Will Singularity become one of the lowest picked killers?

Ever since his release day when I have seen 2-3, I have not seen them since then. I've seen more twins than him and I thought it would change with the buffs from the 7.0.1 patch but he is still yet to be seen. Is this just me or is nobody using him? I mean I've seen way more twins when their chapter came out than I have the singularity which is quite shocking.
He’s just weak against any semi decent team.
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After all his changes he's certainly not a bad killer, he's just hard to play and not very fun for most people. Similar to Artist in a way.
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I've seen more Knight this past month than Twins and people used to say the same thing about Knight.
Singularity has a sort of appeal the way Knight has even if his gameplay might not be as exciting, I am sure it fills a sort of need for sci-fi killers. Like I assume people who are playing/trying out Knight is cause they find his concept cool more than anything. Twins doesn't really have a category they could fit easily aesthetically.
Post edited by JustAnotherNewbie on5 -
Well when they make a killer so safe that no body plays them its an issue
Anyone rember when pyrmid head was released his power was so good m2 was your answer for everything there's not 1 thing that this killer dose better than the rest of them
dredge mobility is better
Artists surveillance is better
Knights anti loop is better
Huntress time to down is better and she can't even move fast
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Very weak in chase if the survivors hold an emp.. you're most of the time using the pods to "patrol" gens.. it's very high risk if you try to use pods during chases and miss but if you land is rewarding but not worth it considering gens are flying nowdays.
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Super high skill floors don't match well with mediocre powers. There will be a few Singularity mains but other than those you probably won't see the killer in the future.
It's sad honestly. They went out of their way to make this killer fun to play against and added a million safety measures, so that even the most mindless baby Meg would have a good time against this killer and completely forgot that all of this won't matter when nobody wants to play as the killer.
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I think so. Some will main him and destroy every kind of team (including SWFs). Kinda like SM. I wonder those desperate to face him will have nicknames for him to express their hatred.
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There's 32 Killers now.
A Killer has to be extremely popular to be seeing them with any frequency.
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The Singularity outclasses a lot of killers, and I personally don’t think it’s weak. But it’s good that the devs anre appealing to the most common demograph (low to mid-skilled survivors). Not every killer needs to be as oppressive as Blight or invalidating as Nurse. I hope in the future they make more killers as fair and balanced as this one. And I hope you personally play them, and only them.
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He's an extremely easily countered killer by any remotely competent group of survivors.
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There's too many things to do with all these recent killers, too much to keep track of, that's why I personally like doc, just zap, and blast
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You forget that most survivors aren't that bad. The vast majority of all players are in mid MMR range. This killer is specifically designed to be as easy to counter as possible. Singularity is not oppressive in any way. That might sound good but it only makes this killer undesirable to play, which makes it irrelevant how nice it is to go against this killer.
They did a good job designing a killer that is fun to play against. But that is useless, if no one wants to play it. You can make an argument that Singularity isn't so bad when you become good with it but who wants to put in a lot of hours on a killer that is outclassed anyway. Why not play Wesker, Blight, Oni or Huntress instead? They are all much stronger and have lower skill floors.
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It's been quite the opposite. Generally your pods will be down all the time if you only put them at gens. If spreader throughout the map properly you can hit most survivors. If they emp, they'll just hit again by a different pod in the right circumstances or you teleport before they can pull the emp off
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The thing is at least with Artist you're never locked out of her power and Artist power is very strong when mastered.
Singularity's power you not only have to deal with survivors being able to hard counter your power, but you can just be on a map that doesn't allow you to do much with your power anyways. And the worst part is the reward is medicore since Overclock's duration is so short. He just doesn't excel at anything to warrant using him.
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"Artists surveillance is better"
On what planet is Artist better at surveillance than Singularity? At most you can make an argument that in the first minute or so of the game you get better intel with Artist or possibly certain maps like Lerys. But once Singularity gets his pods distributed throughout the map there isn't a killer with better intel than Singularity.
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Constantly changing the point of view is tiresome. I don't think i will be playing him very often.
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Also let's not forget Artist's power has no vertically to it. Meaning maps with multi-levels or even maps that have a gen on a different level, make it harder for her to surveil.
The main difference is that Artist's surveillance is more threatening, because of the risk of follow up for a damage state whereas Singuarlity can often not be able to do anything from his bipod location.
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“That bad” is relative. All we know for sure is most survivors don’t escape their trials. The kill rate indicates an average of 2.5-3K.
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I'm glad it's quite the oppossite for you not what I've experienced myself. That said. Point stands the power is very high risk and moderate reward in a game where you can lose up to 3-4 gens before you could down someone specially with todays meta.
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I'm seeing him regularly. Haven't seen a SM in weeks though
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Playing Singularity really makes it obvious that the devs don’t play the Killers they design.
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Idk i've seen him plenty. I haven't seen anyone use The Dredge at all though
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That feels more like time and attention is being put into the wrong area. The very beginning of the game is when the Singularity has the most strength because it's impossible for survivors to have a emp so there's no counter.
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He's great fun to play against so I really hope killers continue to play him. I can't see myself playing as him though as he is difficult to play well.
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And even that is old data. Like, really old. Almost a year at this point. And the game has changed a lot since. We really have no idea about the current kill rates. I estimate they are about 55% but that is only a guess.
And for BHVR to react as quickly as they did with Singularity, I think that shows just how bad it was underperforming. Now, it's a little bit better still I don't see a reason to play as it. If I want to put myself in a losing position I'll play pallet Freddy. If I want to play a hard killer, I'll play Oni or Billy. Singularity just doesn't stick out in anything other than mediocrity.
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I really, really like Singularity, but his power feels like a second job. It's just rarely fun to use.
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Ummm Artist power synergizes verrrry well with DMS and being able to scout 3 gens at the same time while also moving around the map is also better.
Singularity has to switch between pods that may or may not be EMP'd while being stationary and not really creating pressure.
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Artist doesn't need to stand still and watch around all the cameras taking like two-digit seconds.
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A killer with a high skill ceiling needs high reward, Blight is hard to play as but you get rewarded for it with quick downs, Hux is hard to play as, you spend all that time setting up, but you get nothing for it because your progress just gets deleted by an EMP, it just feel’s frustrating to play as, i set up all these cameras, quick switch between all them with required map knowledge just about tag a survivor, oh never mind I have to replace all my cameras and do it again.
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I missed the first week of release while out of town, and have yet to play against him. I've seen a Twins and a Freddy, but no Singularity. It's purely anecdotal, I haven't seen a Pinhead in that timeframe either and don't consider him in anyway rare.
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I see it more than several other killers (Hag, Freddy, Skull Merchant, Trapper, Hillbilly, Knight to name a few). It’s not much to go by but I think the Singularity will remain decently popular.
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Fine let me rephrase that then
Artist has more consistent surveillance with a usable power
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I don’t know if they’ll be able to tune him much more than where he’s at now. Just the understanding the camera orientation is the only problem I really have.
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SUrvivors may not be bad, but to play good as a team you need co-ordination. Survivors not on SWF have an inherent disadvantage due to lack of communication. On top of that the matchmaking doesn't ensure survivors of the same skill level always get matched. You could have differing levels of experience in a lobby. Even being in a SWF with your mate doesn't mean both of you know how to play well, or know enough.