What do YOU find fun in DbD?

Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978
edited July 2023 in General Discussions

Wanted to kick off a discussion to find out what each of you finds fun in the role that you play - please feel free to speak about both Killer and Survivor Role if you play both (and if you don't play both, why not?!)

So for example "as a killer I find xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx fun" Please of course give more details!

And if you don't play for fun, what do you play for?

I'd be really interested in hearing people's opinions on this, so thank you in advance for all the replies - I will read them all.

Post edited by Mandy on


  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369

    It's hard to measure, you've removed mmr so i can't see myself getting better any more.

    I make my fun depending on the circumstances of the game at the time. But i do have a passion for killing survs running around in the brightest outfits they have. If survs behave in a certain way, standing in exit gates etc at the end, the next lot of survs i run into will be full sweat mode.

    As a surv i play a solo build, and fun for me is not interacting with a killer at all. I play Vietnam stealth Bill.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978

    How do you define that challenge compared to what you see as bullying?

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978

    So when you play survivor do you only want to focus on gens in this stealth play or do you want to make saves etc?

    And when you say killing survivors, is it chasing them down that you enjoy and then putting them on the hook, so winning a chase?

  • Barbarossa2020
    Barbarossa2020 Member Posts: 1,369
    edited June 2023

    I do, do saves if i think it's safe enough to do so, im of the opinion that not everyone can be saved. Many games i've gone from a 1k to a 3 or 4k because of survs trying to save someone. Im also a full time solo player so i might not have teamates i might have bots.

    Sometimes the entity has to be fed.

    And as for Killer, not even "winning" the chase, it's seeing them die, whether it be on a hook, via a mori, bleeding out, or killed by the entity at the end. It doesn't matter how they die as long as they do. Sometimes i have some sympathy for newbies when i see them, but generally i play for kills, how i get them doesn't matter, and if survs are complaining how i play after a game then i've done my job well. I don't need friends only victims.

    Conan says it best.

    Post edited by Barbarossa2020 on
  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141

    As survivor, teamwork and getting chased

    As killer, learning how to use my power and make good decisions

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124
    edited June 2023

    As killer, theres a lot less times where you are doing nothing. Something is always going on, always thinking about something whatever it is. I also like that my skill can be what carries me to victory on stronger killers. Unlike survivor, where you could be 1# NA and still lose if your teammates suck. On survivor though, I love the chase! Its really the only fun part of survivor lol. The 360s, fast vault setups, managing SB, vaccuming pallets. Really its all the little techs and games you can play that really help on the macro scale. I also like the different playstyles avaliable on survivor. Some perks are stealth, others chase. There are meme builds and meta builds all so different from each other.

    I guess its kind of like this: At its core, dbd is a strategy game. Some killers change that, but for the most part you are strategically choosing your next move. Which sets you up for hooks to snowball or hold chase for gens. Its all about whats going on in your head and how you can get into theirs, which is super fun!

  • CamperSluggerVillain
    CamperSluggerVillain Member Posts: 164

    Most ppl find the chase aspect of dbd the most fun and i'm also part of this portion this is for both survivor and killer


  • reapr_hashtag_9902
    reapr_hashtag_9902 Member Posts: 11

    Funny Wesker go brrrrrrr

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I like to play Fair (as possible)

    I like the Killer verity

    Some of the maps are okay

    I can't think of anything specific... sorry

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978

    no need to apologise at all! But maybe what defines fair for you in the role that you play?

  • Coffeecrashing
    Coffeecrashing Member Posts: 3,688

    1) The most fun is when the survivors aren't hiding, so the tempo of the game has constant movement.

    2) The biggest imbalance in this game, is that killers are expected to leave a hooked survivor to patrol the maps for other survivors, but it's totally cool for survivors to hide when the killer is patrolling the map. In fact, it's considered totally cool for survivors to avoid the killer as much as they possibly can, and it's 100% the responsibility of the killer to constantly find all the survivors instead of camping and tunneling.

    3) The most awful thing in this game is if I leave a hooked survivor to patrol the map "like I'm supposed to", and I find zero people because they are hiding, and the survivors get a free unhook while I'm away. How is that fun or fair to the killer? Is this honestly what BHVR expects killers to do?

