Seriously, what's going on with the killers during this event?
My experience with this event has been awful the last few days. I main survivor, and pretty much more than half of my games have involved killers going out of their way to play nasty for no reason other than spite. Bubbas burning brown offerings and facecamping from the get go, survivors being hard tunnelled out from the beginning of the match, etc.
I've been slugged to death four times now for literally doing nothing. Been beaten on the hook countless times. I just want to play the game but it's hard to when the killer seems so determined to make sure you have as little fun as possible. I genuinely don't get it. I've always been of the notion 'you scratch my back, I scratch yours'. If you're toxic to me, I'll be less inclined to make sure you have a fun time. But the teams I've been with have just been playing normally. It's like these killers are going into the match with the sole aim of generating salt and spoiling the match for everyone else.
I've played enough now to know the difference between playing to generate pressure (camping when you are surrounded by survs, tunnelling someone to claw back pressure) and playing to just be nasty. It's really disheartening. I may just switch to killer for the rest of the event and that's saying a lot because I get really anxious playing killer (I can't speak for the killer experience, obviously, but I imagine there's an equal number of bad apples).
Anyone having a similar experience? Feel like I'm going insane.
I main killer. If we ever meet you won't get that from me.
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It really depends on how each match is going.
If you are the Killer, you are not having a easy time atm, you are on a bad map, gens are flying, etc... then you are more likely to decide to tunnel. But also sometimes Survivors shot themselfs too you know. Like if you down two people, both of them are on hook, the others are injured well then you would be trowing if you just let them recover themselfs. If you have 1 gen left, you hooked 3 people and some Survivor is on second stage well... unless you want to trow and be really nice, you know what you have to do. But there are also matches where you don't have to tunnel and everyone gets to play and you are happy with 1-2K.
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Events draw out the sadists. It’s always been like this.
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I've had that experience saturday evening, but my survivor games were very chill when playing in the afternoon this weekend.
Going forward, I'll probably only play killer in the evenings to offer chill games and a little farm. I don't mind "boring" games and neither do my survivors generally.
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People said the same things about killers before the event too :p
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Did you return just for the event?
I'm not currently playing DBD, so I can't really speak on the event experience. ...but there is also a reason I haven't been playing DBD.
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If everyone brings a cake and the killer is just steam rolling the team from the get-go, my objective switches from generators to doing everything I can to minimize the BP score events they can squeeze out of me. No chase, no gen kicking, no more than 1 hook. The only actions I’ll take are ones that they can’t react to in a way that ups their score.
Their BP gains aren’t my concern any more than mine are theirs after all and courtesy is a 2 way street.
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Guess the killer:
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Many killers just despise survs, event or not.
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I've had some rough games before but not this consistently - I feel like the event is bringing these kinds of players out.
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Unfortunately I think I have to agree with you. Some people just want to watch the world burn.
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That sucks. I may end up taking a break too.
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Ya, pretty obvious.
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What do you expect when the Devs just allow one side to do whatever they want, with no repercussions or thought of anyone but themselves?
Spare me all the usual hive mind brain dead killer arguments they love to droll on about endlessly. " POWER ROLE". "LEGIT STRATEGIES". "Its my job to kill survivors", etc etc.
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Had a 'farming' Spirit just now and it turns out she had NOED and Blood Warden AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
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Toxicity spreads.
You have a survivor dealing with that, then finally breaks and does it to other people playing killer.
Also, the 100% blood point incentive on killer is causing alot of non-killer players playing killer for the points. They arent skilled, so they play scummy.
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Okay, played three survivor games tonight:
A Spirit who wanted to farm, only to get us all on death hook and then kill us with NOED and Blood Warden
A Pyramid Head who tunnelled me out straight away, facecamping me on second hook till I died (made 6k)
A Myers who facecamped as soon as he got a hook (at five gens) and spent the next five minutes beating that survivor and then me on the hook before walking over the last survivor who was slugged over and over again. They also burned a survivor pudding.
I give up.
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I don't get this mentality. Why spread the toxicity to people who don't deserve it? All of my games have had the survivors play completely normally, all of them solo queue lobbies. I wish this community was better than that.
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I'm a killer main all day long. During the event, I play to 2 hook everyone. Get people the maximum amount of BP and cosmetics. I just enjoy the game. Win or lose, it does not matter.
