give me your DBD hot takes

heres two from me, both kinda linked together after attempting to use a fun build with my duo and getting tunnelled + camped most times:

  1. DBD should not have been so focused on being competitive, and having a competitive side to it has caused most if not all of the problems around balancing for both perks and powers. if multiple other highly successful games can have a seperation between casual and ranked, why cant dbd? it cant now because so many perks and mindsets are rooted into being competitive that a whole operation health would be needed.
  2. Head on should highlight the locker you are in for the whole team.


  • Justa335i
    Justa335i Member Posts: 223

    1 - Competitive Mode is extremely important and should be implemented. If your goal is to increase your rank, killing yourself on hook / DCing would hurt you.

    2 - Blight needs all of his exploits removed and an add-on rework.

    3 - Spirits attack for 3-5 seconds after phasing should be a special attack and not a basic M1, similar to the nurse change.

    4 - Survivors should have to be on a generator for 10+ seconds to stop it from regressing.

    5 - The Killer should see the final survivors aura for 10 seconds once the hatch opens. If the survivor is in a locker, the killer should get killer instinct.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Slugging for the 4k should be removed or have a higher risk.

    The whole basekit UB was bad for the whole team, but it would make sense to activate once two survivors are left.

    The game doesn't reward skillful players (both survivor and killer) who actually interact, it instead rewards those who play as uninteractive as possible (doing gens only when it's safe and then hiding, never getting aggro, not engaging in chases etc.). The Unbroken emblem should change. You should lose points if you go unhooked all game and your whole team dies. If you use your hook states as resources and get as many out as possible, that should count as a positive score. If you all survive and you never got hooked that should also be an Iri emblem. it's just stupid that the game rewards you for being so selfish, when at this point we've come to the conclusion that even hook states are resources to be used.

    Killers in my games seem to hate survivors who are decent/good to chase and majority of the time they give hatch or exit gates to the person that deserves it less (usually the guy who's been hiding for the majority of the game and never takes aggro).

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Slugging for 4K should be removed, though I prefer the slugged 3rd survivor allowed to suicide, if they have unlimited time to self pick up when there are still Gens left, its pointless to prolong the game. Beside, 3rd survivor suicide when dying would instantly spawn Hatch, instead of taking 10sec, thats already a punishing to killers.

    I dont think we should punish Killers that able to down all 4 survivors because its survivors' mistake. But I would like survivors to have ability to suicide and end the game immediately instead of laying there for 4min.

    1. You cant stop players who as good as Otz to join Casual mode to stomp survivors, or Ayrun squad to stomp killer. There is already competitive mode: high MMR for players who try hard to win to play against try hard to win.
  • ReverseVelocity
    ReverseVelocity Member Posts: 4,900

    Release Freddy was actually a pretty good killer once you managed to learn how his power worked properly. He was largely misunderstood due to bhvr failing to telegraph important parts of his power to the killer player, mainly the Dream Transition invisibility.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,815

    All healing should have stayed at 20 seconds, even self-healing with medkits.

    With how crazy % give healing perks, you hardly see them in matches, which suggests that healing is too comfortable.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,142

    I agree with your first point. I hate Clown but that would make me look forward to playing against him

  • JustAShadow
    JustAShadow Member Posts: 179
    • Deathslinger is extremely underrated and is a stronger killer than Huntress against good players.
    • Bond and Kindred should be basekit survivor mechanics.
    • Distortion is overtuned in its' current form.
    • DS and DH are both still very strong perks.
    • Hag is overrated and is C tier at best if survivors know what they are doing.
  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534
    • Knight is the most boring killer in the game and one of the worst designed. He has a 1 note playstyle which only allows survivors to hold forward. He is also super reliant on low rarity add-ons to use his power properly (dried horse meat and map of the realm)
    • Gen regression and progression perks shouldn’t exist or should be heavily restricted. They handicap build variety by either being so bad they’re useless or so good they can carry killers/survivors to a skill level they don’t belong. We seen this with the CoB/Overcharge meta which was by far the worst killer meta the game has faced
    • Skull merchant’s design is fine. Her weapon is cool and the mask conceptually fits her character. I understand if you don’t like her but there’s nothing conceptually wrong with how she looks and in my opinion it works well
  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Yeah people act like the 10% haste isn’t much but then complain about MFT’s 3%

    It’s very powerful and allows clown to play nearly any loop even when the pallet is down

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,215

    I'm awful on Survivor and I certainly have my 4head moments as Killer

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 21,215

    How do you figure DS and DH are still very strong perks?

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,094
    edited July 2023

    Nurse's tome did not retcon her original lore.

    Ghostface's original chase music was better than his current one.

    Wesker's chase music is as overrated as himself.