    4) To continue on point #3, I often feel like it's the best choice to camp a hooked survivor, because even though it wastes a bunch of time and it's very boring, in some games it's the only way I can reliably find another survivor. I know for a fact that in some games, it's a complete waste of time to leave a hooked survivor, because I have zero chances of finding anyone else when they are hiding. And if BHVR adds an anti-camping mechanic, but doesn't help killers find a new target to chase, then I'm still going to feel like I should just stick by a hooked survivor anyway, regardless of the consequences, because I'm still going to feel like it's a hopeless cause to leave a hooked survivor to find people that are hiding.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Not Camping, not Tunneling

    Chasing Survivors, Hooking Survivors, using Killers powers

    I also play on console... but I play Killer a lot more

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    I love the killer role mostly because I have to rely only on myself for the outcome of the match. I do still play survivor but I do not have as much fun.

    I love Blight specifically because of his skill ceiling and the amount of interaction in his power. He honestly saved DBD for me. There’s not quite another killer like him. The fun in his gameplay is second to none, and I probably wouldn’t play DBD much anymore if it wasn’t for blight. I come off as sweaty, but I try to play as nice as possible (no camping, no tunneling, no BM) as I know blight can be overwhelming / frustrating to play against.

    I also love some of the interactions that come with some of the survivors I’ll play. I’ll land a really spicy 180 and they’ll stop for a second and give me nodders, almost to give me props for the hit, only to continue the chase. I love it.

    I’ll edit if more comes to mind.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978

    you make a really interesting point about enjoying the "lone wolf" aspect of the game as a killer...just relying on yourself and your own skill.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978
  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,978
  • JackOfTrades
    JackOfTrades Member Posts: 462

    That's a really good question, and one I really thought of when typing this response.

    You understand that they can run more utility perks and less info perks, and are more coordinated.

    What I would consider a "bully" SWF is one that purposely gets in your way to make your life a "pain", ex. sending you to The Game, a map that has some of the most interconnected loops and pallet spawns, which is the one of the largest problems about this map.

    I think the actions I would assume to be a "bully" SWF could be one that constantly sabotages hooks, teabags at pallets, constant flashlight saves, etc. of course I may never truly know until the game ends, as with all SWF, and even then, I may not know. It may just be something with the survivor.

    Though I do want to add that "bully" SWF have decreased in quantity and power after things like the saboteur rework, along with how hooks now can't be 99% and then broken with sabo when the killer is coming over.

    and onto part 2: Challenging SWF

    I would like to think a number of things that go into a challenging, yet productive SWF, one that may balance hooks, may get someone killed with a chase blunder or a killer brilliance, but gets 2-4 escapes with smart play from both sides. What I may mean by Blunders and Brilliance (I play Chess loads, just not recently due to anniversary) is something like deciding to go another time around the loop when injured, but the killer gets a hit. I wouldn't count it as a brilliance as a killer, but a Blunder, as had they dropped it, they most likely would've went on longer. As for a Brilliance, it may be something (right now), like running the killer through Myers' home window and blocking it. That is a brilliant move from the survivor side, and the killer side has to work to keep up. Now for killer, I think a blunder would and or could be things like missing too many attacks, not kicking a generator at the right time, etc. (it depends on what killer, I would say). For a brilliant move, I would say taking a lunge attack that prevents a pallet and could, a. get you a down and a hook, or b. get you a down that you could use for slugging pressure (not fun, yet if you are in it to win it, it is a valid strategy that you may see streamers use sometimes). Now I feel like perks I would normally see challenging SWF run are more team oriented perks that do things to help speed gens, or something like that.

    I feel like i'm forgetting something, but if anyone has anything to say about thing please feel free to quote me, and i'll try to get back to you about what you want!

    Thanks to everyone on this forum!

    AND a special thank you to Mandy, to whom this entire post wouldn't have been created!

  • Hex_iButt
    Hex_iButt Member Posts: 233

    For Killer games, I like it when I get a chance to get some meme builds to work out if not going for hooks. Biggest fav for me right now is the backpack build (Awakened Awareness, Iron Grasp, Agitation, Mad Grit), and I had a blast trying it out as Singularity after a rough match. Otherwise, killer itself is a lot more enjoyable as I just have to either praise or better my own skills.

