Made For This makes Holding W viable again

Rickprado Member Posts: 566
edited June 2023 in General Discussions

So, after playing a couple of matches, i've been seeing so many Made For This users that make me question: if holding W was something the devs did not want, why make a perk that reward survivors for holding W indefinitely? Why make a perk which reduces the speed diference between 115 and the survivors in 20% for just getting injured and not exausted?

I am seeing some survivors just hold forward through the map without even thinking of looping or mindgaming.

Since i don't play any tierS killers, this perk is being such a pain in the ass right now, specially because you can be "outplayed" by a perk.

I hope they rework this perk soon, as its rocket raising in popularity

EDIT: In the heat of the moment, i've wrote "holding W" to describe when a survivor run through the map trying to make distance running but also dropping pallets/vaulting windows ocasionally, just to get it chained to another part of the map, not giving any thought on looping or mindgaming, just running as they can to get distance. This is what i've meant with "Holding W".

Post edited by Rickprado on


  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,369

    dont be a silly billy rick! holding W has and will always be viable vs most killers

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    looping is form of hold-w because you can imagine looping like curve straight line. if you ask me why I run the perk. its to counter bloodlust and to not get zoned by pallet breaking in the corner of the map. it gives me more options to run to every pallet rather then ignore the corner pallets due to m1 killer zoning. so now I can use 100% of maps resources instead of like 80% of pallet resources minus the few unsafe pallet on every map. that perk is going to be like DH in the sense that it likely won't get changed for 1 year but killer will complaining it about for 1 year straight like old DH for distance.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,610

    What do you mean "again"? It's always been viable.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762
    edited June 2023

    It gives you few (maybe two-digit of) additional meters for every windows/pallet you uses, it very well enhance holding W a lot, just that it's even stronger in looping.

    No other exhaustion perks are THIS strong, all those perks only works for a tile or two while this perk works for every tiles and allows survivors to chain the tiles they otherwise couldn't, MASSIVELY enhancing holding W unlike those exhaustion perks.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,227

    Holding W has always been viable and there isn't anything you can really do to fix it without breaking survivor.

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 566

    Yeah!! Thats the problem: Lithe / Overcome/ Sprint Burst can make you get to the next tile only, but MFT can make you get to many different tiles as long you can get the killer to break the pallet/take the stun without enduring.

    Really, this perk gives a very strong power (3% speed), for a normal condition (being injured). Hope they rework it soon.

  • malloymk
    malloymk Member Posts: 1,558

    I think it's a well designed perk and hope they take their time to make any changes with it.

    I play more survivor than killer, but I can't say I feel over powered going up against it as killer (yet).

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141

    "Again" ? Hahaha...haha

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    That isn’t holding W though that’s just chaining tiles. In which case I’d agree depending on the killer being played and the skill of the survivor

    If were talking about holding W as I understand it then overcome is better. It’s way more consistent and allows you to potentially break the chase completely after a hit unlike MFT. 3% is big in tight loops but from point A to B isn’t as noticeable with plenty of killers being able to deal with the added speed

  • Butterrum333
    Butterrum333 Member Posts: 9

    Holding W isn’t even an option on PlayStation

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    MfT is starting to get on my nerves so much now. At first, I was in the camp that it's not that big of a deal perk but now every match I have has 2 or more of this perk and I'm starting to feel it more and more on M1 killers. Chases are taking longer, hits that I would get don't happen anymore, and loops are getting easier to chain together. It's all starting to add up to an issue imo. You might as well have DH for a distance back bc that's how MfT feels to me. For exp as Freddy, I was chasing the survivor with MfT around a TL tile and I placed my snare at the T long wall. I chase the survivor into, and around the counter, and usually, I can get a hit before they get to the window thanks to the slow but this time nope, I was inches from them before they vaulted. Then don't get me started about the buildings in Haddonfield, chases around those buildings were already a pain before MfT but now...I have to do 3 to 4 laps around a building just to get a hit...

    The main problem I have with MtF is it makes already safe and easy maps even more safe and easy to loop a 115 or 110 killer who doesn't have movement power. I'm starting to that it's going to come to the point that every killer going to have to run a perk or addon just to exhaust a survivor so they cant use MtF.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,141

    Holding W was still very viable especially with maps since eyrie.

  • fulltonon
    fulltonon Member Posts: 5,762

    But you can still utilize pallet/windows during holding W depending on tiles, not exactly all the time but still possible.

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369
  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,411

    Wdym? Trapper and Hagatha have their traps they can tactically place.

    Bubsy, Blight, and Billy can easily catch up.

    Plague, Huntress, Caleb, and Nemesis are long-range attackers, so they'll be fine.

    Philip can also easily catch up.

    Freddy, Sadako, Nurse, Singularity, and Dredge can all TP, thus will be fine.

    GF, Clown and Legion might have a bit of an issue. I think most of it depends on your own playstyle and form of creating pressure 🤷

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 566

    Really? If you are saying about running into a straight line, ok, but if we are talking about running through the loops and just dropping god pallets/vaults, its different.

    Trapper and Hag, the survivors can disarm your setup very quickly; if you set a trap in the loop, the survivor will just leave it.

    Plague needs to get a dark fountain first, which is only 1 in the map if the survivors doesn't cleasen or she doesn't bring any addons

    Huntress need to catch up a little bit before throwing a hatchet if the survivor is running in a loop instead of out in the open

    Wraith barely catchs a survivor after uncloaking, since its slowed down when rigging the bell

    Sadako and Freddy teleports are a joke for chases

    From all of these, only Blight, Nurse and Clown (with his slowdown bottles) can negate MFT value for straight running from loop to loop.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,411

    Says who? Have you tried all those killers and actually played the game? Instead of making up hypothetical scenarios that fit your narrative? This is so much whining about 1 perk that 1 in 100 gamers use.

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 566

    Yeah, i've played all those killers and these are basic notions of how to counter them, nothing too advanced. Its nothing hypothetical scenarios because these are basic chase strats that most of experienced survivors and killers knows. If you knew better about killers, you wouldn't be saying that Clown struggles against MFT, as he is the only M1 killer which does not because of his slowdown power.

    About Made for This being a "1 in 100 gamers use", you are wrong too. These are Night Light statics that show the perk is 6th most used survivor perk (and its increasing in popularity, as last week it was the 7th with 13%)

    So yeah, this perk counters a lot of killers chase potential and its becoming one of the most used perks of the game. They should adress this in some way.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,411
    edited June 2023

    I said, and if you actually had BOTHERED reading, that some killers like clown MIGHT have a bit of an issue going against MFT. I don't main Clown, nor do I care to play such a loud and obnoxious killer. The ones I do play have no issue going against some of the most skilled survivors. But you do you

    As for the stats, those are the stats ATM and it's not even in the top 3, nor is it THAT big of an issue.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • EQWashu
    EQWashu Member Posts: 5,105

    Let's remember to keep the discussion civil and respectful, please. I understand this is a large issue right now for some, but it can be discussed with respect for one another, and their thoughts and opinions.

    And as stated by Mandy yesterday:

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    Experienced & very good players can run you for minutes with this perk. Especially with combinations like Made For This / Dead Hard / Resilence / Hope.

    About average players - this perks made them much harder to catch. For example playing Huntress on high wall loops... Like ten circles around the loop or even worse when Huntress tries with hatchets.