Do YOU think 'Made For This' is going to get nerfed?

Just looking for a Yes/No - Reasoning is not necessary.
In the next update? Probably not.
Do I think it will eventually? (as in sometime within the next year) Yes.
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It will eventually be nerfed. Just a matter of time. Could be next patch or the next meta shake up patch but it will be nerfed sooner or later.
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Yes. No doubt about it. It's basically the DH story all over again.
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Yes, in like four years later.
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Yes, After next DLC hits and we have even worse perks to worry about.
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Not right know, only after the potatoe harvest in august.
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I think it's staying as a draw to buying the chapter, will get nerf later on in the year
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Yea next mid chapter
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Maybe, but the main "nerf" it needs is just to not stack with other perks. An extra 3% isn't great, but it's not especially awful until you've got four people doing circles around a boon totem with Hope, Shadow Step, and Dark Theory.
While we're on the subject, it's interesting that it does the exact same thing as Dark Theory, except better and with no drawbacks.
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People hate it when the other side has interesting perks, imo.
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I think it will be in the future. I hope its sooner than later
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Yeah, It's as interesting as old eruption.
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Eruption was interesting. Call Or Brine was interesting. Why couldn't killers keep them? You see where this is going right
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Not in the same way, imo.
Lethal is interesting. It's a good perk that the vast majority of players will never utilize to its full potential that also had calls for nerfs.
Hyperfocus is interesting. It's basically the same situation as MFT. Hypothetically, Hyperfocus is extremely OP. In practicality, not so much.
MFT is a win harder perk. It will not carry you to wins that you do not deserve. There are FEW perks left that can and I think that's probably for the best.
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I do think MFT is carrying people to wins they don't deserve. Been using MFT + hope lately and ive gotten easy escapes which i probably didnt always deserve. Personally i'd just be happy if they take the haste stacking off. Thats my biggest issue.
Getting to endgame doesnt mean you should get easy escape as a survivor.
Post edited by Hannacia on14 -
It probably will at some point, but it's not likely to be changed for a while if the 7.0.2 bugfix is anything to go by
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Hope is doing 99% of the heavy lifting in the end-game.
In almost every case, Hope would have won you the game.
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Eruption is also a win harder perk, it will not carry you unless you can consistently down survivors.
Just like any regression perks carried killers for winning, so does MFT, thinking like it will not is ridiculous.
Or we could even say nurse was fine because statistically majority did not managed to utilize it's full potential.
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I'd sooner believe they would do the usual counter perk solution. And then it'll get nerfed because the rng nature of maps makes it super dumb... like shattered hope and COH
When a survivor does [anything], they become exhausted for 10 seconds.
Perk has a 300 second cooldown
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And how exactly is it doing that?
How come I still see really good survivors like Ayrun going down to killers in the end game even with the combo?
How come in soloqueue my teammates still die 70% of the time even with the perks?
Your experience seems to be way different than mine so I'm wondering if they're using a different perk.
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i mean it just a matter of time if people keep complaining about it this frequently. It reaching dh/eruption level
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You did not need to consistently down Survivors in order to get massive value from Eruption, you just needed one or two to get 50+ seconds of time waste.
Thinking the average player can utilize 3% Haste is ridiculous, just like thinking the average player can knock out 6 Hyperfocus skill checks
Not even going to dignify the Nurse comment wirh a real response.
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See, ultimately you are literally just telling "no it's different" without actually thinking the value of those perks, disregarding nurse "just because it's nurse" already tells you didn't even try to use your brain, when it's exactly same situation as those perks.
Thinking any decent survivors can't utilize 3% haste is ridiculous, all they need to do is just run and it will give them value literally no matter what, it's just a fact.
You just need to let killers break a pallet or two and it will immensely increase the chase duration, even 100 hour survivors can do that.
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Perks can still be broken, even if they aren't as good for the average player. Because if we are balancing for the average player, then Nurse is completely fine because she's definitely not overperforming at the average MMR level.
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Hope increases the effectiveness of MFT.
Hope is 7/15= 46.6%
MFT is 3/8=37.5%
Normal MFT is 3/15=20%
So when Hope is combined with MFT the effectiveness of MFT is nearly doubled in value
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Yeah but I wish they take sloppy as well so I don't spend 2 hours in a game if I intend to at least try to escape.
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You need to define what broken means.
I've seen MFT and OoO compared but the difference is old object was gamebreaking because permanent wall hacks which is uncountable in a swf but only helped the user in soloquue. So it's not really a gotcha because they're completely different cases.
Nurse is also not the same because she's gamebreaking as well due to her base kit ignoring rules of the game similarly in nature to tombstone Myers.
MFT? It's strong, very strong and could be op in the hands of good loopers. But honestly comparing it to actual gamebreaking things is folly imo.
Ghostface, Myers, Billy, Bubba, etc all have ways of skipping a health state and are all considered some of the weakest killers. If you're having to two hit to get downs you're probably losing anyways. So I don't believe the perk is making them unplayable.
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Currently, based on nightlight data (not official one), MFT are making thier way to the top.
And also, most killers are sub 55% kill rate, some even sub 50%. I wonder why
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Yes. Not soon but eventually, either when BHVR decides to kill an other batch of popular perks to "shake up the meta" or when they get tired of people complaining about it.
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It most likely will, when? Who knows.
Average or below average killer players are having a tough time with it so I don't think it will take them long to nerf it. I think they want to metrics to line up first.
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Its in the meta now so it will definitely get changed at some point.
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Eruption hurt solo players while SWFs laughing to it. It was very unfair perk. CoB was fine tho
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It probably will get nerfed eventually, but not nearly as soon as it should get nerfed.
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And MFT + Hope and even MFT hurts M1 killers and even 4.4 killers. Its the same thing isnt it? People will always defend powerful perks and MFT would be probably ok on its own but the fact that it stacks with hope and other haste perks is the problem, at least in my eyes. Keep the perk i don't care but take the stacking away.
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Hope no
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Yes i believe it will sadly, these sad killer mains cant stand to let survivors have a decent perk without complaining for it to be nerfed 24/7.
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Lol no!
Reason is, the survivors that use it, want to get chased. So their escape rate probably doesn´t stick out. And since the devs only look at the stats, they won´t touch it.
Just like OoO or DS, they werent seen as a problem by the devs for a very, very long time.
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Stacking is problem, yes. We agree on this.
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Yes, but not very soon.
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Yes it will be nerfed. The only people who think that a perk like this is fine are the same people who think old DH was fine. "Just wait it out." Remember that? It's super strong and breaks the game at a fundamental level, on top of the fact a perk like this should never exist it also is just free, you do nothing at all to earn this extremely powerful speed buff.
This is old MOM imo, they are gonna nerf the ######### out of this perk and it absolutely deserves it but my hunch is they made it op on purpose to increase sales for the dlc since every dlc since Wesker has been a massive stinker.
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Eruption carried killers to wins
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What are those numbers?
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I do think Nurse is fine right now, honestly.
She's still undeniably OP in chase, but I think without her Range add-ons being busted, she's lost her ability to have good map pressure
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Clearly, you need to spend more time in Solo Q and less time insulting me if you think most Survivors are going to get massive value from this perk.
Even good Survivors that I've played against don't get huge value from this perk. Wanna know why? I don't chase them for the entire game.