    On the Survivor side of things, honestly its really hard to say what is fun. The most fun you can have is interacting with the killer in some way, usually in chase, but there's a lot of killers who just don't have the healthiest gameplay going for them like Skull Merchant, Hag, Spirit, or Knight. And everyone has their least favorite killer to face, so as soon as you see a teammate try to suicide or d/c, it kills the fun before you can start.

    I'm personally not the best in chase, so I really enjoy when I get a Diversion play to go off and trick them the killer to check out another location, or getting off a Red Herring/Blastmine combo. I wish there were more perks along the lines of misdirection.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    I would say its bullying when the survivors are focusing more on making sure you have less fun than on their objective. When instead of going for gens and survival, their express purpose is to prolong the game and make the killer feel angry. It can be done through many means, typically through taking intended mechanics to their breaking point. Unhookable SWFs with breakout boil over breakdown and flip flop in the basement of badhams main building. its incredibly hard to complete your objective, near impossible with good coordination. it makes you feel powerless while they have the power trip of their lives at your expense.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,870

    As killer, I find it fun to give survivors a robust, fun experience. That could be allowing them to obtain bloodpoints, participate in mind games with me, and generally enjoy getting spooked.

    As survivor, I enjoy a nice tug of war between the two sides. I like spreading my time doing different things (a little chasing/looping, completing gens, and altruistic actions). I also enjoy playing with a slight sense of immersion.

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,141

    I really find the ambience of the game to be engaging and fun. The maps, VFX and SFX, sound and art design and so much more. You guys did a really nice job in those departments.

    I'd also think I'd enjoy DBD more with a ranked mode too.

  • BougieBlackChick
    BougieBlackChick Member Posts: 316

    As a survivor I find it fun to:

    1. Not be tunneled out of matches
    2. Not be camped to death on hook
    3. not be BMed and abused on hook
    4. Not having constant server side crashes and horrible game lag
    5. Not going down to impossible “hits” because of killer side lag that benefits the killer

    I like the chase with the killer, I like fun killer engagements where, they’re trying to win the game but they still take a moment to be silly with us if we’re joking around and return the energy. I like going against a strong killer who also plays fair and doesn’t depend on in-game exploits and broken game mechanics to destroy the entire team and end the game in 3 minutes.

    It would be fun to have an objective other than “do gens” in every single match.

    As killer I like the challenge of trying to kill all four survivors fairly. I like the chase. I like learning how to be a better survivor by seeing what the survivors do in chase when they’re totally destroying me. I like to meme around, be silly but also try to win.

  • Trollinmon
    Trollinmon Member Posts: 690


    Going for chase is the bread n butter. Having player interaction is when the game is at its best and chases are the main source of it. Love having fair tiles where you can mind game and doesn't feel unfair for either side. Going for 12 hook games are always fun as you get the max amount of chases possible. Chase killers are some of the most fun killers in the game. I find that tempo based gameplay is much more fun rather than macro heavy. I find I have the most fun when It's all about tempo where I get a down find another survivor and get into that rhythm.


    Survivor is really fun when killers are chasing multiple players and I have a variety of things to do. Light stealth is fun to add more depth and variety to the game. I find perks like Inner Healing add to the game as it adds something else to do rather then repair gens or get chased. I find perks that make you think how you get the max value in a match are great. With inner healing you want to think about pathing more when you're going to gens as to check the totem spawns without going too far out of your way.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,103

    Survivor - I like figuring out how to best use the environment around me, with teammates, that also means playing off of them and them off of me. I tend to always find myself using information Perks like Kindred and Detective's Hunch. Though I always slot an exhaustion Perk, just wish there was more variety than moar speed.

    Killer - I like figuring out how to best use the environment to sneak up and spook Survivors, mainly through means of the Undetectable status or an expansive Terror radius. However I don't like using Aura Perks all that much given it feels like it removes any semblance of the survivors using the environment to their own advantage.

    I enjoy sneaky gameplay when feasible.

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 323

    Most of the things that are "fun" for one side end up being considered unfun for the other side. There are however, things that are fun for BOTH sides, and also things that are unfun/boring for both sides. Good game design should remove the latter and maximize the former.