We have to remember, at the end of the day, no matter what role in DBD we play, we are gamers. We should come together and take care of each other.
I know that's a perfect world scenario, but for me, I chose to play that way. If I can bring a fun challenging game, then I'm down for that.
I hope you all have good games out there!
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Some of you need to understand, not everyone who plays is interested in bp.
I use cakes so i can find the invites to get the challenges done quicker. The bp i don't care about.
If you keep going into games expecting to get 50k bp and don't get them then you're just going to be disappointed.
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All sorts of people come crawling out of the woodworks during popular events. You learn to just take the good with the bad.
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Just an FYI, the incentive isn't the same for everyone. It's based things like region, time of day, and MMR. So you might have 100% killer while someone else has 100% survivor, or anywhere in between. So I wouldn't think that would necessarily be a factor. I'd say people who play scummy simply enjoy playing that way.
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I play to win. Events are irrelevant. Resistance is futile.
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lol how edgy
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I've been playing survivor as little as possible for the event. Just enough to get the quests done. I don't farm but I do try to take the survivor experience into account. I don't camp or tunnel as a rule. I have had a surprising number of games where survivors are toxic at the exit gates lately. Which I don't get. I've been trying to give as fair and fun of games as possible as killer so why the disrespect? I'm sure that kind of toxicity gets to some killers who decide all survivors deserve no mercy. You know the saying "hurt people, hurt people".
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NA East.
Daytime/morning = better quality teammates on average
Nighttime = Most often, the teammate quality drops quite significantly after 8/9pm EST.
As for the killer slugging, camping ,tunneling - most of it has been situational or the 'right play'. I seriously can't really complain, most killers in my experience have been pretty fair, just playing the match out like I am and employing tactics to snowball a match back in their favor. I haven't had the excessive camping/tunneling or slugging just to slug experience, like I did PRIOR to this event.
Some people have said the event has only made people more toxic but IMO personally, that isn't true. At least so far.
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Are you aware that there is a secret keys combination teached by Nepal's monks that sends killer that didn't bring cake back to que?
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That was Blight, but I did have a Ghostface later the same day who brought a Mori.
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This is pretty much the case.
If there was a way to communicate prior to the match starting, "Hey wanna farm?" type of deal then it would be a lot easier. Seeing as there isn't a way it's a 50/50 shot. Even on the survivor side you might have one person that doesn't want to farm and just play the game while 3 others want to.
Just how it is. Treat every game like a normal game unless there is some notion that it will be a BP farm.
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Most ppl don't want to farm (it's so boring). They just want a normal not sweaty game. I don't give a f about 7k points for escaping as long as I wasn't tunneled or bleed out at 4 gens left. Most killers play that way during events. If I got 25k point with 5 cakes that I am content.
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I'm not expecting to farm every game at all. I want every game to be treated like a normal game! It's just that the killers I seem to keep running into don't want to do anything other than run survivors out of the game as quickly as possible or stare at the hook from the get go while rubbing it in the survivors' faces. Event or no event, this 'playstyle' is really offputting and kills any enjoyment I could get out of matches. May as well be doing something else.
I'd jump head over heels for an actual farming killer, although the last one I had betrayed us with NOED and Blood Warden and left me questioning my own existence.
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Yesterday.... Solo que..
Every match and every survivor bring cakes but killer.... Every third match pudding. Every time I see that..... I close the game.
I don't give this kind of Killer any Cake from me because I know they tunnel and camp. Survivor 5 - 10k BP and Killer 50k BP
Just ..... No
And I know many survivor do that....
Continue please!! 😁
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It's so annoying because I don't have enough perk slots to counter every awful thing they're doing.
After 3 matches in a row with a face camper I decided to get an anti-facecamping perk set. The moment I equipped it no one face camped.
I got 2 normal matches where I could get no value out of my perks and then 2 matches where killers decided to tunnel unhooks and my anti-facecamping set could do nothing against that.
Then I had to run a mish-mash of anti-tunnel anti-camping perks that don't synergize with itself and I got no value out of my set. It was like running perkless.
So I got fed up and went back to playing killer.
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I am playing normally, you're just expecting because there is easy BP that everyone should jump on board the farm fest.
