Deathslinger is the most fun ranged killer to play against. CHANGE MY MIND
Huntress has clunky hitboxes, Trickster has a knife machine gun, Plague has an anti-heal mechanic, etc. Getting speered by Deathslinger can be frustrating, yes, but his hitboxes I think are very good, he's a slow killer and he has a very good design and chase music.
In general I find Deathslinger a very fun kiler to face.
"Change my mind"
Translation: "You can't change my mind"
So no thanks.
It's Huntress BTW.
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Death Slinger is mid to face cause if he really wants to he can tunnel you with ease.
Huntress is fun once there good.
Plague gives a challenge.
Trickster...yeh the only good thing I can say about him is his lore and he's hot but he is horrible to face.
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I don't like to face any of the ranged killers to be honest, save for maybe Huntress sometimes.
Deathslinger's TR is depressing to me.
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Huntress is just better. She has alot more potential with practice.
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I disagree.
I think Huntress is the most fair ranged killer with the most counterplay opportunities. Yes, her hitboxes can be terrible sometimes, but that’s more of a connection issue in my experience. Her windup gives you ample time to make a decision on whether to run through for another loop or make an attempt to dodge.
Deathslinger falls into the camp of “zones you by existing” (a trend many killers from year 4 and 5 share) with how quickly he can aim and drop his gun. These killers are some of the least enjoyable in chase in my opinion.
I still have PTSD from when Slinger was the best stealth killer in the game and could quickscope you.
Edit: Slinger is also the best (if not, top 3) tunneler in the game and many will simply shoot you off hook and wait the ten second BT out. It honestly feels like an exploit.
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Fun is subjective buuuut
Artist can shoot through walls across the whole map and feels so satisfying when survivors go down by holding W
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Huntress by far.
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Huntress is incredibly stale to play against imo so I would agree.
I have no idea why she's so overrated. Feels like Stockholm.
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Rn slinger has a slow aim animation accompanied with a warning sound when he is aiming at you, dodgong him is pretty simple idk how zoning can be effective when you dodge just after the sound.
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That's exactly the point. You're forced to dodge when he aims at you but since he can drop his gun with little to no cooldown you've simply put yourself in a position to get M1'd. It's exactly like Demo's who fake shreds, Pyramid Heads that put their swords in the ground and pick up, Nemesis picking up his whip and dropping it, etc.
You get zoned by them simply pressing M2.
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Tbf I think in his case is much less effective as the other two killer you mentioned are 115% movement speed so they can punish you, but you can still gain distance against slinger while dodging and hey for the people that do not like facing slinger, you live in an amazing time, want to make that player not touch slinger is their life, pro tip: equip made for this
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Don't get me wrong, I don't hate going against Slinger. Like I mentioned earlier I still have PTSD to when he was able to shoot you the second he aimed in and everyone ran Monitor on him. He's in a much much more fair state nowadays, but there's always been something that irked me about playing against him. You're definitely correct that the other killers I mentioned can get more value out of the M2 fake due to them being 115 but if he's close enough to you where he makes you make a decision on vaulting a window / throwing a pallet, he's more than likely going to get that hit regardless of being 110.
Made for this is so strong against him as well. Catch him on a rock loop and you start playing Ring around the Rosie.
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I sure do love getting no distance in chase!!!
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All of them are boring to face
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I love playing as Deathslinger. Ha ha spear go brrrrrr
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Deathslinger is the most anti funnest killer to go against in the whole game, I don’t know how anyone would enjoy going againt that boring killer 💤💤💤💤💤😴💤💤💤. I think the devs should just delete Deathslinger and Spirit from the game.
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To me Artist is.
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What are you supposed to vs her?
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It is less looping and more distance making but Artist has tools to combat holding W and as survivor it’s important to know how she’s positioning the crows.
I get why people don’t like versing that but I find it very fun to be able to dodge crows from long distances. A lot of Artists play in the boring way but people aren’t unlocking her full potential just playing the “place a crow down at a loop” strategy.
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Is he really even a ranged killer? He has to reel you into melee range to down you. He’s as ranged as trapper.
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I personally agree with OP. I enjoy playing as and against slinger. His ranged attack is high risk high reward for downs and allows him to get first wound easy. And a truly skilled player can really pull some cool tricks with him.
Also helps that i personally HATE playing huntress, lullaby irritates me and stresses me into leaving gens, plus she can simply spam hatchets if she misses a throw. Slinger has to reload so he is punished for bad aim.
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I think Deathslinger really starts to shine when you can consistently land max range shots. In my experience most survivors seem to misjudge his range when they get over 12m away and start to make mistakes or get complacent. He's also very good at snap shots over obstacles & through obstacles, which catches a lot of players off guard.
I would say medium range from 5-10m he is pretty easy to dodge, but he's very good at mind games at those distances so can easy land an M1 by just randomly aiming for a second or two.
Out of all the killers I play on a regular basis he seems to be the one that causes the most rage quitting DC's amongst survivors. Even more so than Nurse.
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My favorite should be Trickster because he's such a complete garbage-tier 110 M1 joke of a killer who crumples like wet paper the second survivors acknowledge the existence of walls, but it's gotten to the point where I just feel bad for anyone naive enough to think they would get to play the game when they picked him.
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So... Is Artist not even gonna get a mention? Lol
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Eh, not a fan of the zoning abilities.
My favorite ranged killer to play against is Huntress. Theres something about her hooking someone and seeing a hatchet flying cross map towards me that i always find funny lol.
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There aren’t many killers I dislike going against and while I can understand why some hate facing Deathslinger (the only other person I play this game with outside of strangers is my niece and she HATES him) I really dont mind. Though he has a good power for tunneling I think I’ve only ever seen one Deathslinger actually do that (of course, my experience isnt everyone else’s.) I like his music, I think he’s an interesting killer, and he definitely provides a different experience. Personally, I’m not a Huntress fan, but to each their own.
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Just chains of hate in general.
I felt that DBD was at it's high point during chains of hate.
The last truly great chapter all round.
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Been playing a ton of him and I find him fun to go against survivors as well.
Sure the aiming feels off but once you get the hang of it, it really makes things interesting in loops. I've gotten lunges around walls that I will never forget.
I also enjoy running stealth on him, especially on the new Red Forest maps. I've gotten some good jumpscares at the huntress' shack.
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I think Huntress and Deathslinger are kinda apples and oranges in regards to ranged killers to go against... fortunately, I like apples and oranges. But seriously, I enjoy going against and playing as Deathslinger a lot, even though I do get sacrificed to Entity at the hands of Deathslinger... more than I care to admit 😅