    Things that I find fun on both sides:

    • chases, especially mind games
    • Killers: Blight (except C33), Billy, Bubba. Note that these 3 killers are almost universally liked by top DBD players who play both roles eg. Scott Jund's tier list
    • Flashlights and people attempting to meme around (I'd rather play against that than gen rushers)
    • Bloodpoints and incentives to go for 12 hooks (Pain resonance)

    Things that I find unfun on both sides:

    • Generators (most boring part of the game) and especially toolboxes
    • Tunneling (is needed for killers to win, and despised by everyone)
    • Big maps, like the reworked Red Forest
    • 75% of the killers in the game, especially Knight, SM, Spirit, Trapper and Hag.
    • No option to limit max ping, and ping of the killer not being shown at all
    • Camping, especially when killer is forced to do it (like end game)
    • Hatch+slug situations (encourages the survivors to hide, and the killer to slug for 4k)
  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    edited June 2023

    I love strategy and the action of a chase.

    Planning out how I'm going to play around the map and resources given to get the best result possible and choosing when and where to take risks with mind games and when to make safer plays, as well as how I am going to approach a match to get the best end result possible. Although to me the fun of chasing survivors is more important than the end result and that is reflected in my prefernce of killers, I prefer killers whose optimal play style is aggressive fast chasing.

    The most fun killers to play are those that have aggressive powers directly influencing the chase with limitations that provide counter play while changing up how the survivor must approach the chase. Killers like blight, oni, billy, and wesker are the best at this IMO.

    I won't play killers like skull merchant where the optimal strategy is to play defensively and take easy hits or killers like wraith where the best way to play is to sneak up on survivors and get easy surprise hits with out much outplaying in the actual chase. Powers that shut down or simplify looping are also bad. ie. Killers like knight and artist who activate their powers and effectively completly invalidate the loop you are at removing any strategy from the survivor side other than run away in a straight line and for the killer to follow in a straight line. Hitting survivors in this manner is unsatisfying and it is not satisfying to win against these killers either.

    As a survivor, I enjoy coordinating together as a team to make plays happen that I just can't do with random players, which I mostly play survivor when playing with friends and play killer otherwise.

    Basically the most satisfying feeling is that of having outsmarted your opponent. Momment to momment that comes from the chase, but it can also come from making a strategic play to benefit yourself in the long run, or working together with your team to do something you can't do alone.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    For all the issues I have with the game these days and the level of burnout that I've never really recovered from. When the game is good IT'S REALLY FREAKING GOOD. I love horror as a genre and the fact that DBD has let me get to be in the driver seat of both iconic killers and some pretty cool looking survivors just feels really awesome. There aren't a lot of games like this one that have a good mix of cast and expression. I also still remember the old days when the game wasn't super popular and the community wasn't quite so hardcore with the all or nothing grindset mentality. I remember when I used to think about wanting to get a pc that could handle running dbd and streaming so I could try and become a fog whisperer. Not for clout, but because I wanted to just be on the bleeding edge of dbd content. That never really worked out, but I've got genuine good memories with this game.

    It was like my main game when I going through a really dark time in my life and my mental health was basically crashing and burning. I would literally going to work, come home on my break, play a couple matches while eating lunch, then head back into the retail grinder. I remember when I saw Myers was added to the game and the moment I got my hands on him I didn't play anyone else for months. Then when Saw got a chapter I was super excited because Saw is one of my all time favorite thriller franchises. I don't play Pig anymore cause I got sucked into the grindset headspace around the time Legion came along. That's my go to, tryhard killer which honestly probably broke a lot of the passion I had for DBD.

    The only chapters I don't own are Artist and Singularity and Ash. That said I wanna say thank you for making Skull Merchant, I know people hate everything about her and even I'm not a fan of her power even though I play her a lot, but I've been wanting a sassy unhinged female killer for so long! A proper yassified girlboss slaughterer because my favorite kind of horror is campy horror and to me she's quite camp with her cosplay otaku aesthetic juxtaposed with her day to day of being a vicious capitalist hatchet woman.

    I mostly play killer, it's the more mechanically interesting role and has a ton of variety. Every killer's a unique ball of yarn to untangle for me. I like it when killer powers have a high degree of synergy with perks as i feel that build crafting is what keeps that role fresh even when the games aren't good. Also having power just feels nice, like I get a wicked rush when I'm playing a killer game where i get to feel like I'm in control of what I'm doing. Not necessarily dominating, but more like I'm able to tell what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong and make timely adjustments that produce results. Recently killer powers have been a bit more standalone and niche which has it's own high points. A lot of those powers are actually quite good in the right hands, but they take a lot to get the hang of and often just don't fit well perks. It can be hard to tell if I'm doing something wrong or if there is something about the survivors or other trial factors that are working against me.