    Skull Merchant's chase music is pretty alright.

    Wesker and Legion's chase music does not fit as chase music.

    Deathslinger's chase music is too long and should be reduce in length.

    DBD do not need complex gameplay or mechanics, it's simplicity is one of it's strengths as it allows anyone to quickly pick it up and jump in.

    Pre-rework MacMillan color tint was awful to look at.

    An operation health patch wouldn't do much for this game other than maybe allow for a few extra features like replay to be supported.

    Old Hillbilly was the third most unfun killer to face next to Blight and Wesker, his rework made him at least a bit more tolerable to face.

    I hope old dbd stays buried and gone for good, the sooner we get rid of or rework all remaining elements from old dbd, the better.

    Bhvr should never have gone for last generation consoles and instead just waited for the next one before releasing dbd on consoles altogether.

    Trickster has more horror to him than half of the killer roster does.

    I hope Stranger Things never returns.

    Popular content creators should not have any more say over the game's balance than anyone else no matter what.

    Core dbd should stay as far away from mobile dbd's cosmetics as possible.

    Competitive mode and casual mode would be a waste of time and resources.

    Meg's deathgarden mask should never have been given out to the public after the game died.

    Rift charms should have their own place in the store.

    Charms should have some minor but cool effects to them when equipped, just like the masquerade invitation Effect that floats around your character's body when collected.

    Artist is way more fun to play as and against than Huntress.

    Post edited by Smoe on
  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    Exactly, he's one of the few killers that can actually make shack somewhat dangerous, and like you said most loops with dropped pallets become dangerous even if they previously looked easy to play on.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,094
  • JustAShadow
    JustAShadow Member Posts: 179

    DS still buys a lot of time if used properly(going down in the area that has any safe tiles, which is very easily achievable with the basekit BT), can be combined with OTR and DH for the ultimate anti-tunnel combo. Only times when it's not a good perk is when you go down with it in a complete deadzone and can't achieve any tile after a stun(which is usually a misplay on survivor part) and against Nurse because, well, Nurse. DH is strong by itself albeit not as strong as SB and Lithe, but it really shines in combo with Made For This which basically means you can have full value of the haste and then press DH to buy even more time. Basically these perks are good individually but are insane in combinations.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,602

    Regarding point 1, I don't think the problem is the competitive elements. It's the ability to be competitive with blatantly non-competitive things that causes frustration. The non-competitive things are the problem, not the other way around. Stacking BNPs are an issue, but those don't have a place in a game that is trying to be competitive. Blight himself isn't an issue. Blatantly non-competitive add-ons like Alc Ring or C33 are the problem.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,504
    edited July 2023

    The only people still playing Dead by Daylight are those poor unfortunate souls who have a terrible addiction to masochism, toxic relationships, and are too broke, blind, and stubborn, to move onto an actually well-designed game.

    Dead Hard, Decisive Strike, and COH all need to be reverted to their OG forms

    OLD DBD was way more balanced because both sides had equally busted things that absolutely ######### all over the other side and it just worked.

    They could adjust kill rates to 60/40, 70/30, 80/20, or whatever. Unless it's 50/50 they are shooting for then it's not truly balanced and by default is an inferior balancing mix. It can't be balanced when the dev's thumb is so heavy on the scale.

    Freddy can stay nerfed

    Crossplay was and always will be a poorly implemented mess that completely null and voids the idea of a fair and equal competitive playing field. Lobbies should be based on perhipherial input. Controllers should face Controllers, and m+kb against m+kb. If you are using controller on PC that's one thing, but lol @ thinking controller vs. m+kb is equal when those pesky little things like dead zones make such a difference.


    Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on
  • HugTheHag
    HugTheHag Member Posts: 3,140
    edited July 2023
    • The more competitive mindset that many people are evolving towards is making the game less fun.
    • Content creators are responsible for a lot of this mindset.
    • Most SWFs are not significantly more successful than solos, and even if they were, that's what mmr is for
    • Lobby dodging is understandable if there's a TTV in your lobby, as you're not asking to be broadcasted to strangers
    • Adding voice chat to the game would create more problems than it would solve
    • Nurse is fun to go against
    • Pinhead is fun to go against
    • Doctor is fun to go against
    • Hag has more than enough counters, didn't need the base kit disarming traps
    • Corrupt Intervention should have a base kit version that's shorter
    • Grim Embrase could be base kit as is (or at least tier 1), and should have a stronger version for the perk (would be a good time for survivors to search chests and break totems without feeling like they're sabotaging their teams too)
    • Two contradicting opinions can be true at the same time, just at different mmrs or experience level
    • Winstreakers deserve every obstacle the game throws their way
    • If you're playing chill and start to lose more, trying to compensate by going sweaty is just gonna take you further away from your comfort zone and you'll be stuck in an unenjoyable bracket
  • Chomperka
    Chomperka Member Posts: 188

