobbys were bad, but, we found other ways to deal with the wait, but, now, unless you are a Rank 1 Killer Streamer, there is no fun to be had anymore, You are either a tryhard or you get stuck with a SWF that has no business in your lobby
Ranks shouldn't exist period and everyone should be together.
Every other game makes ranks an optional side playlist that usually has less players because who cares about ranks...
If you get stomped you get stomped.
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How can you expect new players to improve if you dont challenge them? I find this matchmaking to be quite good, giving a mix of easy and difficult matches. If you think, in every game the MM is flawed; and those who constantly complain about MM aren't very likely to improve as they are in the mindset that they cant improve versing hard opponents. Not everybody enjoys it, but it is what it is, it also solves the issue of deranking as there is no benefit to doing it now, furthermore it allows low level survivors to get matched with experienced survivors. The killers have a more balanced time too, being placed with mixed rank teams.
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How can you expect new players to improve if you don't even give them the chance to understand the game mechanics? Hell, how do you expect new players to stick around if they're being demolished every single time?
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Ironically, the player numbers would plummet without a ranking system. The ranks and rank reset is one thing that keeps bringing some players back.
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I don't know what they've done but it has been awful in 2 man swf recently. It takes a long time to find a game, and when you do you're often met with red ping or the killer dodges the lobby.
It really sucks the fun out of the game.
0 - do know that Ochido is banned on all platforms, right?
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He will be able to play on switch though =)
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@Master XD
Fortunately for us he won't be able to play even there
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Completely Agree
Ranks serve no benefit to those that want to climb ranks in a sense to achieve something. The only players the current ranking system serves are those Killers/Survivors who drop rank purposely to get easier games/bully the other side.
On the other hand you have SWF allowing potentially terrible players to be carried into the higher ranks. While playing solo with such survivors, you can clearly tell they don't have a clue and shouldn't be at whatever rank they were carried too.
Rank Should Be Removed
You'll have your tough games and your easy games. Better yet since the player base won't be divided by a # that means nothing, lobby times should improve across the board.
That also means solo survivor will most certainly R.I.P in frustration, but players adapt. At least there would not be a system in place that could be abused.
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"toxic" 4 man swf exist already at rank 15 they depip on purpose to play those killers same as killers who do the same thing. The game is broken when you have to sit for 20 minutes or more for a match. It turns players off who go play something else and spend their money on other games that are not the one that is a lobby simulator.
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Just sharing my recent experience ; maybe you might find it usefull.
So I haven't been playing for a while, and started again as rank 15. Right now it sounds more difficult to climb the ranks as a survivor than as a killer. I believe there are some low rank survivor who are good at looping and hidding, but there also seems to be some dc'ers and hook farmers who's behavior jeopardizes the whole team.
Anyway, as a killer, its been fun with 3 or 4 kills/game and without needing to camp or tunnel much. Realizing that I didn't had to carry arround the perfect meta perks and add-on to have a fair chance to catch survivors, made me try some new builds or killers I didn't get much bloodpoint into. It's been refreshing.
But today, as I was testing a joke build (terror radius wraith + insidious), I ran into some dude that couldn't possibly be around rank 9 (wich is my current rank). The guy was running object of obsession and looped me for some time despite my best efforts. When I realised I wasn't going to get him, I left him alone. But the dude followed me and covered the tracks of the victim I just found ... and here it was : I decided to disconnect (wich is very rare) because instead of doing gens as he could have, the dude choosed to ruin my chances to play with other players whose skills where more adapted to my own.
In conclusion, I'd say there was some reason why deranking was forbidden (or frowned upon) in the first place. Strong players bullying less skilled people where already a thing, but with the new ranking system, it seems that the bullies will get some fresh meat without even bending a single rule.
Well done behavior, now I'll get punished for trying new builds and tactics by random bullies who just await the opportunity to be paired with casual players like me. Or am I wrong and is there a logical explanation to this nonsense ?
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People keep talking about Ocheato getting banned, and, OMG!! what ever will he do?!?! sad days that he cant play anymore!!
You must realize, he makes enough money off his videos that he isnt going to just cry in his pillow and walk away from it all.
The income is high enough where he will just buy a new DBD account every few weeks. No big deal. Like buying gas for an Uber Driver. You dont just stop working because your gas runs out...
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"At least there would not be a system in place that could be abused."
Rather than try and fix the system so it cant be abused as easily (more milestones like they did with Rank 15) it seems better to just remove it all together?
Milestones felt like the proper way for ranks to go. As some have mentioned above, people naturally progress up the scale quite fast and end up in Ranks they dont belong. Yes, this is what I was saying in my original post. But they were using this as a reason to remove ranks? no. This will eventually filter the majority of players up. Those who can't currently get past Rank 10 will be in such a small pool that they can't help but start getting Pips more easily and Rank up or be stuck in 58 minute Lobbys. Over a few weeks, the 10-5 Ranks will be where everyone is, then, over time, almost the entire population will be in the Red Ranks, and, then, you will have what you are looking at with the new system. A big fat bucket of everyone lumped together, but, you are giving them time to progress to the point where they stand a change before they get there.
I am not sure why I am worried about helping the game stay fun. I have been trying to quit for a while but cant. Maybe this new system will be part of my exit strategy.