    I play for fun so I'm really only concerned with if I get a lot of bp win or lose. Winning feels awesome as killer, but I'm not addicted to it , I don't have to win, but I need to feel like I'm learning something. I have a very casual approach to the game these days so when I play I am looking for an experience that fun no matter the result. It does get very stressful though being a lone player against 4 other players when the skill levels are super stilted or I'm trying to learn a new killer, but can't. It doesn't always feel worth it to add more killers to the list of ones I know how to play currently. Like I've been wanting to try Dredge, but I know that matchmaking going to make that impossible and I've dipped my toe into playing Deathslinger which is a headache his limitations are pretty daunting starting out when going against good survivors. I don't want to go against bots or potatoes, but like it feels like most of the slinger games don't last long enough for me to have learned anything.

    That's the downside to enjoying killer as much as I do. The killers I do well with I do really well fairly often, but it feels kind of punishing to try and move out of that comfort zone if a killer isn't either super cool visually or universally decent like Wesker. I like killer the most when I can comfortably try new builds and killers.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,168

    Hey Mandy, nice to see you on the forums again - It's felt like forever since we've seen you around!

    Survivor - It really depends? If I'm playing solo I just play for the chase or doing cool plays. I like to experiment with perks and see if I can pull off really dumb plays. I guess if I had to boil it down, I enjoy chases the most but I also like pulling off plays you need certain perks to do. A favourite one is running lucky break iron will and losing the killer mid chase

    With friends, it's basically the same but sometimes I have to change up how I play depending on how our matches are going. If we're having tough matches back to back I try to help out by bringing perks that help keep my team alive. (We'll make it, BT etc)

    Overall - I just want 'normal' games without stuff like idk facecamping bubba, teammates DCing/Giving up immediately and so on.

    Killer - I mostly play to improve with my favourite killers, test out perk combos and most importantly of all I really enjoy mindgames on the Killer side in particular. Stuff like red stain tricks, sadako manifestation mindgames and other similar stuff.

    My enjoyment as Killer suffers greatly when matches aren't a back and forth; when they become super one sided I find myself getting bored. Survivors DCing/Giving up immediately kills my motivation to play the match out because i personally feel like the win is invalidated. It's also super unfair for the survivors who stay, being stuck in a 3 v 1 early on.

    I enjoy tough matches where I'm getting chases/hooks and survivors are doing gens and we're both a few good plays away from winning. That to me is what Killer is all about, the snatching victory from the jaws of defeat kinda deal.

    I think that's about it!

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Memeing and reminiscing of old dbd.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,893

    Do you mean in general?

    As killer we have fun when we feel like we're actually "hunting" as killer. Searching for survivors then trying to get a down, preferably in a "stylish" way {EX: Knight or Nemi double hit, Artist long distance downs, ping ponging as blight and hitting around a tight corner}. We enjoy a challenge as long as the difficulty is due to the survivors being good (if its challenging due to the map layout its more of a "ugg" situation).

    As survivor we like having a chance to fully play. Hard to actually explain but basically being able to do alittle bit of everything while still under pressure from the killer. Also being surprised/scared by the killer (hard after a few years and everyone running the same thing most the time but it does happen a few times)

  • GolbezGarlandGabrant
    GolbezGarlandGabrant Member Posts: 979

    Side question that I was meaning to post in Suggestions put is it ever possible to see matches people rate a 5 on the "did you have fun" scale. I'd be curious to know especially for killers.

    But to answer the answer...for survivor feeling like I had a fulfilling game. Pipping is a good caliber I guess you could say. I don't want to be a gen jockey but I also don't want to be the person who runs the killer the entire match.

    For killer, I'm not sure I can answer. I don't find killer to be as interesting as survivor. Survivors are capable of doing many things in a match, whereas killer is searching and chasing. I don't find it as engaging. I only play it when incentives are up and even then maybe for an hour or so.

  • Nightmarefan
    Nightmarefan Member Posts: 65

    On killer some of the most fun i've had has been scratched mirror myers on indoor maps and pig on most maps stealthing up and grabbing survivors off gens. I always like to think I got them with a good jump scare.

    As a survivor best I can say is I enjoy actually playing the game(not camped/tunneled out right away).