    Wesker is the worst killer in the game. No, he is powerful, but his ability is just frustrating, clunky, underdeveloped. It's really is "best design, worst implementation". Grabbing and throwing survivors is nice and pretty fun, but why his ability relies so much on "f" bugs? Rebound, urobound, changing throw side... Without them Wesker is just weak killer whose ability just doesn't work on half of the spots in the game. Oh, did i told you about his interaction with highgrounds? Half of highgrounds work with his ability, other half stops it. 1cm change in ground height may stop your ability and free already grabbed survivor. It's just stupid and no killer should work like that.

    Sad BHVR probably will never change him because people for some reason really like buggy and underdeveloped killer.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333
    edited July 2023

    As someone who used to enjoy playing Clown, I find afterpiece antidotes stupid even if they objectively make him better. It came at the cost of builds I enjoyed which was so alienating that I stopped playing him. They never should have went in that direction because what he gained still didn't make him any better it just ruined the play experience for a fair amount of us older Clown players.

    Made For This's 3% is a million times more accessible than Machine Learning's 10% which is not only time gated, but has a ridiculous setup restriction of kicking two gens and then letting survivors finish the gen. The killer has basically no control over the usage of their own perk and it has always and will always feel bad to have perks centered around the concept of "you need to willingly lose objective control to gain benefits". It's literally perk where if you're doing well you'll likely to never get it when it would be useful and if you're doing poorly it isn't really going to help you turn things around. There are easier ways to get undetectable and there are better haste effects with lower haste values that are much more accessible conditions. Made For This gives a constant 3% just because you got injured and you keep that 3% as long as you stay injured and don't lose it unless you're exhausted. That's worth being concerned about.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Sadako is A tier Killer that has anti-loop power in a form of invisibility to trick Survivors on loops. She has the best teleport in the game, she hits you with a condement and is right next to you. She has base kit mori that you can use. She is the best killer in the game in indoor maps with two floors and can easy mori the whole team.

  • EmmaFrostyEyes
    EmmaFrostyEyes Member Posts: 685

    feng min sucks and has some of the worst outfits in this game.

    resident evil 1 chapter was better than 2 content wise.

    haddonfield is balanced. It’s terrible for both sides.

    flashlights should be deleted from the game

    jill deserved better perks

  • EmmaFrostyEyes
    EmmaFrostyEyes Member Posts: 685

    disagree. Ds isnt good. It doesnt stop tunneling. It just delays it for a bit and then you go down again. If it was so good then killers would respect it like the previous one. That ds killers left you slugged alot because they know a 5 second stun is punishing. Killers don’t respect it anymore. You can go down by a pallet and it doesnt matter. The killer still chases you with minimal distance. Also yeah it can be combined with with other perks to make it harder to tunnel, that still doesn’t mean its good. Dead hard and off the record are doing most of the damage. I think ds is a dead perk slot. It needs the 5 seconds back or make it activate 2 times

    i do agree with you on dead hard tho. I think the perk is still good. Killers don’t respect it either but you can play normally with it and it is still effective.

  • nars
    nars Member Posts: 1,124

    nurse is balanced right now, people just dont know how to counter her.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,249
    edited July 2023
    • The word 'Tech' has completely lost all meaning and the line between actual techs and exploits has been blurred so much that most people either assume they mean the same thing or only use the word 'tech' when they like it and the word 'exploit' when they don't like it.
    • People misconstrue 'Casual player' as 'bad player' or 'player who doesn't care about winning or playing well' when the actual definition of a casual player is someone who just tries to enjoy the game for what it is without trying to minmax their experience, take the game too seriously or just plays the game how they want to.
    • Calling other players "pub players" is stupid because there's no official comp mode but it's even more stupid when it's used as an insult/reference to someone's level of play. Some people do it purely to gatekeep or ego stroke
    • Treating Camping/Tunnelling as a taboo thing that you shouldn't do ever is an extremely harmful mindset that new players pick up from the community and it further perpetuates the divide between the people who play the roles. Of course, the same goes for SWFing, Genrushing and the like. In a nutshell, it's completely fine to dislike a tactic or think it's xyz but don't take it out on players.
    • The new flashlight save timing is too generous and takes little to no skill compared to how it used to be. The only way you mess up a flashlight save right now is by not getting an angle or blinding way too early with good ping.
    • These forums are far better for people wanting to discuss the game than twitter or reddit. DBDTwitter is full of people so full of themselves just begging for attention, likes and so on whereas Reddit has that echochamber problem where having an opinion people don't like = downvoted and hidden.
    • Garden of Joy is overhated by the Killer community. It is by no means the most balanced map ever, but I would rather play on Garden of Joy instead of a lot of other maps.
    • The recent tide of fanservice/thirst crowd pandering is incredibly cringe and I'm sick of seeing it. From the DBDTwitter runner to the in game anniversary quotes, cosmetics and the like.
  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    never understood the whole pub players thing

    literally 99.5% of the player base are pub players

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    Artist is one of the most well designed killers for both sides. I think people are super wrong when they say she has no 4v1 map presence and the only thing you can do against her in a chase is holding W.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    Honestly the Knight take isn’t even a hot take. It’s just mostly facts.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039

