Meatball is, simply not fun.

Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

Gave the Singularity an honest attempt tonight and he is just not fun to play as.

Biopods are extremely confusing. You have next to NOTHING to get your bearings when using the cameras. It's the single most confusing thing Iv ever played in DbD where Im having to 2nd guess I even went into the right camera. And there's good odds that I didn't go to the one I wanted anyway leading to more confusion! There's also visual clutter EVERYWHERE making it hard as hell to see what you're looking at if you can even see at all. Macmillan maps are the worst so far for visual clutter as you can't place camera too high or you'll very easily put a boipod in the leaves of a tree making you 95% blind. And if it's an indoor map? Sorry, you're not seeing crap.

The cameras are just not good to use. Im constantly lost and Im a person who normally has a good sense of direction and doesn't get lost!

Then there's slipstream tagging Survivors. If you can manage to tag someone and they stay tagged while you're chasing them. It's great! You're nearly unstoppable in fact with how there's next to nothing Survivors can do but slow you down. Overpowered I dare to say. But the odds of a slipstream tag lasting longer than a few seconds is next to nil. In all of the games I played tonight, only managed to land 8 hits post teleport according to Steam and managed to use my power in a chase like 2-3 times over several games. Every, single, other, time I tagged a Survivor they had an EMP. Almost without fail Survivors had an EMP.

It felt like I have a NEGATIVE power, one where you got punished for trying to use it!

In short. Meatball is not fun to play as, his power is extremely confusing to use, using his power is more often than not a waste of time from EMPs, and Meatball is likely the most screwed over by map RNG as without line of sight you might as well not have a power.

Im honestly seeing shy there's people claiming there's no one playing Meatball.


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    29 Survivor games, 0 Singularity.

    I don't want to play Singulartiy much either, maybe one match if I am in the mood but then go back to different killers.

    His power is just not that rewarding considering you have to do a lot of things quickly, it can backfire you, cameras are very sensitive to anything standing in Its way, you can see 80% body of someone, nope still won't tag them. And when you finaly have someone infected, it doesn't take much at all to remove it and start over again, teamwork hurts this killer more than your avarage killer too.

    I think you will see more Knights and Skull Merchants than this killer.

  • MrSlayer
    MrSlayer Member Posts: 189

    Maybe you should play him a little more, he's not easy to get started with. I place pods near gens that interest me and use them as a point of reference. If you start spraying pods at random you will just confuse yourself. You can also place one or two near bigger spaces that survs often cross. It helps to know maps. Unfortunately Singularity is a strategic killer like Trapper.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    Its so easy to fix too! Emps are clearly the issue... so stop having them autogenerate??? I thought they were supposed to be built in slowdown for tagging the surv. Slowdown? Dont you mean finding an emp thats been autogenerated in about 10s? Its also incredibly stupid that one emp can eliminate every single tag AND any cameras in range. Just a fast track to being unplayable vs good swfs who understand keeping up emps is an easy win.

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    That's what I mainly did. And it was what lead to so much confusion. It just got to the point where I didn't know what I was looking at when going from camera to camera. The only way it felt good was to plop a pod and never move the camera. But leaving a pod at a gen would certainly mean it would be EMPed most of the time.

    Gonna keep putting effort into Meatball and give different strats a try. But Im doubting Im gonna "click" with this Killer and likely will dump him after unlocking perks/achievements.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    So is this three failed chapters in a row?

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Hardly. Knight is a very good killer after his midpatch. Skull Merchant I veer on because survivors clearly hate playing her, but she hardly feels terrible to play as.

    Singularity is definitely a good killer. Once I got past the adept challenge and they did his smaller patches, he feels fine to me now. I will grant that the camera disorientation thing is still a source of frustration, but it needs to move quickly or the power becomes too punishing (slowing down the power for orientation purposes).

  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,033

    Also, the survivors from these last three chapters are also far from failures. The primary complaints for two of them is that survivors don't have fun playing against them. The singularity, people are still getting used to him mixed with not bothering.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475

    It's more to do with how popular the chapters are. Vittorio is actually decently popular but very few people play Knight. The Lyra siblings aren't all that popular and SM is the most hated killer by a wide margin. I rarely see anyone playing Gabriel even so soon after his release and Singularity dropped off just as quickly and the buffs haven't really got people to pick him up again.

    None of the last three chapters have done that well, with Vittorio being the only character that ended up actually being fairly popular and that's because he was a thirst trap.

  • Chewy102
    Chewy102 Member Posts: 613

    Can't honestly say. Took a long break from DbD and never played as Skull or Knight. Mainly bought this chapter for the perks. Made for This is an obviously good perk, but Meatball has a decent perk as well with Forced Hesitation. But perks is another debate and not the point here.

    Meatball himself. Wouldn't call him a "failed" Killer. Confusing and counter productive at times, but Iv seen his good sides as well and he has potential. Problem is that he's too strong and too weak at the same time.

    EMPs ruin Meatball. Makes using his power a negative overall with how common they are making Meatball feel really weak. But at the same time, if you manage to chase someone that's slipstream tagged. Meatball is damned near overpowered in there being almost NOTHING Survivors can do against him instantly breaking every pallet and teleporting non stop. Gave it some thought and here's a few suggestions in no real order.

    1, EMPs need to not be auto crafted.

    Even after EMPs got several nerfs, they are extremely common. They take near zero commitment to get and are everywhere. So one change is to treat EMPs like any other chest. Force Survivors to spend time sitting at a printer printing an EMP. Also would make it so that a Survivor can't print another EMP if they already have one and give each printer a recharge timer. There needs to be a cost for totally shutting down a Killer's power.

    2, slipstream tags need to be removed on hit.

    Meatball being able to tag someone and teleport to them 4 times is already strong. Instantly breaking pallets on TP, kicking pallets really quick, being immune to stuns plus having free Spirit Fury, and fast vaults are all really strong! That isn't bad at all, strong but since you need to tag with a slipstream without with the risk of EMPs it's more or less fair. The problem is when you manage to land a hit and instantly repeat teleports again. Chaining non stop teleports, instantly breaking who knows how many pallets, and more for both hits of a chase is just too strong. So landing a hit should remove the tag to give Survivors a chance to get away after said hit.