    I do have different builds on most survivors(like mikaela the boon witch) and the variety can be fun even if its not optimal..

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,648

    For me personally it's the back and forth of a good chase when I play killer. It's one thing to be going through pallets and mindlessly running after a survivor and losing the game within a few minutes. But when a survivor has to mindgame because they are cornered in a loop, that's when the real fun begins and many killers' powers really shine.

    As a survivor I love it when we work together as a team and even when we don't communicate (solo queue) everyone still does what they need to do in order to win. This includes: Safe unhooks, convenient heals, bodyblocks and gen progress. That's not going to happen every single game but with the new HUD I feel that happen more often than before.

    Of course there is also fun in running a gimmicky build. Yesterday I played a game of pallet Freddy with Brutal Strength and Fire Up. One of the survivors sent me to Giddeon Meat Plant and I already knew that this would be interesting. At 2 gens in I still had no downs but the pallets were slowly getting depleted and the risk of dropping a dream pallet increased. Then I got my first hook and it all started to go exactly the way I had planned. Funniest thing: Leon dropped the same dream pallet twice in one chase. I think he panicked a bit.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735
    edited June 2023

    There are many things I like. For example, as Killer I like that I can choose which Killer will Survivors go againts, Its like how the match will feel like.

    I love Weskers ability, trowing people and smashing them on things is never not fun and feels good when you run addon for longer dash with them when you catch them, you sometimes go across like 1/3 of the map and then trow them haha. I love Dredge nightfall, I like the global darkness / debuff it gets on Survivors. I like sending Guards with Knight across the map to push them away or to start chasing them. Knight is like you are playing coop Killer with someone, unlike Twins where only one Killer is being controled at the same time, Knight is true 2v4 chase killer.

  • AetherBytes
    AetherBytes Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,028

    One of the things I find fun as survivor is pulling outlandish stunts and getting away with it, my favorite in recent memory being baiting a clown to swing at me, whiff, and the swing making them just close enough to pallet stun and save the person they were carrying.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,853

    Definitely not Wesker.

  • Nirgendwohin
    Nirgendwohin Member Posts: 1,251
    edited June 2023

    it's FUN that all the community team has to come up with to improve communication with the players is a thread for forum members to highlight positive things. although it is clear to everyone that only people who have had negative experiences come to the forum and are therefore probably not in the mood to think of positive things.

    how about if you go into problems and have a discussion and don't answer, if you even anwer, with "The dead by daylight team is aware of this issue and we are looking into it but we cant give you any concrete details as it is right now"?

  • BlightedDolphin
    BlightedDolphin Member Posts: 1,830

    As a Ghostface main, I love having everyone 99 stalked or injured and then waiting for the right moment to trigger a massive snowball. I might only have a few hooks stages at 1 gen left, but I know I can still win if I play right :D

    Also reading your opponent correctly and pulling off a successful mind game is really fun.

  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,295
    edited June 2023

    I find the chase fun when there are interesting tiles or balanced maps where it feels like losing the chase was your own fault and not unfair design. I enjoy killers like Wesker and Hillbilly because it's fun essentially dodging the entire killer that uses their body as a cannonball. I also love when high risk high reward plays are available to both sides making people try crazy stupid stuff instead of just robotically just aiming for objectives. My most enjoyable games is where no one wants to do generators and instead engage in chase with Hillbilly for example and the killer recognizes this and tries to aim specifically for curves.

    What sucks the fun out of me is where I feel my decisions don't matter and the outcome is just an inevitability or the entire game is predictable from start to finish. I particularly do not enjoy the event specifically because of how the invitations are weaponized. I especially do not like the invitation pallets or the exposed effect you can create with it. It feels like that should have been a separate gamemode. A notable example is seeing an RPD offering and then seeing Skull Merchant. I now know that the game is likely going to be a 20-30 minute slog where survivors fight for the center gens or give up.

    As killer specifically for the most part I find the role fun when it comes to learning how to use my skill and planning to improve. I love playing Clown and Deathslinger and occasionally Hillbilly because I love killers with a learning curve. Singularity while a little tedious to play is fun because the wide range of uses the power has makes them interesting to play. EMP's and map design could be improved though because a lot of the time I cannot place biopods due to windows blocking them.