Im done with the challenges, the 4 characters i play have everything they need unlocked. Why do i need to jump on board this cuddle farm fest?
I treat survivors exactly the same every game, as victims not friends.
Go Go gadget Minotaur Oni + mori.
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Then go go to que again when u do this against me. EZ
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From what I’ve seen the BP role bonus has been on survivor for me (25-100%, but never killer to any degree) since the event started.
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Are you actually reading anything I write?
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Yes i am, you want a "normal" game. Some people normally play to win and don't care for your etiquette or what your version of "normal" is
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Playing to win doesn't involve facecamping the first survivor you hook. Nor does it involve slugging them till they bleed out or beating them on the hook over and over. At the very least, this behaviour is completely uncalled for and I don't know why you're defending it. It ruins the game for everyone involved.
And I thought I wanted everyone to jump on the farm fest, not a normal game? Which is it?
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Im sure people have their reasons for playing like they do. Im not defending it. But comp games generally involve, tunneling and slugging, and that is playing to win.
im stating a fact, if it's within the rules its allowed. The sooner you understand not everyone who plays dbd believes in playing a certain way the sooner you'll enjoy the game more.
Well you've said you want a "normal" games "I want every game to be treated like a normal game!"
Then you also state "I'd jump head over heels for an actual farming killer, although the last one I had betrayed us with NOED and Blood Warden and left me questioning my own existence."
So which is it?
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I play normal games and don't see a problem. I go in and kill survivors. Sometimes I win, sometimes I don't. Period. End 'o story. Survivors are bots to me. Nothing more.
Straight forward eh? Well yeah, because that's my normal. Not yours or anyone else's. When I go into a game it's with 4 random people I don't know and will never meet. I don't know what your 'normal' is and frankly don't care. Survivor rules... 😂
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Something tells me this is your first time playing during an anniversary event.
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People optimize the fun out of everything. I've stopped playing survivor unless there's a 100% bloodpoint incentive because of killers whose sole goal in life is making the match into a 3v1 where I'm not one of the 3, and on killer I've swapped to Ghostface for the duration of this event because of how good he is at countering the current survivor strat of using MFT to W key to an unmindgameable god window and then block it with an invitation.
Anyways, I haven't been playing much of this event at all. Should not come as a surprise.
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I rarely touch survivor so can't really say anything there. From a killer POV though, it's been pretty normal. I've only had 1 group that went out of their way to annoy the he'll out of me. Decided to try to get decent as Nurse, which many ppl will know generally entails getting stomped ALOT early on. Kinda figured I got a group who last sec swapped to 4 beamers to bully my baby nurse self and not give 2 ######### about gens. Other than THAT though... been pretty fun.
Post edited by EQWashu on1 -
I've played 42 games since the anniversary started and 2 were killer incentives (I track it all for my own curiosity lol)
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This is why I'm convinced you're not actually reading what I'm writing. I am not talking about typical camping and slugging. I am talking about slugging someone till they bleed out instead of hooking them, facecamping them from the beginning of the match or beating them on the hook over and over. None of these things whatsoever increase your chances of winning, nor are they competitive strategies. Yet I am running into matches over and over again where these BM tactics are frequent, and it's ruining any semblance of fun the event could have for me. So, I ask again, why are you defending them? I guess you take no problem with all 4 survivors standing in the exit gate and teabagging till they get forced out either, because it's 'within the rules' for them to do so. An action doesn't have to be bannable for it to degrade the gameplay experience.
When I said I'd go 'head over heels' for a farming killer, I was saying that to emphasise that the killers I've been getting have been outright toxic. I'd gladly take a game where the killer just lets us trade hooks and we all get a big payday over the consistent matches I've been playing right now where the killer goes out of their way to be as toxic as possible, from the get go, not giving a damn about winning but about instead spreading toxicity. I want to play a typical game. Farming gets boring quick. But there's no point in playing a game where the opposition go out of their way to BM you at every turn for just wanting to play at all.
By your logic, I'm supposed to just accept that the killers I verse want to ruin my games, through how there is hardly any killer interaction (facecamping), being forced to wait till I bleed out to keep my points (being slugged to death) and being BM'd (beaten on the hook), and then just keep playing? Why should I bother? I hardly make any points from these games and there is little incentive otherwise for me to play when the killer wants to be toxic. Seriously, why bother?