    I think my issue with the artist is the boring place crow at other side of loop gameplay an artist who snipes with severed hands and the shoes add on is scary

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,249

    Some people genuinely use it as an insult/a way to prop themselves up for ego related reasons. I've faced many people with "comp" in their steam bio, steam group or w/e and they call you a "pub bot" if you don't play the way they expect you to or if you outplay them. It's a cope

    Though, most people just use it to differentiate regular players from people who play comp... For some reason. Until they add an official comp mode it's kinda pointless to make the distinction

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,783

    Spasmodic Breath should be basekit on Nurse. That's the only nerf she needs.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322

    Lucky Break should apply to self-healing.

  • 1ettuce
    1ettuce Member Posts: 1,141
    edited July 2023

    1 Anti camp feature should be active in endgame

    2 Hit and run is a boring and lazy playstyle that only gets downs vs uncoordinated teams and should not be encouraged

    3 Survivors should be able to see each other's aura at all times (and ofc balanced around such a feature exisitng)

    4 Map of the realm shouldn't be fully basekit on knight, the vision expansion speed increase is fine but the max distance is obnoxious and unnecessary

    5 The last DH change was absolute garbage and moves it only like a few spots down on a tier list

    6 MFT+hope isn't such a big deal, MFT itself is

    7 Stbfl should lose stacks on M2s

    8 Sb lithe and overcome are braindead perks

    9 Hatch should be removed/reworked

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,232

    The base regression rate should be one-third of survivor repair speed instead of one-fourth. To ensure the 3-gen meta can’t come back, CoB and OC should have their increased regression rates removed and replaced with something else. Ruin would also be fine the way it is without any further changes if this happened.

    STBFL, Nowhere to Hide, Adrenaline, and Distortion are all too strong and should be nerfed:

    -Distortion’s token system is not really a limiting factor at all against most killers.

    -NTH is too strong on high mobility killers and should be centered around the generator instead of the killer.

    -Adrenaline is better than all other endgame perks in most situations (only Hope can sometimes compete) and playing most of the game with 3 perks is not as hard as people make it out to be.

    -STBFL is way too strong for camping and doesn’t have adequate counterplay against m2 killers for how strong its effect is.

    NOED is mostly fine now but should be deactivated if the killer hooks a survivor within 24m of the totem to remove that uncounterable aspect of it.

    PGTW was overbuffed, it should’ve either been 25% of current or 15% of total.

    Trapper is one of the most boring killers to face even though he’s not strong.

    Perks like Left Behind and Low Profile that encourage selfish play are unhealthy and should be changed.

    Release version Circle of Healing was the strongest perk in the game at that time, even stronger than old DH.

    Wraith is a decent killer. He’s not nearly as bad as people say he is.

  • Deathslinger1of2
    Deathslinger1of2 Member Posts: 158

    Why do you believe he’s a stronger killer than Huntress? (Deathslinger main btw)

  • Deathslinger1of2
    Deathslinger1of2 Member Posts: 158

    Autodidact is underrated.

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 3,094

    Because of leakers whom i feel nothing but scorn and disdain towards, bringing back the Stranger Things dlc will just give them an excuse to stroke their egos and go all ''Look, Stranger Things returned just like we told you it would, we were right all along!''

  • ClownGuy5
    ClownGuy5 Member Posts: 85

    Skull Merchant isnt as bad as people say, they just aren't combating her well enough

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 294

    The new map designs encourage survivors and killers to not learn how to loop correctly but to just throw everything first Touch or to bloodlust

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    I use Severed Hands and Festering Carrion most of the time and I’m an Artist main that loves to go for those long range shots when I can. She is so fun and rewarding when mastering that as it really unlocks Carmina’s full potential.

  • humanbeing1704
    humanbeing1704 Member Posts: 9,039


    honestly doesn’t seem like people know how to loop anymore

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,368

    The 7 anniversary auto break pallet power is the best anti loop in game by a mile

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,534

    Fair enough but I feel people have gone soft on knight since skull merchant exists. It’s understandable people dislike her but that doesn’t mean knight is suddenly fine