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At this point why not just remove ranks. Rank doesnt even matter anyway its just how much you play the game
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It's not a rank. At all. It's a number titled rank, to show a GENERAL idea as to where your skill/mmr is. To keep 1s from going against 20s.
If you remove it completely, it only gets worse. Because then new people playing for fun will end up against uber tryhard streamers.
The issue is that everyone assumes the word "rank" makes the game a ranked competetive game.
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That's exactly why it exists. To keep the new players away from the streamers. It's not a ranking system. It's a temporary, monthly, "rank". As in where you are in matchmaking. Not how pro you are.
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Hes on ps4 last I heard. You can just make new accounts.
Soooooo yeah. Hes not going away. Apparently he hides his psn name so people cant just spam report him. Gotta say it's a smart move on his part.
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It's the most braindead thing you can do. A monkey would be able to figure it out.
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Yet, so many people dont. No need to get defensive because i pointed out that he made a smart decision? I didnt say we should all go watch his vids...
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Not defensive, just pointing out that it's about as clever as not running on the highway.
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Yet you did it with metaphors that were spiteful as if I was an idiot for saying he did something smart.
I dont like the guy, but deciding to start hiding your name to avoid spam bans (I'm sure he deserves actual bans), is smart.
As opposed to letting it go or even saying that, it's not that hard to do, or that many do it, it doesnt make him better, you had to say it was an idea so braindead that monkeys could do it.
Just no need for that negativity...
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to be clear, the problem with the new systems is that it will kill the "fun" part of the game. If your definition of "Fun" is to make someone else have a horrible experience, then no, this will fit perfectly with your playstyle. If you are ONLY in it to be the champion of the world, then, cool, but anytime previously that I have supported other ideas to make the game better, the counter-argument is that this is NOT supposed to be a competitive game, it is a casual, get drunk have fun with friends game. OK, so, which is it?
If it is supposed to be Competitive, then, make the ranks mean something. Pit skill against skill. Make MORE Milestones to separate the good from the bad and the ugly.
If it is supposed to be Casual, then, make sure people who are only in it for the fun are able to play games that are fun. Milestones can help with this. Those who want to win, win, win, no matter what! will rank up quicker than those who are not so interested in being the best.
In either case, the new system goes against either side of the argument.
If the game is not fun, why play? If your idea of fun is to be the best in the world or to just mess around and play a Horror Movie Simulation, cool. But, if your only in it to ruin the experience for others, then, the new system is for you.
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And that's why they took object of obsession. They knew exactly what they were doing.
Another crappy perk that enables toxicity.
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To those who suggested deleting ranks because new players need a challenge, really?
You get frustrated and cry over a perk and you expect new players to suck it up and deal with experienced players from scratch? If you want to kill the game for newcomers go ahead and do that...
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I just got out of a game where I had 3 players who were legit in the teen ranks, and one that was 8 ranks above me. I got the first 2 hooked fairly easily before the first gen and never saw the other 2 players. I kept finding Player #1 and slugged him and let him go so someone else could heal him. I didnt hook him because it felt like he was still new to the game. Hook #3 was super elusive, I only saw him 3 times the whole game, but I caught him in a locker when I saw a pool of blood in front of it. #4 was the hardest one to get. He had good looping skills, but, he used the skills to get away, not to be a jerk. Anytime I hit him, he was gone a few seconds later. THESE are the good players (not the Toxic streamer types.) After all the gens were done he got a little cocky, and luckily, he was on the wrong side of the map from the exits when I caught him. Filled my BBQ with him, let someone unhook him, slugged him then ran to the Hatch. The others who were around him healed each other. then came looking for the hatch. I tried to give it to #1 since he was face down more than the others, but, he got up and ran for the door. Eventually they all left but, they all stayed on to say how much fun they had.
I have been playing since before Freddy came out, and can handle myself in most games, yet, I am here to have fun. If I get my BBQ filled, I dont care about the win. I want to just have a good game, to the point where I wont even hook a second time, just in case his teammates cant save him or he misses a [Spacebar]
If all the "Good" players played like our #4 above, things would be different. He plays as intended. Use skill to help get himself out of the chase (the opposite of Ocheato). If this was the way players played, mixing the ranks would be fine. But, the majority of survivors watch the videos and think the best way to play is to be a jerk, some to the point where they think if you are NOT being a jerk, you will lose, like, that is their only concept of the game. It is these players who break the game and want to ruin it for those who want to have fun, and who should be separated from the ez n00bs
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All having ranks accomplishes in dbd is seperating the new players from the experienced ones ( which could be done without ranks) and giving the players a false sense of accomplishment. That's it.
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Now, the ranks dont do squat! I have been away from the game for a few weeks, came back at rank 16, and am getting matched with Rank 9+.
Locking you out of 20-15 was the ABSOLUTE right direction. New players NEED to play with new players. They should have added a couple MORE milestones, maybe at rank 9 or 10, I dont know, even 4? maybe?
But, just because you dont know how to fix the Matchmaking doesnt mean you should just throw the whole idea into the garbage!!
I had a friend who loved to "bully n00b killers" and I unfriended him because it is about the most ######### thing you can do from either perspective! Go bully Rank 1 killers... dude, it isnt hard to punch a baby in the face...
Yeah, I stopped playing a game I played about 80 hours a week because the devs decided that it is easier to destroy the matchmaking rather than try and fix it. What we had was crap, but it was still 30,000 times better than what it is now.