    To shorten it though - To me DBD has always been about unpredictability and experimenting with fun builds. The game loses its charm when you are able to predict your entire game on a flowchart. What makes the game amazing is all players doing just random unpredictable ######### that makes the game a surprise factor for both sides.

  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140

    The silly player interactions !

    I do play seriously (well... seriously for someone as soft as I am !) in general but I rarely feel more fun in the game than when something goofy happens and the players on both sides react to it.

    As survivor, most of the fun comes from playing with a friend or two. There's not really any tension of "will we win?" since at my level survivor is about dying most of the time, so I wouldn't bother if I didn't have someone to joke around with.

    As killer I really enjoy being goofy or friendly. All of the killers I've tried are really fun to play as mechanically, and I'm not too fazed about winning or losing. Tight, stressful games are not my cup of tea !

    I also really enjoy doing custom games with friends, especially since the bots were added and we don't need to be 5 to have fun together rotating the roles.

    So yeah, mostly player interaction, having fun chats and this kind of stuff. =)

  • OrangeBear
    OrangeBear Member Posts: 2,660

    Not sure if it's worth noting or not but i am autistic/neurodivergent which maybe is related to what i might find fun in this game.

    In DBD i find playing killer fun because i like multiplayer games but i always perform best independently and killer lets me do that.

    When in comes to killer gameplay specifics i enjoy the game most when it feels like i am a step ahead of the survivors and they cannot predict or prepare for the actions that i do in the game. I often enjoy ghost face for this reason. I also enjoy killers with transformative add-ons that are balanced and have variety, i feel like the ability to customise killer power is one of the greatest things about this game.

    When i play survivor i enjoy stealth gameplay, i like hiding in lockers whilst the killer walks past it. I don't like chases to go on too long because i feel like i get overwhelmed. I like escaping chases unscathed.

  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    As killer I like matches that are extremely close. Sweeping survivors is quite boring half the time if they don't get a single gen done (unless I play a perfect game then I can be proud), while getting destroyed not because I played bad but because survivors doing gens so fast is frustrating, especially if they're toxic. Those close games force me to give me my all, while allowing me to learn new things as a result.

    As survivor, I only enjoy it when I'm facing a variety of killers. It means that every match feels very different. Recently I've played a lot less survivor as most people play Wesker, but even then he's not too frustrating to face (other than the fact that in my experience majority of them hard tunnel).

    Also as both sides, the random perk challenges were extremely fun. Please make random perks a base thing.

  • Boons123
    Boons123 Member Posts: 785

    I enjoy being supportive of my team

    and use perks that have a low utilization rate (like Poised - Red Herring - Better than New - Buckle Up - etc)

    So I hate people who say, "We haven't had a good perk in months !"

  • MrSlayer
    MrSlayer Member Posts: 189

    I used to really enjoy playing iconic killers like Pinhead or Leatherface, but currently I mostly turn on DBD to look at their 3d models and sometimes log into a match just to wander around and check out details on some maps I like. For example, I've noticed for the first time a cool rat with glowing eyes. Also the sky looks nice on most maps. That's pretty much it. Skull Merchant and the mess that followed broke DBD for me.

  • Frogsplosion
    Frogsplosion Member Posts: 273

    As a killer main, the thing that I enjoy most about playing the game is using my skill set in conjunction with extremely synergistic perks to outplay my opponents.

    However I think it's far more important to address what isn't fun about this game because that takes up a bigger chunk of the issue.

    Map balance is slanted in the survivor's favor 90% of the time and that makes them absolutely miserable to play on as killer and feel incredibly unfair. Combine this with the absurd level of darkness, lack of visual clarity and low fov and this just becomes unplayable.

    Flashlight and flashbang are flat out broken proven purely by the fact that you need to dedicate an entire perk slot to countering it in order to not be screwed over at random by someone who has it.

    Boil Over turns maps with dead zones into maps that are barely playable.

    Made for this makes looping far too easy.

    Generator speeds are too fast which makes the game end up being decided in the first 90 seconds and the rest is just a formality.

    The game is too binary, we desperately need more objectives and more things to do besides just generators or killing survivors. Survivors need more than one critical objective in order to win, and Killers need more ways to interact with survivors besides just killing them.

    90% of the time it feels like the survivors of the ones actually in control of the match pacing because they control the speed of the objective, this is completely backwards and the killer should be the one in control of match pacing.

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